Monday, 31 May 2010
Longevity and Loneliness
A report from the Mental Health Council, published this week argues that modern market driven society has led to an increase in human solitude. Relationships are invaluable to our lives but where is this all going? Relationships are essential to cuddle us from human competition of goods and position in the market place. Sociologists have been argueing about the clash between capitalism and the human spirit for wellover a century. They argue loneliness destroys body and soul. The report tells us loneliness makes it harder for us to control our habits and behaviour. Cancer sufferers are more likely to die quicker without friends. Relationships are worth 'investing' in. Why? because they benefit us so get down the pub, get meeting folk, fuck about on facebook.
The difference between this research and older studies is simple. The classic studies of society and loneliness set up an opposition between the human spirit and the market place and argued that consumer society posed a threat to our deeper selves and our ties. Now the spirit and the bond betwen individuals have themselves become commodities, We are told to invest in relationships as we would invest in the stockmarket. We must acquire them as we do material objects.. These lead to health benefits. But why should we want to live longer? Early 20th century studies of lonelines and health by pioneers including Helen Flanders Dunbar spoke of meaningul live, not just longer lives. The aim of life today is just to live longer, we should munch on broccoli to avoid cancer, quaff pomegranite juce to avoid heart disease, go to he gym. We are advised to use all our time to get more time. Health imposes life on us whether we like it or not and at any cost. The report blames contemporay loneliness on rampant indvidalism and as such is an example of that it purpors to critisze. We must be social so we can avoid loneliness, why?so we can live longer?
Get a life, however brief, but make it a significant, meaningful one. None of us know how long we have. Choose friendship carefully and not for personal gain.
The difference between this research and older studies is simple. The classic studies of society and loneliness set up an opposition between the human spirit and the market place and argued that consumer society posed a threat to our deeper selves and our ties. Now the spirit and the bond betwen individuals have themselves become commodities, We are told to invest in relationships as we would invest in the stockmarket. We must acquire them as we do material objects.. These lead to health benefits. But why should we want to live longer? Early 20th century studies of lonelines and health by pioneers including Helen Flanders Dunbar spoke of meaningul live, not just longer lives. The aim of life today is just to live longer, we should munch on broccoli to avoid cancer, quaff pomegranite juce to avoid heart disease, go to he gym. We are advised to use all our time to get more time. Health imposes life on us whether we like it or not and at any cost. The report blames contemporay loneliness on rampant indvidalism and as such is an example of that it purpors to critisze. We must be social so we can avoid loneliness, why?so we can live longer?
Get a life, however brief, but make it a significant, meaningful one. None of us know how long we have. Choose friendship carefully and not for personal gain.
Jonathon Trappe sails across the channel
On friday a beautiful moment in history was made as Yank adventurer croosed the sleave of sea suspended from a cluster of multi coloured helium filled balloons. His 4 hour flight saw a gentle landing in a Dunkirk cabbage patch as he snipped the ballons strings with scissors gently landing him as they floated away. At his peak he was 11000 feet above the sea and evaded a power line by dropping water balast to land safely near the village o Ghyvelde.
He described the crossing as 'Incredibly peaceful, tremendously beauiful'. As the Gendarmes checked him for his legal papers he asked, 'wasn't it everybodys dream?, I mean, didn't you have this dream- grabbing onto a bunch of toy balloons and floating off?'
Trape is a qualified pilot whos ballons were attached to an ordinary office chair,'That iconic rbbon of water seperating the UK from the continent has called to people for generations, tempting them to cross since long before you or I were born. Louis Bleriot crossed in 1909. Bryan Allen in 1979. Yves Rossy crossed in 2008. Yos and Piccard made it; John Jeffries and Blanchard floated through the air above that tiy arm of the Atlantic earlier than anyone. And here it is, the English Channel, continuing to call us. I don't know if it is a Sirens song, or if crossing that rbbon of water will be like breaking the ribbon atthe finishing line. With good luck I will find out today.'
Using his 'spirit cluster', as he calls his craft, he once travelled 109 miles in an overnight flight that qualified Trappe for Guiness world records.
He described the crossing as 'Incredibly peaceful, tremendously beauiful'. As the Gendarmes checked him for his legal papers he asked, 'wasn't it everybodys dream?, I mean, didn't you have this dream- grabbing onto a bunch of toy balloons and floating off?'
Trape is a qualified pilot whos ballons were attached to an ordinary office chair,'That iconic rbbon of water seperating the UK from the continent has called to people for generations, tempting them to cross since long before you or I were born. Louis Bleriot crossed in 1909. Bryan Allen in 1979. Yves Rossy crossed in 2008. Yos and Piccard made it; John Jeffries and Blanchard floated through the air above that tiy arm of the Atlantic earlier than anyone. And here it is, the English Channel, continuing to call us. I don't know if it is a Sirens song, or if crossing that rbbon of water will be like breaking the ribbon atthe finishing line. With good luck I will find out today.'
Using his 'spirit cluster', as he calls his craft, he once travelled 109 miles in an overnight flight that qualified Trappe for Guiness world records.
Neubautens grandparents are now two Fausts. They harboured barder mienhoff terrorists in thier studio whilst wielding power tools, grinding industrial noise sculptures whilst tear gassing thier audience. Faust Is Last finds the god fathers of kraut urban deconstruction almost listenable for the common ear, for the fearless the second disc rips steel and concrete for all true Faust fans who stil hunger for destruction, such beautiful destruction.
