Thursday, 29 July 2010
skreeworld quiz question
Mike Leander wrote the string arrangement for 'shes' leaving home' by the Beatles, the only producer at that point other than George Martin to contribute. For which artist did he create the image, write, arrange, produce and play all instruments [other than brass] on 11 consequtive top ten hits for during the 1970s?
prize for answer
prize for answer
The Wurzels - Blackbird
A happy 70th birthday to Pete Budd. Whilst as Wurzels purists we prefer the Adge Cutler work though have huge respect Pete and Tommy Banner for keeping the flame. It seems tragic that Adge never saw the fame and fortune that the remaining Wurzels did in 76, the summer of cyderdelia. This song , penned by Pete retains the spirit of Adge, the bard of Avonmouth who so sadly died in a car crash before the rest of the country had even heard of the Wurzels. Happily, they are still massive here in Zummerzet and play regularly. A fond memory was a long weekend of alcohol and stimulants of all varieties, by sunday we were a mess yet we didnt give in as the Wurzels were playing. We bought a few gallons of scrumpy, finished off our last pills and coke and set off to see the mighty Wurzels. The raw power and cultural depth created a great night where we met Pete and Tommy after the show. Tommy is 1!, but today is Petes day, happy birthday, drink up thy cyder.
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Well, we're still stuck down South waiting for a paranoid man to give us the goods. We have paid, the nice guy who is waiting for the old machines has nobly offered to wait until paranoid man gets his finger out and bring the new kit so we can work. Disappointing as we have waited so long. Furniture needs making, jobs on hold. Saw the product gys today. Ex Dyson crew, seem nice and the job is interesting. Two world war 1 cannons. Seems our price maybe too high. Sadly, it often takes young buisnesses a while to learn that the cheapest is often the worst and what one gang can do in a day what can take the cheaper outfits a week to complete. Save yourself money, get the best. I recall a few jobs where clients have had 3 quotes, varying from £30,000 to £130,000 yet anyone can undercut. They end up paying the cheap price then end up having to get the top price boys in anyway. Should have saved themselves the money and got the best. I once bought a cordless drill for £10, never again. 
Monday, 26 July 2010
things move quick
apologies for being out of action but i have spent time in hospital, ad docors trying to work out why my kidneys dont work out. Tex, my familiar has also been recovering from his operation so gimme a break.
Just back to work today
Just back to work today
Sunday, 25 July 2010
ooff 2 c Devo or the Deviant as the Outcasts mc call him. I'm past halfway and the return home has begun
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Alex RIP
Alex died in poverty, they say. He may have been skint but is this poverty? Van Gogh, Charles Rennie Macintosh died broke but left an imprint on cultural history. In a hundred years Alex will still be talked of, not John Higgins. Love and understanding to a hero of my life, Alex Higgins. He smoked and drank until the end and lived to 61 winning 2 world championships a decade apart, the first whilst homeless staying in a row of derelict houses in Blackburn. He dragged snooker from being an obscure pub game and made it a national sport, a national obsession inthe 1980s. The game he made rejected him at times for his behaviour, he was a naughty lad. There will be the usual crap written about wasted talent as there was when Best died from the temperance lobby forgetting the legend he was and his vast achievements that will be remembered long after players who may be won more yet won without panash. I feel honoured to have seen the greatest player of all time.
Speckled wood-Woodpeckers
Whilst ill I was taking Tex to the cemetery. Thier must have been two families because I saw 8 green woodpeckers one day, other days 5 or so. I went down last night and I couldnt see one. Ater walking baround, just efore I left I saw a lesser spotted woodpecker. I hadnt seen one for three months when I saw two a couple hundred yards apart vieing for teritory.
Friday, 23 July 2010
Fiona Banner's plane
This is supposed to be an art diary blog and we havent had any art for ages, especially when Scree was in charge! Fiona Banner who we all thought was pretty fucking boring with her copying out the text from films, i meen, who can be bothred doing that? and who could be bothered to read it all the way through? Well she has suspended two planes in a gallery, it looks ace. Then you think, but wouldnt anything big, say a tank, [check Skree work last year, you tube skree100 skree tanks workhaus] look ace in an art gallery? So , verdict? not too bad, not too good, but she is getting better. The bigger qestion of how did she get them in there? well, the clue is in the name. Fiona is Bruce Banners younger sister, she stole his socks, he got angry and bingo, the Incredible Hulk, simple.