Friday, 28 May 2010
Thursday, 27 May 2010
Chair and 'Inspired'
Chair thrills to come shortly and it looks like 'Inspired' catalogue cover and exhibition banner for the Ashton Court show will be skreework.
Angela Yeoman
The 42nd richest woman in Brutainaccording to the Times rich list after she solds on her families quarrying firm. Her family created one of the biggest holes in europe. A vast quarryin the heart of the mendips. I was ignorrant of who she was when i was encouraged to let her open an exhibitrion i had curated ofd furniture and art in frome called 'private parts' . The company that broughtTorr Works aims to reopen Merehead Quarry by 112m releasing 115m tons of limestone. My shame at being associated with this woman of imeasurable lack of morrality. The destruction of land of natural beauty and species significancefor personal greed is disgusting.
The 'jigsaw project' hasnt been explained fully on skreeworld blog. We will carry on, cube by cube, to move Frome , cutting road and pavement with Stuhl saw and swapping cube for cube with her hole in the earth. Encourage by rock defence clearance so travellers can set up site. We will act with stealth but hunger for the battle when we get caught.
The 42nd richest woman finds herself on skreewoeld poor list. The hole in some of Britains most beautiful land that gave her personal wealth that she won't spend. Nothing wrong with wealth but spend to keep the country moving. As she digs closer to Jesse let her beware. Iceland should be a message to all who mess with Jesse.
The 'jigsaw project' hasnt been explained fully on skreeworld blog. We will carry on, cube by cube, to move Frome , cutting road and pavement with Stuhl saw and swapping cube for cube with her hole in the earth. Encourage by rock defence clearance so travellers can set up site. We will act with stealth but hunger for the battle when we get caught.
The 42nd richest woman finds herself on skreewoeld poor list. The hole in some of Britains most beautiful land that gave her personal wealth that she won't spend. Nothing wrong with wealth but spend to keep the country moving. As she digs closer to Jesse let her beware. Iceland should be a message to all who mess with Jesse.
Shipley Ripper
So glad they got the criminology student that murdered three troubled girls in Bradfords red light area. If you know the area it is a short walk from the bastards flat to lumb Lane, to Heaton where Sonia Sutcliffe still lives. I was in tears the other night remembering Sutcliffe, the sexually inadequate that stalked the streets of my youth, to hear another monster was out there. The stigma toward girls on the game still exists. 40 year old Stephen Griffiths, lets forget him. Someone will do justice if I know northern prisons.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
I wasn't born to follow
And all I see in the field of craft furniture is a circle of centrifugal force. As more link up through MDFA, DMOU , the further the intospection grows. The idea of group unity, a mighty force to persuade the world began before this. When I began the furniture designer makers numbered 30 odd. After 20 years of students and new faces looking in a sad , depressing thing has happened. I have seen it first hand. Those first 30 were all pursuing thier own avenues. As the vast 2nd generation joined there were few further ideas. Yes, the odd one was brave or strange enough to not care and walk a new path. Sadly now, there is just a sea of objects, a blur, an interchangeable sea of designer makers wading up to thier knees in blood. The DMOU forum had moments of creative expansion. Cheltenham, the barometer of the up and coming is homogenous. Those with something new to offer avoid the 'woodies' like the plague. I watched a programme called 'the school of saatchi' where students tried to impersonate what had gone before in the hope of approval and acceptance in to a club that no longer exists. I got out of teaching 10 years ago because I could no longer sell them the myth. I couldnt lie anymore to students buzzed up thinking Cheltenham was some kind of achievement. I read a comment today from the Millinery Works catalogue from David Savage suggesting that this was a goldn age of craftsmanship, a stolen quote from an article by Jez Broun from years ago when there was One. Now is a poor time for craft furniture with few genuine innovators ou there. I wont follow. I have noticed all the creative minds gradually drop away from commenting on the DMOU forum whilst the buisness minded have taken over. As with the x factor tv, mediocre creatives with technical skill are all the rage. Creativity, true new views of possibility and beauty have been abandoned for the sake of money.
The explosion of creativity collided with commerce and a generation of those who sought attention irespective of creativ vision has caused a homogenity of anonymous objects. Like Punk, the first generation of bands all sounded different, the second generation, looking for punk approval all sounded the same.
I left teaching for my refusal to propogate this approach. I left a group workshop at discust at young makers hunger for attention. I feel personal guilt now, as I did as a teacher, watching someone blindly and enthusiastically plunge in to the void of ego before art.
The explosion of creativity collided with commerce and a generation of those who sought attention irespective of creativ vision has caused a homogenity of anonymous objects. Like Punk, the first generation of bands all sounded different, the second generation, looking for punk approval all sounded the same.
I left teaching for my refusal to propogate this approach. I left a group workshop at discust at young makers hunger for attention. I feel personal guilt now, as I did as a teacher, watching someone blindly and enthusiastically plunge in to the void of ego before art.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Saturday, 22 May 2010
You werent wrong. Guess what, Gormley was on the shortlist for the Olympic public artwork and what was it? A massive steel framed sculpture of Anthony Gormley. Few artists are so bereft of ideas than Gormley. His journey in to narcisstic world domination just gets worse and worse. I hear that when he installed his figures standing on buildings in New York, the police had to warn the public they werent suicidal folk ready to jump but suicide inducing casts of Gormley.
Our imaginations of the monsterous offspring of our cities henry moore amorphous blob works sees an attack of the Gormley Moore Hippomen. Shoot on sight
Our imaginations of the monsterous offspring of our cities henry moore amorphous blob works sees an attack of the Gormley Moore Hippomen. Shoot on sight
Fuck me, there are some shit blogs out there. Just read one about someones cat, thrilling, or the mountain of american small farmer blogs. I had considered tightening up skreeworld as it sprawls and grows weird lumps at all sorts of angles. However, having read some single issue blogs I think I'll stick with natural spread of thought. The one thing I swore to avoid was furniture as furniture, to most people, is realy fucking boring yet even furniture has slipped in. Skreeworld, the haven for the unholy.
I wrote down a rant the other day about Thomas Heatherwick getting to design the new Routemaster for London as Boris aims to trump Livingstones bendy buses and how it depressed me that his advisors sent him down the 'name' route after the terrible lost opportunity of the steel Olympic tower going to Anish Kapour who did a 'Kapour'. Kapours tunnel or trombone vision is an unmistakeable statement of self, a use of his vocabulary of form to impose himself on the Lodon skyline. When I saw that Thomas was doing the new routemaster I just felt that, rather than the best ideas, the big names were getting all the major jobs. I'd written something about how it would be better to have anonymous submissions. Thursdays bbc 2 Culture Show featured Heatherwicks British pavilion. I was blown away, te hairy fibre optic monster is a beauty. The biggest compliment I can pay Thomas is that he isn't about a single style. If you didnt know you would be unlikely to attribute all his works to the same individual.
Of course this has always gone on, Wrens cathedral Brunels 1 death a yard Box tunnel, but just because this has always been the way is a crap argument, take public hanging, bear bating, bull fighting etc. history is no reason to continue doing something. An open anonymous proposal system would dliver the best idea and we wouldnt be stuck with these dinosaurs of culture. Art has come a lon way sinc Kapour was at his creative peak. It feels like the mid 70s when rock giants like Yes, ELP, and Gentals walked the earth. Culture needs a fresh wave. A punk rock, YBA type explosion. There are now more body casts of Anthony Gormley scattered throughot britain than there are people. If they breed with the Henry Moores that wallow, hippo like in our city centres, thier offspring will take over. A job for Dr Who. We must take up arms.
Of course this has always gone on, Wrens cathedral Brunels 1 death a yard Box tunnel, but just because this has always been the way is a crap argument, take public hanging, bear bating, bull fighting etc. history is no reason to continue doing something. An open anonymous proposal system would dliver the best idea and we wouldnt be stuck with these dinosaurs of culture. Art has come a lon way sinc Kapour was at his creative peak. It feels like the mid 70s when rock giants like Yes, ELP, and Gentals walked the earth. Culture needs a fresh wave. A punk rock, YBA type explosion. There are now more body casts of Anthony Gormley scattered throughot britain than there are people. If they breed with the Henry Moores that wallow, hippo like in our city centres, thier offspring will take over. A job for Dr Who. We must take up arms.
Friday, 21 May 2010
Venter 2
Venter is a vietnam veteran. He has seen death. Now a geneticist he used a computer, some common microbes, a DNA synthesizer and 4 bottles of chemicals. fThe geneticists motives are hard to grasp. Whilst raising huge philosophical questions he stands to make vast wealth. Hehas already secured aq deal with Exxon mobil to create algae that can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and convert it in o fuel. His dreams of creating organisms for industry to do exact what we want is no longer a dream. Hs team began with a computer reconstruction of the genome of a common bacteria. This information was fed in to a DNA synthesizer that produced short strands of the bugs DNA. These strands were stitched together by first feeding them nto yeast theninto E coli bacteria. The bugs natural repair mechanisms saw the broken strands and repaired them. After a while, the team had all 1 million letters of the bacterias genome. To mark the genome as synthetic they spliced innocuous DNA including a line from James Joyce, 'To live, to err, to fall, to triumph, to recreate life out of life.' The synthetic genome was transferred in to another common bug, as this bug multiplied, some of it's progeny diched thier own DNA and began using the synthetic genome. Tus transformation began.
This is a quasi religious moment. It could transpire we ceated ourselves. Ethicists are split. Described as a ' Pandoras box' moment, much more significant than the splitting of the atom. The possibilities, as Venter says, are limited by our imaginations. I would add our nature and motives. Though the potentials for destruction are clear, like with the simplest tool such as a hammer we will have our Thomas Chippendales and our Peter Sutcliffes, and that is just a pocket of west yorkshire.
We are in a mess ecologically. Our only way out is to use our heads. This science could save or destroy us yet it seems survival usually wins out. Exciting times.
This is a quasi religious moment. It could transpire we ceated ourselves. Ethicists are split. Described as a ' Pandoras box' moment, much more significant than the splitting of the atom. The possibilities, as Venter says, are limited by our imaginations. I would add our nature and motives. Though the potentials for destruction are clear, like with the simplest tool such as a hammer we will have our Thomas Chippendales and our Peter Sutcliffes, and that is just a pocket of west yorkshire.
We are in a mess ecologically. Our only way out is to use our heads. This science could save or destroy us yet it seems survival usually wins out. Exciting times.