Skreeworld cuts
Fucking hell. This government are mean bastards. Imagine if you were stupid enough to have a job working for someone else? Imagine if you had taken no responsibillityfor your own life and lived on benefits [Kyle]. Looks like you are fucked if you are. Arguably, I am unemployable to other however I find I am the only one who can do my job. The recesion has caused us cuts too, me, a large forehead cut scar and , my leutenant Tex, a large operation cut scar on his back. We have made our cuts. It is now up to you to catch up
Claustrophobia Village
I want to live where a man can piss outdoors without being told of, be it the back streets of northern terraced houses or open country. Seems I've spent my whole life getting told off. I don't go imposing my morrality on others yet it seems in this village there is always some bumpkin there to tell you off. You think the Traveller sites offer freedom? well I'll tell you, there not so free. They all evolve a set of values. Horse drawn are the worst, most oppresive. They frown on strangers like you were sparking up a cigarrette in a wholefood shop. Them alternatives are just an alternative set of ules. hey dont live by my rule, 'dont do to others what you wouldnt want done to yourself', that is the whole of the law/ I'm no christian but that rebel jew jesus had a point. So, say you get told off for pissing you may as well be told off for breahing. I've done three bad things in my life and done five years penence for each, well no he middle one, besides that was bad and good. All the other wrong things i done have been in response to a disapproving glare or a gossip or a lie behnd my back. I f thy say you do it you might as well. This claustrophobic town of middle class hippies are the worst i have ever seen. they fear the unknown. They arent far from the witch trials. The smaller the town, the smaller the town.
Police murder again
In addition to the RAF tornado, the 15 armoured vehicles, gunmen from 14 counties and all the other ridiculous, over the top shit the police brought in to murder Moat. The televised execution of Moat still echoes through the media. Ray Mears was brought in to track him down though the rotund survivalist failed to find the prints from Raouls tent to the underground network he hid in, occassionally popping up through manhole covers for food. As the Moat murder passes the verdict from the Ian Tomlinson enqiry death report is released. His distraught family were told that the police have covered the whole thing up. At each stage the police lied. Any respect remaining for the police has been los. Even when two pathologists agree, video footage shows the mudering officer pushing Tomlinson over, there can be no question that he died from police brutallity and a refusal to assist the dieing man which was left to protesters. The one government cut that the public can agree on is police funding cuts. Ironically, the decision to charge no policeman overTomlinsons death marked to the day the fifth anniversary of the murder of Charles de Menezes. Though only police are allowed to view CCTV footage, thier evil attack was caught on a camera phone. It is now illegal to film or photograph police. The CPS seem unable to do thier job so who is left to stop these murdeing bastards?
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
scree. excommunication
sadly, tonight a priest of skreeworld had to be excommunicated from the Church. The site is all packing up, geting vehicles going that havn't moved for 6 months, hitching up trailers, hoyking generators in to vans. On a recent operation, whilst the high priesthood were engaged in dubious activity, a lower priest had the job of driving to anearby town to get a parking ticket, reg, time and dated, simple. As the elite squ8ad carriede out the operation that required strength, fortitude and courage, the lower priest was only asked to get alibi. Sadly, he fucked about while we worked. CCTV caughtreg plates, albeit blurred. Our alibi was fucked due to negligence. We all enjoy celebrating after operations but not during prior to achievement. We can't let this go. We are only as strong as our weakest link.
Vehicles and trailers set off for a number of sites. This marks quite a division of a number of travellers who have been together for some time. The straighter types are welcome on the rule ridden horse drawn sites, the raw rough heads must find other places,this is probably a good thing as grudges build up over time living in such close proximity.
The Church stands stronger. We can't have any of the priesthood turning up on ketamin or drugs like thatfor Skreeworld operations. Those pleasures are a reward after a successful job.
Respect for previous work carried out in the cause and the door is open should you get your shit together. Love as always. Scree in place of Skree. Still in recovery.
Vehicles and trailers set off for a number of sites. This marks quite a division of a number of travellers who have been together for some time. The straighter types are welcome on the rule ridden horse drawn sites, the raw rough heads must find other places,this is probably a good thing as grudges build up over time living in such close proximity.
The Church stands stronger. We can't have any of the priesthood turning up on ketamin or drugs like thatfor Skreeworld operations. Those pleasures are a reward after a successful job.
Respect for previous work carried out in the cause and the door is open should you get your shit together. Love as always. Scree in place of Skree. Still in recovery.
Tex, king of theWolves- operation. Skree posting
Hi, I'm still ill and on powerful antibiotics.
Tex is down. He went for an operation on the lump on gis back that has been growing. I heald back for nearly a year, trying to operate myself on a few occassions. The lump started to grow. Vets are so young these days. No ammount of college and reading can equate to experience and that can only come with time.
I finally gave in and took him in today. The fear in his eyes as I left filled me with guilt. Tex stays with me all the time. His seperation anxiety is all consuming, he would climb through hell to get to me. They fill them with ketamin, valium, anaesthetise them by a pipe forced down the throat.