Dr Craig Venter
The weeks most exciting story is surely Venter. I look in to his eyes and I see my own. His team of scientists have creted life. Life, not evolutionary or genetic engineering but life from nothing. Surely a defining point in human history. The sual cry of 'man playing god' comes from religious cirles thoughthis is scince on a par witreion. Th orgnism is based on bacteria that cause mastitis in goats but at it's core is an entirely synthetic genome constructed in a laboratoy from chemicals. The single cell organism has 'water marks' written into it's DNA that an trace it back to it's creator hould it go on the run. 'It's a living species now, part of our planets inventory of life'. This changes our understanding of what life is. The uses alked of are creating useful chemicals to break own pollutants or create vaccines. Julian Savulescu , professor of practical ethics at Oxford university is angered. 'Venter is creaking open the most profound door in humanities history, potentially peeping in to it's destiny. He is not merely copying life artificially, he is going towards God. Creating artificial life that could never have existed naturally'.
Venter is a controversial figure, back in the 1990s his company, Celera Genomics fought the publicly funded Human Gerome project in boths bodies efforts to sequence the human genome. He has already applied for over 300 patents on specific genes which would give his company interlectual rights over building blocks of life. With other studies takin g place in science and philosophy over the nature of time could it transpire that we created ourselves? That question, the big one, 'what the fuck is going on?', 'How did we get here?', all the gaps that eligion seeks to fill may well result in a loop. That it was s. I have always struggled to believe that the chances of all this happening are very slim. I'm sure most people have that thought. We made gods to fill it but, who knows? maybe it was us.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Another day
Today I rose early, heard the first cygnet at Abbotsbury swannery had hatched, a sign for the Benedictine monks that summer was here. Brighton reclaimed its status as the intravenous drug death capitol of Britain, they had lost thier title to Liverpool for a year but now they are back on top. Like Wigans decade of dominance in Rugby League, it seems unsurmountable but all things change, still, you have to respect a decade of supremacy.
I drove out to see old industrial areas overgrown then came back home. I 'll post pictures soon.
Kipper came over to collect his van of the skreeworld fleet as reward for endeavour and valour in the field of battle and we have plans for local adventure and also the finance scheme for the Iceland and Tupelo trips is underway.
Good to see Shilty too who came over, fresh out of jail and ready for adventure. He has realised that he can't drink after his activities so good to see him sober and fresh faced. They set off back to site in the van and all is strong and righteous in skreeworld. The summer is our time and we have our targets mapped out
I drove out to see old industrial areas overgrown then came back home. I 'll post pictures soon.
Kipper came over to collect his van of the skreeworld fleet as reward for endeavour and valour in the field of battle and we have plans for local adventure and also the finance scheme for the Iceland and Tupelo trips is underway.
Good to see Shilty too who came over, fresh out of jail and ready for adventure. He has realised that he can't drink after his activities so good to see him sober and fresh faced. They set off back to site in the van and all is strong and righteous in skreeworld. The summer is our time and we have our targets mapped out
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Thirty minutes before Elvis was born his identical twin Jesse Garon was born, still born. Thier middle names were to have rhymed. Buried in an nmarked grave, in a shoe box, Elvis forever mourned his death.
Tupelo was once the home of the Chickasaw tribe and was the scene of fierce fighting and deep bloodshed during the civil war. It was the first city in America to acquire electricity.
Elvis and Jesses' great great great grandfather William Mansell was a settler, thier great great great grandmother was Morning White Dove, a Cherokee, 1800-1853
Tupelo was once the home of the Chickasaw tribe and was the scene of fierce fighting and deep bloodshed during the civil war. It was the first city in America to acquire electricity.
Elvis and Jesses' great great great grandfather William Mansell was a settler, thier great great great grandmother was Morning White Dove, a Cherokee, 1800-1853
Monday, 17 May 2010
Porlock Hill
Have you driven up or down that hill? The only other road in England I can compare it to is Hard Knot Pass and Wry Nose Pass in Cumbria. The north wins but Porlock Hill isn't for puffs. Ironically, it is the easiest route to the house I am making furniture for. Beautiful day. Swallows nest 5 feet from where you drink your tea. A very special place to be. Lanes a transit barely squeezes through. Malcolm, the building restorer has made a wonderful job. Local native timbers bare the structure, local stone, lime plastering, floorboards from pine a builders suppliers hasn't seen for 50 years. The floorboards are plugged with plugs of identical grain pattern. I can quite see why he doesn't want rash furnishing decisions to spoil the overview. An incredible man and great to work with. I furnished, throughout a house he did, that took 2 and a half years, this one is bigger. I left my drawings for him and the client to view. Jobs like this come rarely. This will be my third house for the same client that I have furnished throughout. I am very lucky.
Down to exmoor as the hills drop down into Porlock.
Took my drawings to show the guy who is restoring the building.
I did a house in London for the same client, took 3 years.
I did another in Porlock Weir that took 2 years.
This one looks like another 2 years.
I hope he likes my drawings.
This will meen security and a great opportunity to leave a place of wonder for future generations.
Took my drawings to show the guy who is restoring the building.
I did a house in London for the same client, took 3 years.
I did another in Porlock Weir that took 2 years.
This one looks like another 2 years.
I hope he likes my drawings.
This will meen security and a great opportunity to leave a place of wonder for future generations.
Jesse, you should have listened
Air passengers face a week of travel disruption as a new volcanic ash cloud from Jesses' orgasm drifts acoss the UK and British Airways cabin crew prepare to embark on a 20 day strike.
I woke to a text suggesting God was punishing folk.
As all skreeworld followers know, Elvis had to be banned from the waste down due to the sexual power of his 'girations' . Jesse, Elvis twin was 'stillborn and buried at Tupelo in a shoe box due to the Pesleys poverty', however no body was ever found. We believe, the line drawn across Elvis waste was drawn above Jesses' head due to the far greater power of his girations. Banished to a subterranian existance.
Our research on the underworld led us to echoes of Jesse deep beneath the ground in the labyrinth of tunnels in our area. Shortly after, way before mainstream media found out we were reporting the volcanic eruptions in Iceland, activity we attributed to Jesse. We believe either his deah was faked or, being a 'king' grew and burrowed his way to an underground kingdom whilst the lesser powers of his brother caused rock and roll and made him 'king' of the top world.
Philip Pullmans recent, misguided book 'The good man jesus and the scoundrel christ' used elements of truth suggesting jesus and christ were twin brothers, Jesus Barrabas, [Bar Abbas] meens son of father was the leader of one of many jewish revolutions against the Roman invasion.
Our research on Jesse is not ready to publish yet and we are, as yet unsure why he has created the ash cloud, some say to keep man earthbound in response to his banishmen to the underworld, others suggest he is protecting the planet.
What we know we dare not say though we need to get to Iceland and Tupelo before it is too late.
We are skint but have a plan to raise the funds we need and should be able to travel by july.
I woke to a text suggesting God was punishing folk.
As all skreeworld followers know, Elvis had to be banned from the waste down due to the sexual power of his 'girations' . Jesse, Elvis twin was 'stillborn and buried at Tupelo in a shoe box due to the Pesleys poverty', however no body was ever found. We believe, the line drawn across Elvis waste was drawn above Jesses' head due to the far greater power of his girations. Banished to a subterranian existance.
Our research on the underworld led us to echoes of Jesse deep beneath the ground in the labyrinth of tunnels in our area. Shortly after, way before mainstream media found out we were reporting the volcanic eruptions in Iceland, activity we attributed to Jesse. We believe either his deah was faked or, being a 'king' grew and burrowed his way to an underground kingdom whilst the lesser powers of his brother caused rock and roll and made him 'king' of the top world.
Philip Pullmans recent, misguided book 'The good man jesus and the scoundrel christ' used elements of truth suggesting jesus and christ were twin brothers, Jesus Barrabas, [Bar Abbas] meens son of father was the leader of one of many jewish revolutions against the Roman invasion.
Our research on Jesse is not ready to publish yet and we are, as yet unsure why he has created the ash cloud, some say to keep man earthbound in response to his banishmen to the underworld, others suggest he is protecting the planet.
What we know we dare not say though we need to get to Iceland and Tupelo before it is too late.
We are skint but have a plan to raise the funds we need and should be able to travel by july.
Jesse Shoebox
As skreeworld blog readers and kean Elvis fans will know that Elvis twin brother was stillborn, as common history has it, and, due to the families poverty was buried in a shoebox in Tupelo. The body was never found. In our search for Jesse and reaearch trips are needed to both Iceland and Tupelo. We are not rich at skreeworld and these trips are beyond our current meens. On our way back from Exmoor today we carried out a ceremony in Jesses' memory. At Worthy Farm, Pilton we buried a shoebox containing sacred offerings, just as the Pressleys buried poor Jesse.
After the earth was back in place and the site safely covered, we quietly sang , 'In the ghetto', took GPS co-ordinates and made a small prayer that the money for our reseach will come from somewhere.
I believe there is a pop concert there soon.
After the earth was back in place and the site safely covered, we quietly sang , 'In the ghetto', took GPS co-ordinates and made a small prayer that the money for our reseach will come from somewhere.
I believe there is a pop concert there soon.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Mark 3
He is now Mark to me. One of the greatest artists in any field working today. Thinking back, we waited to see if he would come chat, his PA seemed unhopeful but then Mark came up to us, smiling, happy, healthy looking. I was a bit star struck so making conversation was in his court, I shook his hand and told him that he had got me through some hard times, through good times but always confirmed a world view that has at times seemed out of sinc. His hand felt like a workers hand, not the light touch of an office worker.He had a genuine interest in what I did. I had fallen for the character he plays, i always knew john lydon was in character when he was johnny rotten but Mark e Smith always seemed to be someone whos work i loved but wouldnt want to have it spoiled by being abused as so many journos have. I suppose he could tell I wasnt a journo but a creative fella. He came across as gentle, sensitive and even vulnerable. With hindsight I wonder why I thought he would be anything else, to write as he does must take huge sensitivity. I felt protective, like I should keep his secret, to ward off dickheads. I hope he remembers me. He has been through the ringer, trashed, abused yet stood tall, well 5 and a half foot, produced a body of work that has opened us up to his heart at times whilst playing characters at others. He needs to have his shield so don't believe a word of this. He doesnt suffer fools gladly. Ron was a bit of a twat and the odd comment, that at the time seemed innocuous, has crystalised. I remember him saying to Eddy Izzard, 'its not like you to be funny', and Skinner asking him if he doesnt want to be loved and replying, 'havn't you got a wife?'. Well, he drooped a couple of gems on Ron when he offered his services as a basss player, but the twinkle in the eye is lost in print, the friendly irony, the inclusive humour.