He trusts me, I could have done the job myself as he trusts me, without drugs. And saved £300 .
Tears have been shed. Seeing him coming out, coming round from the anaesthetic hisa drive to be home overpowered thgedrugs thgat stopped him dragging himself to me. They phoned to get me come get him as he was defying all drugs.
Vets are usually shit. With hindsight, I would have learned whatto do, given him a few valium, and done it myself without this brutality. He is still tripping from ketamin whilst drifting in and out of sleep from sedatives yet hasn't had a propoer drink bar a few ice cubes, nor food , nor a shit or hardly a piss. 3 flights of stairs i have to force him through in his K hole to go outside.
Very distressing and the last time i use a vet.
Tex is down. He went for an operation on the lump on gis back that has been growing. I heald back for nearly a year, trying to operate myself on a few occassions. The lump started to grow. Vets are so young these days. No ammount of college and reading can equate to experience and that can only come with time.
I finally gave in and took him in today. The fear in his eyes as I left filled me with guilt. Tex stays with me all the time. His seperation anxiety is all consuming, he would climb through hell to get to me. They fill them with ketamin, valium, anaesthetise them by a pipe forced down the throat.
He trusts me, I could have done the job myself as he trusts me, without drugs. And saved £300 .
Tears have been shed. Seeing him coming out, coming round from the anaesthetic hisa drive to be home overpowered thgedrugs thgat stopped him dragging himself to me. They phoned to get me come get him as he was defying all drugs.
Vets are usually shit. With hindsight, I would have learned whatto do, given him a few valium, and done it myself without this brutality. He is still tripping from ketamin whilst drifting in and out of sleep from sedatives yet hasn't had a propoer drink bar a few ice cubes, nor food , nor a shit or hardly a piss. 3 flights of stairs i have to force him through in his K hole to go outside.
Very distressing and the last time i use a vet.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Skree. On Scree
I see Scree, as he is calling himself, has posted a few to keep things going. Good on you, say what you want, you are from the Church.
I am ill. The move to the countryside has always hald romance for me. I have lived in the village of Frome for a dozen years. As a city boy the attractions of 0 poverty zero cime make it feel like i am on oliday like when i was a kid, going to devon, cornwall where everything was safe, no crime, no rippers. At first, like a jigsaw , the apparently random parts and characters felt like the normalit of a city with endless possibility and anonymity. Now all parts are linked up, this village is a nosy claustrophobic place. Unlessyou grew up here it meens nothing. The locals are unfamiliar with the ways of incomers and imagine a life for you. Rather than keep open minded and get toknow you they fill in the gaps with gossip. You try different ways of looking at the same place, drugs, fantasy. finally all is done and the jigsaw is complete. the game played and finished. I have to get out of here. The bumpkin way, the soap opera of limits runs out. There is no creatvity here, no art, nothing new. Radstock has herritage, Frome nohing. Our last game is to destroy the satan coffee shop then leave.
I am ill. The move to the countryside has always hald romance for me. I have lived in the village of Frome for a dozen years. As a city boy the attractions of 0 poverty zero cime make it feel like i am on oliday like when i was a kid, going to devon, cornwall where everything was safe, no crime, no rippers. At first, like a jigsaw , the apparently random parts and characters felt like the normalit of a city with endless possibility and anonymity. Now all parts are linked up, this village is a nosy claustrophobic place. Unlessyou grew up here it meens nothing. The locals are unfamiliar with the ways of incomers and imagine a life for you. Rather than keep open minded and get toknow you they fill in the gaps with gossip. You try different ways of looking at the same place, drugs, fantasy. finally all is done and the jigsaw is complete. the game played and finished. I have to get out of here. The bumpkin way, the soap opera of limits runs out. There is no creatvity here, no art, nothing new. Radstock has herritage, Frome nohing. Our last game is to destroy the satan coffee shop then leave.
Scree. - Cuprinol factory
Checking through the postings Skree made I can not believe he posted nothing about our victory at the Cuprinol Factory twin towers. Three nights we waited till we got a chance whilst the security firm who cover a number of sites were gone. We scaled the fence and each took a tower, well pipe, 2 foot diameter roughly, thse are tied by guy rope wirs and sway like fuck in the wind. The ladders up the sides arent even hooped. I took one, Skree the other. Each glance across, taking your eye off the ladder in he wind was fearful. I reached the top of mine before Skree, he hates heights. At the top we shouted 'victory' to each other as the wind swayed us a good 4 feet side to side. This was far more scary than the leeds water tower he took me to or the bath gas silos that were higher but much more secure. He didn't have his fucking camera. We were down and out and bolting down cans of brew before the security returned. It might no be a great building but was by far the scariest job last year. Also, reading the posts Skree made, i am as high in the Church hierarchy, sometimes he would have bottled jobs without me, Scree
Scree. - Skrees videos
I've just been running through Skrees videos and found the one of the raccist carnival float fro Frome carnival last year. There are men dressed in Burkas jumping around with signs saying things like, 'does my bomb look big in this?', I'll post soon.
Skree is ill, New poster
Since skree has been taken ill i have been asked to take over for a while. Call me Scree, for we are many.
Great to read eminem interview ater six years of no live shows. He had a rough time with fame. He got hooked on methadone, vicodine and valium. The brits just dont get irony. I love those rock stars who boast £1000 a day drug habits, we pay about £80 for the same. After his burst of ecstasy fuelled fame came the come down and the drugs you use to blot it out. I know. Your genius will always kill you, Em. Strange, as I read the interview in Asda a Dido song came over the muzak and I recalled 'Stan'. For me, Eminems greatest moment. Such a complex mix of pity or a sad fans misunderstanding of his work yet directed, indirectly, to the high brow journos who never got him whilst the poor, thick kids did. 'And whats' this shit about you'd like to cut your wrists too? I say that shit just clownin', dawg, cmon, how ucked up is you?' a question answered for dullards. 'If theres no reason why a man can hump animals and dead antelopes then theres' no reason why a man and another man can't elope', How can you misread that? Eminem is a bit cleverer than his critics.
Great to read eminem interview ater six years of no live shows. He had a rough time with fame. He got hooked on methadone, vicodine and valium. The brits just dont get irony. I love those rock stars who boast £1000 a day drug habits, we pay about £80 for the same. After his burst of ecstasy fuelled fame came the come down and the drugs you use to blot it out. I know. Your genius will always kill you, Em. Strange, as I read the interview in Asda a Dido song came over the muzak and I recalled 'Stan'. For me, Eminems greatest moment. Such a complex mix of pity or a sad fans misunderstanding of his work yet directed, indirectly, to the high brow journos who never got him whilst the poor, thick kids did. 'And whats' this shit about you'd like to cut your wrists too? I say that shit just clownin', dawg, cmon, how ucked up is you?' a question answered for dullards. 'If theres no reason why a man can hump animals and dead antelopes then theres' no reason why a man and another man can't elope', How can you misread that? Eminem is a bit cleverer than his critics.
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Brian Clough
I like to remember Brian in his last days, a sad alcoholic that nottingham forest finally had to sack. His career as a manager was based entirely on the skill of Peter Taylor. Peter brought huge success to hartlepool then Derby. Brians arogance lost him is job .Peter went to Brighton. Brian managed Leeds for 44 days and won a single game and destroyed a decade of work as Don Revie had built the team, taken them from the 2nd division to champions. Without Taylor, clough proved to be a useless manager. The worst start to a season in leeds memory. Peter took pity and took forest to a glorious 2 european cup victories that brian claimed all credit for. Like Mike Leander was to Paul Gadd, delivering all music and arrangements for 11 chart hits, Taylor brought success to the talentless clough. Finally Taylor had had enough and went on to manage Derby alone, clough, like a spurned lover never spoke to him again. They last met when Derby beat forest. Cloughs last game in charge took Forrest down. His bloated red face of alcoholic arrogance is how he should be remembered, unable to achieve a single trophy. Talor howver, is remembered as a genius that ook minor eams to glory and was the only coach to win successive european titles.
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Arts Funding
I don't know how to measure poverty in this country and as a child I can never remember true hunger. I remember not having toys as good as m neighbours. The electric was often off becase m dad spethis money on beer intead of bills. A wise choice it took me 35 years to fuly understand. just one example of why one should respect ones elders. It's choppy waters ahead as the collition wields the axe on spending in all areas. Which will remain standing without the stilts is a fascinating prospect. Without dropping too much in to politics, lets face it, no one else seems to be doing, least of all Clegg who has abandoned any semblance of self respect or morrality in his hunger for power and his choice to inhale he scent of Camerons underarm sweat in preference to anything more laborious. The Arts are going o sufer we keep hearing. Certainly welfare, the ill and poor are going to suffer but the Arts? Well what are the arts? The public funding of the arts always becomes problematic with everyone from opera fans to tate modern puritans. Looks like it's going to be survival of the best. I've never had any funding and I'm still managing to get by without getting a proper job. Perhaps it will sought the wheat from the chaff, less Gormleys cluttering our streets, fewer Kapour monuments. Exciting times ahead.