Mark 2
He isnt MES anymore. He is Mark. A gentleman. A gentle man. A sensitive soul brutalised by all and sundry for his honesty. I will continue to follow the Fall as they are the best group this country has produced. I like Black Sabbath, I like Slade. 5 decades now The Fall have been there. I hate it when they get called 80s heroes or punk pioneers. The Fall are better now than they have ever been. If you had never heard them you would say, 'this is the best new band in Britain'
Mark 1
They say don't meet your heroes. I dont really have heroes but if there is a man who has kept me going through my momemts of creative doubt it would be Mark E Smith. His work has born an aural parallel to all I have done. He may not suffer fools gladly but tonight, he came to chat, smiling, interested in my work, a true gent. His music, if you can call it that, to me it has always been an art experiment in my eyes and ears. When life felt unlivable a Fall album would come out and all seemed ok. Tonight I got to have a chat with him. All was fine. He may not like sycophants and plaguerists but has a genuine interest in others work. I always wondered what he was really like, dont tell anyone but he is a really sound genuine bloke. Mark.
Free Fall
Just had a chat with Eleni Poulou setting up for The Fall in Frome and I have a free ticket for any local skreeworld blog follower. Ring me on 07814616998. They are on aT 10PM TONIGHT
Friday, 14 May 2010
Tourists in thier own backyard
Summer is always a bad time on the periferies of small towns. You spend the whole year through wind, snow, hail and blow watching the life in field and forest. Spring arrives, the birds are nesting, activity everywhere. Then the local tourists come out, scaring off nesting birds, leaving litter, generally spoiling things. It isnt long before you find yourself longing for cold and rain to keep them in and leave the animals, twitchers and anglers alone.
You walk in field for solitude and to observe only to find some noisy locals showing visitors the surroundings they know so little about.
You walk in field for solitude and to observe only to find some noisy locals showing visitors the surroundings they know so little about.
to any blog followers. It has been a difficult few days. A complex maths of having to be creative for work I am engaged in under pressure of feeling like I'm letting folk down, lack of money and I don't feel at home in the studio at present. A steady flow of cameron clegg types flow by, the Pig Lady is the worst. When posh people ignore me when I say hello, the worst working class chip shouldered animal emerges. A lifetime of having to deal with middle class folk who consider themselves liberal but really hide a deeply conservative side, you know the type, they think gypsies are thieves, junkies are automatcally bad, dogs are too wild. They are Thatchers children. In the 1970s they would have been on the blackmans case or the gays, I see it in Pig Womans eyes. They are a deeper evil than the BNP. At least the BNP aren't pretending to be liberal.
They think they have more rights. The only answer seems to compound thier prejudice. If the Pig Woman gets burgled, I would gladly cover for them because it is her who makes burgalers, her who makes smackheads pinch thier pockets, her who makes dogs bark at them.
I have lived a life of this bigotry. From now on I wouldnt piss on her if she was burning.
My political war is with the isolated middle class who have never seen the cities. I have close friends here who I am embarrassed to talk to who consider themselves liberal but can count the gay, irish, gipsy, junky, black, asian friends they have on one hand. I have lived all over this country and found a pocket that has been left untouched by change. Not that I dislike change, it was by chance. I feel a strong need to move somewhere that is not in an idylic pocket. Living here you grow to welcome crime. You grow to smile when La Stradas coffee shop window gets a brick, when some fat cunts tyres get slashed.
On the good side The Fall play in Frome tommorrow. Mark E Smith is a man who has worked tirelessly to stop the growth of Pig Woman and her kind. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't sell out here.
A joyous night ahead.
Of smarty shopping tommorrow too so sweets all round for the Fall Skreeworld alliance.
Jez Broun plays in Bath 3 times this weekend , I hope to see him tommorrow.
Lastly, Leeds seem back to a growth of form beating Wire 26 16 tonight after the Wire pummelled the Giants last week. We have the dullards next weekend, always tough, then the Pie Eaters in the cup.
By the way, do you know why Wgan are known as pie eaters? not because they eat pies . It comes from the great miners strike between the wars, The Wigan miners were the first to fold, a shame to the North. The local headlines read, 'Wigan miners eat humble pie'
They think they have more rights. The only answer seems to compound thier prejudice. If the Pig Woman gets burgled, I would gladly cover for them because it is her who makes burgalers, her who makes smackheads pinch thier pockets, her who makes dogs bark at them.
I have lived a life of this bigotry. From now on I wouldnt piss on her if she was burning.
My political war is with the isolated middle class who have never seen the cities. I have close friends here who I am embarrassed to talk to who consider themselves liberal but can count the gay, irish, gipsy, junky, black, asian friends they have on one hand. I have lived all over this country and found a pocket that has been left untouched by change. Not that I dislike change, it was by chance. I feel a strong need to move somewhere that is not in an idylic pocket. Living here you grow to welcome crime. You grow to smile when La Stradas coffee shop window gets a brick, when some fat cunts tyres get slashed.
On the good side The Fall play in Frome tommorrow. Mark E Smith is a man who has worked tirelessly to stop the growth of Pig Woman and her kind. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't sell out here.
A joyous night ahead.
Of smarty shopping tommorrow too so sweets all round for the Fall Skreeworld alliance.
Jez Broun plays in Bath 3 times this weekend , I hope to see him tommorrow.
Lastly, Leeds seem back to a growth of form beating Wire 26 16 tonight after the Wire pummelled the Giants last week. We have the dullards next weekend, always tough, then the Pie Eaters in the cup.