Peter Sutcliffe out for the count
Anyone of my generation who grew up on my side of Leeds will be glad to hear that Sutcliffe wont ever be free. He trashed many lives, even now his crimes cast echoes through our lives. If only the Police had the knowledge the have now back then.
What is sad is that many of the pubs that punctuated his area also punctuated many others. The Perservierance had police upstairs watching traffic heading in to the Lumb Lane area, The Hayfield stood but yards from where Jayne Macdonald met her end, The Gaiety was where one of his victims husbands waited. All demolished now.
These pubs, along with The Fforde Greene were also amongst the first pubs we used as young drinkers, they were the druggy pubs, pubs where people of different race met, pubs where outcasts were welcome.
The Leeds of my youth is gone.
What is sad is that many of the pubs that punctuated his area also punctuated many others. The Perservierance had police upstairs watching traffic heading in to the Lumb Lane area, The Hayfield stood but yards from where Jayne Macdonald met her end, The Gaiety was where one of his victims husbands waited. All demolished now.
These pubs, along with The Fforde Greene were also amongst the first pubs we used as young drinkers, they were the druggy pubs, pubs where people of different race met, pubs where outcasts were welcome.
The Leeds of my youth is gone.
Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Music retrospective night on Skreeworld
Here are a few oldies. I bet young folk don't know why Ozzy Osbourne is respected, who the Butthole Surfers were or why Hawkwind are magnificent. Take a little time to learn you're dark, drugged history and just enjoy some pure power. Before MDMA a war was fought.
Butthole Surfers : Sweat Loaf
Butthole Surfers always tried to sound like Black Sabbath but it vcame out like this?
Butthole Surfers - Human Cannonball
Butthole Surfers.Me Pig and Andy were living in trailers in kent, We got some acid and drove up toBrixton. Fuck me, we were off our heads. Thwey had some opertation video on, Pig slumped to the floor. We got through it but still tripping ot backin the escort mark 1. Somewhere near Croydon the gearstick came out. We slept in the car, fuck knows where our heads were battered. Come morning we somehow got back to
Ron playing Siver Machine, blog followers go back to The Fall in Frome where Ron takes over in stage invasion
Raoul Moat last comment
Raoul Moat finally realised, 15 minutes before he died that he had killed a civillian. After realising this his words were, 'Oh Christ'. He was shot twice with new untested tasers propelled from a shotgun. Either the shock from these or the realisation that he had broken his code of morrality, however twisted, caused him to kill himself. His brother, his uncle and friend Paul were not allowed through to talk him down. His crimes were hideous though clearly understood by many.
Doesn't it seem strange that all these cases end in the criminal shooting themselves?
Do you recall Barry Prudem who in 1985 found himself in the same situation. There is a death penalty in this country. There always will be. Moat knew the rules.
Doesn't it seem strange that all these cases end in the criminal shooting themselves?
Do you recall Barry Prudem who in 1985 found himself in the same situation. There is a death penalty in this country. There always will be. Moat knew the rules.
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
Dead Shoes
Dead shoes
the absence of the lady
shuffled of in to the night
shall I mourn your loss?
Silver shoes
Dead shoes
Green woodpecker fledglings
Ill as fuck today. Slept till 6pm. Took Tex to the cemetery where I saw 2 adult Green Woodpeckers then 4 young fledglings flying about. Only thing of consequence that happened today.
I heard Raoul Moats facebook page has over 20000 now. Skreeworld would like to say our citisisms are of the media and police mis handling of a simple affair. Raoul is no hero, just a sad man that had a breakdown.
I heard Raoul Moats facebook page has over 20000 now. Skreeworld would like to say our citisisms are of the media and police mis handling of a simple affair. Raoul is no hero, just a sad man that had a breakdown.
Monday, 12 July 2010
Asda toilets
The force was within me. Cat Stevens 'I can't keep it in', a chart hit from the early 1970s was ringing round my head. I pulled up in the carpark and made for the entrance. Grabbing a basket I made for the toilets, a route behind the checkouts. My bowels were bursting. I saw a man gracefully exit, his pace slow and measured. The diabolical excretion he had lewft behind was masked by his innocence. Once through the main door I found the toilets empty. Normally I choose the cubical tight to the corner, back to both walls. Some second sense took me in to the first and after locking the door, dropping my greenpastic basket I dropped my trousers and pants and sat as the brown stuff exited me. After a thorough swiping of arsehole I came out, washed my hands and stared myelf in the face, the mirror just stared back. Within seconds Iwas out, mingling with shoppers, none aware of the foul mess I had left. By the time I hit the checkout all guilt was gone. Asda, I thank youfor this relief.
Tight Spot
The traveller site is moving on. All loose ends are being tied up. The disinternment of our offerings to Jesse at Pilton have reaped reward. The Sin Van was gone way before all controversy around it happened. Kip has moved county, I'm up North. Church reunion planned for 2 weeks today. Ashton Court exhibition starts saturday.
Sparrowhawk update
No pictures I'm afraid. I got near the nest by the river this morning and spooked a heron. It's quite a hemmed in spot and the pterodactyl like Heron was chased away by an adult sparrowhawk, screeching like a terrified Raven. I got closer and the nest is a mass of discarded white feathers, two young fledglings fled but the runt stayed, pirched on branch. The young are now able to fly but still returning to the nest and being brought food, being taught to hunt, they are nearly full size. Very exciting time and a real treat to see.
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Jesses' underworld network protected Moat
It looks like the hand of Jesse. Moat sought sanctuary in Jesses' world. The underworld could have been your salvation. All thanks to Jesse. King of the Underworld. Moats' mistake was to come out. The labyrinth could have concealed you forever. We gues you couldnt break your ties with the sun bathers.
Chinas' rocket man wins record payout
The sole aspiration of any man is to own his own watertower.. Yang Youde built his own water tower. He built his own watchtower, a rickety home in defence against property developers. He got the greatest payout of many. He built a bamboo bazooka and fired warning shots. Yang was so pleased with his payout he dismantled his structure himself.
Raoul Moat RIP
Well you ran them a merry dance. I heard Gazza turned up near the end with fishing tackle, he was our friend. If they had let him through you wold be here now. No one can condone all your actions. You said you would wage war on the filth. But you didnt. you didnt really want to hurt anyone They pushed you over the edge. I stayed up till the 2 shots were fired, once they were all in bed, and by the morning i was just reported as one. I thought of you, lost, alone, out there. The lieing filth, papers, news. 6 hours you sat, talking to them, when they saw thier chance they sprung. Was it the tasers that cramped your rigger finger, or those 2 shots.
They brought in 100s of men. 20 Gun vehicles from northern Ireland, helicopers, snipers, RAF tornadoe, police from 14 forces, trained search oficers, marksmen.
your last words.
'I have no Father, no one cares for me.'
The tasers hit
Friday, 9 July 2010
Raoul Moat versus Paul McCartney
As the Raoul Moat endgame plays out, and, please Raoul, give yourself up, you will be a legend inside, it crosses our minds just how horrible ageing is. When I discovered the Beatles I thought Paul was beautiful. Since then he has become a weird goblin. A failed Skreeworld project at glastonbury, a few years back , after Harrisons death, Ringo played with Macca. We knew we could finish Chapmans work. All atempts to get to the remaining 2 failed. Like the Stab Saville Suicide Assassins. We saw Savile walking round the Leeds Love paraid. There was enough of us. We knew, with his army of bodyguards it would be tough, but if we all steamed in with blades, one of us could get Saville. The thought must be like Raouls' now. It's not worth it Raoul. Live. There is plenty of time to be dead.
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Skreework on show
A show of designer craftsman furniture, remember, it was all the rage in the early 1980s, called Inspired at Ashton Court from next weekend includes 2 serious works from Skree. I have a feeling it may be pearls before swine but it may be great. I have stopped doing Cheltenham due to the rut of thought it has caused. I see people around me making what they think designer craftsman furniture should be. The further they get in, the further from thier soul the work becomes. This is a truly sad phenomena. I gave up teaching over 5 years ago becaus I could no longer support this but it has followed me. Seeing people fall in to a trap I fell in to 20 years ago yet have to keep quiet for others feelings is hard. Like a blinkered horse they charge on.