By the way, do you know why Wgan are known as pie eaters? not because they eat pies . It comes from the great miners strike between the wars, The Wigan miners were the first to fold, a shame to the North. The local headlines read, 'Wigan miners eat humble pie'
Monday, 10 May 2010
Today began grim. I shot a woodpigeon that dropped in to the river on the opposite side so put another pellet through his head to make sure. I have given up eating farmed meat so meat is a special, spiritual treat. The kill, the life and death of the animal all goes through your mind as you eat. My tyre was flat when I got back to the van from the river and the rest of the morning was spent sorting this out. I spoe at length about the designs I am working on on the phone. Walked down the river hoping to find the woodpeckers nest but found he sparrowhawks. I sat for a couple of hours watching the male bringing back food for the female from my hidden position. Later I came back but this time above the nest on the railway tracks and soo saw te male circling above watching me. A fox ran along the tracks. I got in to positon and could see down in to the nest. Looking forward to the chicks hatching and hopeull getting some good footage of feeding and fledgling flights.
Power lines
I woke up depressed so went out to kill. I eat met rarely now but couldnt help shooting a woodpigeon through the head. He fell in the river so I drove round and stealthily worked my way through the field and trawled th dead bird in with a stick. Happil sat with full belly now. As I eat I think of the animals life and the whole process. I can't deny I enjoy hunting but it takes a spiritual journey to kill and eat.
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Water tower death
Given the on going friction between skreeworld blog and the British Water Tower Apreciation Society this sad story must calm the waters. A man killed in a freak accident may have been suffering from an epilepic fit when he collapsed on train tracks and was struck by a high speed service. Philip Graves 52 from Carshalton died after being hit buy the train on sunday january 3rd at 8.18pm at Carshalton Beefches station.
Mr Graves who worked at Craydon land registry, had suffered from epilepsy, according to his work colleagues and is believed to have been having a fit when he was struck by the 8.09pm southern service.
Awitness who did not want to be named was collecting train tickets from outside the station when he heard the impact of the collision.
He said, 'a young lad came running up the side steps saying he thought someone had been hit by the train, I ran down, and I expected, in the heat of the moment expecting to see someone inured, perhaps a broken arm.
The young boy saw the next train was not due for 20 minutes so he dialled 999 but the next train cam through within seconds, you couldnhave much worse luck, to have a fit and fall on the tracks.
Skreeworld offers the hand of peace to he British Water Tower Appreciation Society
We will continue to climb, though. We hope you now understand the dangers we face. Also, our disappointment in preserving important towers makes us question your commitment. I imagine you see us as a danger to your work. However we see you as a purely observant body that takes no direct action. We hope the death of Mr Graves can bring us closer.
Mr Graves who worked at Craydon land registry, had suffered from epilepsy, according to his work colleagues and is believed to have been having a fit when he was struck by the 8.09pm southern service.
Awitness who did not want to be named was collecting train tickets from outside the station when he heard the impact of the collision.
He said, 'a young lad came running up the side steps saying he thought someone had been hit by the train, I ran down, and I expected, in the heat of the moment expecting to see someone inured, perhaps a broken arm.
The young boy saw the next train was not due for 20 minutes so he dialled 999 but the next train cam through within seconds, you couldnhave much worse luck, to have a fit and fall on the tracks.
Skreeworld offers the hand of peace to he British Water Tower Appreciation Society
We will continue to climb, though. We hope you now understand the dangers we face. Also, our disappointment in preserving important towers makes us question your commitment. I imagine you see us as a danger to your work. However we see you as a purely observant body that takes no direct action. We hope the death of Mr Graves can bring us closer.
The Fall 15th May Frome
'From the back of my psyche, in the reflected mirror of delirium, from the Victorias lager, the induced call , mysterious comes forth, Hit hit hit the north'
Hit the north - Cooling Towers
White Lightening - Gas Silos
Tell me there is no connection
Skreeworld blog began with Bath Gas Silos and Tinsley cooling towers
There is a rizla papers thickness twixt us
Come see the Fall in Frome for the church of skreeworld gathering
Probably the most important night in recent history
Hit the north - Cooling Towers
White Lightening - Gas Silos
Tell me there is no connection
Skreeworld blog began with Bath Gas Silos and Tinsley cooling towers
There is a rizla papers thickness twixt us
Come see the Fall in Frome for the church of skreeworld gathering
Probably the most important night in recent history
Early May
Black lines of communication slash the sky. I had had early may as a powerful period where events would be great. Meetings, travel, yet all seems morose. Devon turned mixed, I never made Leeds, hoped to see old friends, a wedding. My main client states that his architect wants creative in put on my furniture for his house. I hope this works. I only make my own designs but with client, architect and me all wanting an imprint on my work, all pleasure is gone.
Bi Polar
Good to hear big Frank being so open about his bi polar condition. On one early visit to my clinical psychologist, I don't pay, it's NHS, ie. I am proper mental ill not American mental ill. It was part of my drug treatment . I am bi polar. Manic depressive with addictive personallity. Anyway, on this session she asked me to come up with a list of people I had most respect for. Turned out they were all addicts or had mental health problems. I won't list them all. What does this say about me? I didn' choose any for weakness but for professional excellence. It seems the blessing is a curse.
Hate David Beckham - Love Paul Gascoigne
Hate Rachel Whiteread - Love Damien Hirst
Hate Isaac Asimov - Love Philip K Dick
Hate Martin Amis - Love Will Self
You get the idea. You know you are on a serious depression when Leeds United get promoted, the Fall are playing my adopted home town and you have a new van for the skreeworld fleet yet you still feel like shit. On a manic you spew out ideas like a machine gun, call, e mail, text folk at stupid times of night. You can beat anyone in a fight or argument, then this shit.
Well good on you Frank
Saturday, 8 May 2010
David Icke On Wogan
Most pople dont think for themselves but agree with thier peers. The strength to commit to your own beliefs rgardless of those around takes strengh. Icke is a stange one but I admire his commitment to his own beliefs. I bet hekos about Jesse Presl;ey and our search n the underworld.
Friday, 7 May 2010
New Water Tower for all Fans
What a fucking beauty, tucked away in wellington. Stood next to a victorian brickwork. On a reccy to Devon for Mag to look at a new saw for the studio and a new van for the Skreeworld fleet of art adventure we passed this beauty. Real class Water Tower. Zoom in and ceck out the decoration and pure beauty.
Wellington Tower looking up
Sometimes I get to wondering whetherr its all worth it. I see people getting by signing on, beautiful flats in Bath, houses in Frome that face out to open countryside. Rent paid, prescripions, dentisry, everything fre. The only price is your self respect.
Or get a job. Work for someone else, let them take the stress, buy a house. The life choice I have made is not an easy one. Not a free penny. Shouldering the responsibillity for ypour own life and make things for people. Test your creativity and cunning agaijnst the world. It isn't an easy life. I did lecturing for a while but teaching is an easy route, an abandonment of personal creative ambition. I think this is why I love the Fall. Through thick but usually thin, bankrupsy, alcoholism, he has always kept it going. Alwas been one of the best Artists in Britan. I hate it when people see them as a band or call them punk or refer to thier 80s work revealing these folk as mere fashion fools. The Fall are in thier 5th decade and should be compared with fine artists not roc or pop groups. They are more relevant now
than ever. I dont have neroes or role models but if did, Mark E Smith would be a good start.
Water tower
It must have been a long hard wait for all skreeworld water tower fans. I hope you didnt think we had forgotten you. This gem visible from the Yeovil turnoff at the A 303 lit up the morning on our expedition. On return at dusk I drove round the roads nearby but couldnt get close. We will be back. The approach involves a trek over private land so the mission will have to be planned. Not dissimilar to Limpley Stoke tower that thrilled us all. Same architect? Escalation, as at Limpley Stoke seems unlikely but we will get close. The skreeworld fleet has now 2 vans so an opperation from 2 directions should be possible.

Thursday, 6 May 2010
Jigsaw project
The jigsaw project which has changed from moving the town of Frome to Holcombe quarry as it is a hole in the Mendips bigger than Frome, 12 inch cube swaps. First fitted really well as bath stone is soft and easily sculpted. The project was dropped. However, we have decided that, taking the odd blinfold airrifle shot at the map of Frome, locating the spot, cutting out a cube and swapping it with a mapped out relative cube of ground in the quarry on occassion isnt a bad idea. Unfortunately, some arent good shots. This piece came from Bath, a really poor shot. We got the cube and swapped today. The odd switched cube of reality cant do much harm. Our Hi Viz kit is looking a bit crappy though and perhaps a limit of twelve cube shifts is advisable before they get on to us.

I am sorry skreeworld blog has been a bit lacking of late in excitement. No excuses. Got a bit wrapped up in The Best British Wizard competition. Today began with a fresh coat of oil to my table then me and Tex went off to the forest to climb trees to cut off oak antlers for a new piece for the Brisol exhibition. The Sin van broke down in Sainsburys carpark causing a crash as the accelerator cable snapped. Mag, like a guardian angel came and fixed it. Set off for Bath to see Kip who helped me on the jigsaw project. I am giving him the Sin Van for all his help in his commitment to the church of skreeworld. Had a quick dusk shooting session before going out drinking and talking politics with David Oldfield, perhaps Britains best cabinet maker, technically. Devon tommorrow to get a new van. Leeds saturday. London monday tuesday and the Fall in Frome friday. Here is the Kip in all his glory atop moortown watertower with me. He has contributed, fearlessly to skreeworld madcap schemes more than any other with only camaraderie in adventure as reward.
Monday, 3 May 2010
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Jesse Garon Presley
The official story goes that Elvis twin brother was still born. Named after Jessie, Elvis' grandfather, was buried in an unmarked shoebox as the family couldnt afford a marker for his grave at Priceville Cemetery. There is a marker at Graceland though the body was never found. Skreeworld are off to Tupelo to unearth the remains should they exist. Our belief is he never died , all the stories are propaganda. Jesse lives. Jesse lives
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Marc Quinn
Most of my artist friends don't like Marc Quinns' work. I don't know why. He was quite important for me in retaking an interest in insider art, something I had totally lost interest in Art in the London gallery sense until the Young British Artists 2 exhibition at Saatchis old gallery up by the cricket ground. They had those Sarah Lucas Sunday Sport pieces, a sort of steam installation, an ice room, Richard Wilsons' 20 50 oil piece and Quinns latex body skins and, of course, the show stealer 'Self', his first blood head. The ultimate self portrait. He does one every 5 years now. The exhibition got me reinterested in art and I've followed on and off since. He had a good day today. Big piece in the Guardian magazine and a piece in the Telegraph. He doesn't always get it right and he isn't in my top 5 artists but I do like his things.
The day deteriorated when Leeds United lost, Leeds RL looked like they were going to lose so I went out to shoot a rabbit. Failed. Got rained off. However Leeds RL did pull it round and are still in with a chance of a decent play off place.
The day deteriorated when Leeds United lost, Leeds RL looked like they were going to lose so I went out to shoot a rabbit. Failed. Got rained off. However Leeds RL did pull it round and are still in with a chance of a decent play off place.
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