Skreeworld - intro for beginners
For any newcomers to Skreeworld here is a brief update.In the search for a higher plain and inspired by the Kingsnorth sixwe scaled Moortown Water Tower in Leeds to relive the sensation of being on a higher plain felt when I was a child. In an attempt to communicate this natural high the Church of Skreeworld was formed, a small elite team of adventurers. There were three gas silos being demolished in Bath so the church went on a night time expedition to walk around the top ring of the largest silo. Whilst up there we were terrified yet underwent a religious experience. We climbed a few other pieces of industrial architecture before we were informed of a vast labyrinth of tunnels stretching for miles underground in our area, beneath our very feet. Some date back to Reformation times, some medievel though most are ex quarry and 2nd world war left overs. We were told of an entrance near Monkton Farleigh and whilst down here we heard what sounded like a deep echo of the voice of Elvis. After carrying ou research we found hat Elvis was born a twin. The sexual powers of elvis girations saw him banned from the waste down on TV. he Presley famil claimed his twin Jesse was stillborn and couldnt afford a proper burial hence he was buried in a shoebox in Tupelo cemetery. Later, even with Elvis vast financial resources, no remains could be found to be reburied at Graceland. Clearly either Jesse had burrowed away or had never died. The power of Elvis sexual girations were but a fraction ofJesses' hence he was banished to the underworld, banned from the head down. As Elvis became king of rock and roll, Jesse became king of the Underworld. To this day he operates in a huge labyrinth of tunnels the world over. We were fortunate to be there when he passed. The Church of Skreeworld embarked on a project to map all the tunnels in our area in the hope of finding Jesse. B this time he had made his way to Iceland and his girations caused a massive volcanoe that cast a dust cloud that grounde all air trafic. His anger at hi banishment has led to further earthquake. Whilst on our exploration of the underworld we found that the tunnel network we had met Jesse in connected to Isinbard Kingdom Brunels Box tunnel. A tunnel they said could never be built. I's construction claimed 1 life a yard and stretches nearly 2 miles underground. Workers on the tunnel saw the seam of bath stone and went on to great riches quarrying this, the tnnel network was largely built for their quarry rails. Also, about halfway through Box tunnel we found an unused train station. Further research revealed that the stone quarry tunnels were used to bring munitions in secret to this forgotten underground station during world war 2.
Not long after this, it came to our attention that Peter Gabrielle, who lives but a stones throw from the entrance to Box tunnel, had made fortunes with a group called Genesis through thier song 'Riding the Scree'. We arranged t meet Gabrielle to claim our unpaid royalties. After waiting for an hour a mile undergrund it was clear he had bottled it. We realised that he knew we had the King of the Underworld on our side and even an angel, even an archangel didn't stand a chance against the Church of Skreeworld and Jesse.
As we left the tunnel we saw a tower on the horizon. At the time we had little idea of it's significance.
Wednesday, 7 July 2010
Swift one; Skreeworld to be back on course soon
Back with camera unortunately too late to catch the green woodpecker I saw. We will be back in full force soon. Had a few hickups but bare with us. A great adventure is planned for the very near future. The mundainity of avoiding the conspiracy and making money to get by. Service will be back to normal shortly.
Tuesday, 6 July 2010
Where the fuck is your camera, Skree?
today saw me walking back from ditching the temp car with TEX and we had a good ten minutes watching the red kite that has been spotted in the area. The local paper called for twitchers, 6 odd called in, me included. I had seen him fly overhead behind our studio. The bird looked settled and surveying it's territory.
We cut back though secret paths and arived behind the sparrowhawks nest where the four chicks are grey and shaping up, flapping there wings, exerizing, preparing to fly the nest. I must get the camera problem solved.
We cut back though secret paths and arived behind the sparrowhawks nest where the four chicks are grey and shaping up, flapping there wings, exerizing, preparing to fly the nest. I must get the camera problem solved.
Monday, 5 July 2010
Sunday, 4 July 2010
Ventner goes anti Skree
Since Skreeworld 'came out' against the work of archdemon Craig Ventner we have found difficulties in posting any You Tube clips. Be warned, any critisism of him has repurcussions. He has hands in many pies and the only defence is to continue posting information to bring him down. The dangers he is causing to us all are huge. This is no internet sniping for personal gain but a stand against a major threat to us all.

Great news for all lovers of art, Anthony Gormley is to stop leaving casts of himself everywhere. This sad and vastly overated artist has found himself in a creative rut for many years now and has promised to stop imposing his flashers on us all. It wasa becoming tricky to avoid seeing Gormley engaged in indecent exposure anywhere on the planet. Like dog shit it should be up to responsible owners to clear up the mess. For his nex work, as he is clearly short of ideas, he can have one of mine. Create a vast, grinding jawed robot dinosaur to scour the Earth locating and eaing up all the flashers.
Moortown Watertower
My paper round took me round the estate and circled the water tower, the great concrete structure that has dominated the Moortown skyline since the 1920s. A girocentric point, the hub of a wheel that my life spread out from, my Stonehenge, my Great Pyramid. A symbol of suburban indifference to opinion, arrogant in its' disregard for architecture nearby, indifferent to the activities and changes around it. This is my starting point, though I was born a few hundred yards from its' foot, its' shadow somehow stretched to me. The underground reservoir it stands beside, a banked up field from the surface, flat, perhaps the size of a football pitch, surrounded by a spiked fence and now razor wire.
Nursery Lane joins Harrogate Road and at there juncture stands the giant, holding water above air in an alchemy of the elements. Nursery Lane divides the private estate from the council estate, Moortown from Alwoodley. Even aged 10 I knew this was the hub. I climbed its' heights many times, always in fear. Through and over fence, across greased pipe, over more fence, on to her base then the steady spiral climb as wind and space lifted your heart. As fear came to a head you entered the drum and all went silent, a feeling of safety if you could just look ahead. Once on op there was no protective barrier, water gullies pierced the ten inch lip and the subtle drainage camber served to further disorientate the senses. To look down and see your world in miniature, seperated, like looking from a different time, or from the eyes of God. Atop the tower you were free. But it was freedom at a price, a freedom earned, the price was fear. Hard to describe this feeling, close to a religious experience.
Early on in this blog I described my return also found on
You Tube skree100 skree and kipper on top
Nursery Lane joins Harrogate Road and at there juncture stands the giant, holding water above air in an alchemy of the elements. Nursery Lane divides the private estate from the council estate, Moortown from Alwoodley. Even aged 10 I knew this was the hub. I climbed its' heights many times, always in fear. Through and over fence, across greased pipe, over more fence, on to her base then the steady spiral climb as wind and space lifted your heart. As fear came to a head you entered the drum and all went silent, a feeling of safety if you could just look ahead. Once on op there was no protective barrier, water gullies pierced the ten inch lip and the subtle drainage camber served to further disorientate the senses. To look down and see your world in miniature, seperated, like looking from a different time, or from the eyes of God. Atop the tower you were free. But it was freedom at a price, a freedom earned, the price was fear. Hard to describe this feeling, close to a religious experience.
Early on in this blog I described my return also found on
You Tube skree100 skree and kipper on top
Saturday, 3 July 2010
All the worlds' a canvass
I ought to go back and do some more rosebud pastil graffiti, delicate works they were. Rose stems have always been a Skree symbol, from age 3, there tight bud pastils an early use of the delicate end , me smewhere on th spiked stem.
I had a bit of a flashback today. I remembered my paper round. If you didnt get 'pocket money' you went out. I had a morning and evening paper round at age 10, even did sundays. heavy day that. I recall Elvis deah, Sid Vicious and blackened hands from newsprint. School became a time to sleep and draw. At 12 I got a milk round, my pay doubled. Saturday morning I ad £8, fags, 2000ad an sometimes dope. On leaving home giros seemed massive. 16 found me stayin up all night to raid allotments, steal milk, jeans from washing lines. I wish I had saved a few of those papers. Christmas, you slipped an envelope in to the papers saying 'merr chrismas from your paperboy,' use to get nearly £30 sometimes. I nipped off tight fresh rosebuds that drw like chalk on brick and leave messages for the suburban olk, all colours, usuall names of bads but sometimes, if they were lucky i would linger having gathered an array of colours and leave vibrant tattoos on there walls. Till one day, some old gimmer leaned out of his window and caught me. I think that was when I got paper round sack and went on the milk. Casper in Kes was something like it thogh my round was in a more wealth, mainly jewish area of Leeds.
Leeds on track for number 4
It seemed impossible to win three consequtive grand finals on the bounce. Starting a season with a worldclub challenge, playing what ammounts to a final against the best team on the planet fucks a team before they can get started. This years took it out of Leeds and our early season started badly. Now, having beaten Wigan, pie eaters, [we still remember the 1926 miners strike]. Having beaten a mighty Warrington team and tonight beating St Helens to go fourth puts us in a position of beating our own record of 3 consequetive grand final titles. I know it seems impossible. But they said 3 was impossible. This could be a record that will never be beaten. Big joy in Skeeworld.
Sadly, I went down the churchyard where 4 coppers were looking up at the bell tower where some scallywag had climbed on the chore. I got my camera out and it wont work. Maybe the filth have camera killing kit now. Pisses me off as there'll be no pics on my blog till it's fixed, sorry folks. Hope to resume normal service soon as possible.
Love Skree
Sadly, I went down the churchyard where 4 coppers were looking up at the bell tower where some scallywag had climbed on the chore. I got my camera out and it wont work. Maybe the filth have camera killing kit now. Pisses me off as there'll be no pics on my blog till it's fixed, sorry folks. Hope to resume normal service soon as possible.
Love Skree
Friday, 2 July 2010
Pilton pop festival
Ater being banned for many years for a lign in a song about the CND Mark e Smith drew in nearly 300,000 to see a five minute moment in the Giorrillaz set that, unsurprisingly wasn't a Glastonbury moment where melancholy is an emotion beyond the intelecual capacity of the mass. Supported by many support acts, huge sculptures and constructions, circus acts etc. Mark came on, fiddled with Mick Jones amp and sang in to an unwired mic, usual sutff for Fall fans. The Mark e Smith festival was awash with sunshine and those of a lower IQ were kept happy with all the support acts and amateur artwork. Stranglers were finally let in too. It seems that the festival, known for it's other distractions is finally starting to embace music too.
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