Thursday, 30 September 2010
Church reformation
Solomon fell in Thailand. We all feel bad about this but his desire to climb buildings, encouraged by fame on the '28 days later' site led him astray. Kip is back. The church is his too. The Brotherhood of Alchemy is his name. We now have a new member. S is committed to our adventure programme. Basically we have to get back out there soon as posible, I'll take the brotherhood of alchemy name, its still the church of Skreeworld if you ask me. I started our daft journey. We have our site to scale sorted out. I hope this 'boss' shit stops soon. Brothers we are, the brotherhood of Skreeworld. I was sat up there, many a night on the water tower, alone, looking for peace when they were bairns, scanning across Leeds. My eyrie, my private nest, my sole place of soliude. Yet we are the Church and I will take my place.
Mott The Hoople - The Golden Age Of Rock 'N' Roll [totp2]
And just to remind you that Mott were glam gods for two years and clean your head out
Gary Glitter - I Didn't Know I Loved You Till I Saw You Rock And Roll (N...
It is a thankful thing that Mike Leander died before all the horrors of his singer came out. There was no real Glitter Band, the Leander sound is a studio sound much like artful dodgers relationship with craig david or massive attacks with there session singers. The Leander 'Glitter' sound is an amazing part of musical history that will be lost because Paul Gadd is a paedophile. This shouldnt cloud the wonder of Leanders 11 chart hits, nor his work with the Beatles on 'She's leaving home', I find it distressing seeing history being rewritten. Gadd is a cunt, I'm not defending his activities or crimes, just trying to restore Mike Leanders contribution to music. Often it is written that he was mearly responsible for 'rock'n'roll' parts 1 and 2 but he made ALL the backing music on Glitters 11 major hits.
Halifax vs Fev Grand Final
Info on Rugby Leagues black sunday was overshadowed by Terry Newtons suicide. Meanwhile, in the Fax Fev final, after a fire in the stand where the halifax fans were broke out in a disabled toilet the game was stopped for 50 minutes as h Halifax fans were hearded on to the ppitch. The Fev fans thought this was a pitch invasion as Fax were losing and mass fighting broke out. After the match esumed, Fax came back from 18 2 down to win with a golden point in extra time. After the game, in sadden scenes a fan waskicked to the ground who is still in hospital recvering from life changing head injuries. This sort of violence never happens around football grounds these days and his was perhaps the worst violence since the Hull pitch invasion after losing to Leeds in the cup a few years back in the semi final where Hull fans ripped down the Huddersfield posts. For in ground agro you have to go back to the early 80s to see anything similar in the world of football. Truly a sad day for the sport.
Death row reprieves
Several of the 17 prisoners condemned to be put to death in the US by the end of january are likely to recieve a reprieve after a pharmacuetical company said it had run out of anaesthetic widely used as part of the lethal injection.
Hospira Illinois said it had suspended production of Pentathol because it could not obtain a sufficient quantity of the drugs active ingredient . The delay could last till march.
Pentothol consists of sodium tiopental, a barbitrate used as an anaesthetic in hospital operations.
The drug is essentially made as a meens of saving lives. The company that makes it have never approved of its use in executions.
'Hospira does not support its use in this procedure,'
Hospira Illinois said it had suspended production of Pentathol because it could not obtain a sufficient quantity of the drugs active ingredient . The delay could last till march.
Pentothol consists of sodium tiopental, a barbitrate used as an anaesthetic in hospital operations.
The drug is essentially made as a meens of saving lives. The company that makes it have never approved of its use in executions.
'Hospira does not support its use in this procedure,'
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Sweet FA
After reading the piece on the sweet or sweet or Wainwrights gentlemen, to give them thier original title I had to carry out further research. Ian Gillan was replaced by Brian Connolly then they found the guitarst Andy Scott who lives a few miles from me. Everyone knows the stoy, Chin and Chapman wrote most of the hits at first, thier album tracks sounded closer to Dee Purple. Nicky Chin and Andy Scott have written thier history, Steve Priests Sweet make a decent living touring the states and canada, Scotts Sweet have UK and Europe. Brian Connolly was perhaps the most beautiful young man I have ever seen. His alcoholism and death cloud the truth. We have film footage and opinions. The ruth is Sweet without Brian were a mediocre band, like Sabbath without Ozzy.
Tunnocks strike
Tunnocks teacaes and caramel bars may be the victim of industrial action taken by the workers at the cult scottish snack factory. The company is famous for its good staff relations with many familes having several generations of workers there. The workforce, reluctantly have taken strike action at the 2% increase pay offer. This Scottish icon will be sadly missed if the product flow is disrupted but workers have no choice. Lets' hope pay talks are resolved as soon as possible.
Guadalupe seal
The guadalupe fur seal was thought to be extinct after American and Russian hunters had plundered thier skins. By 1892 they were considered extinct. In 1926 two sailors found a small colony. They captured 2 and tried, unsuccessfully to sell them to San Diego zoo. One of the sailors returned to slaughter the colny out of spite. He later turned up in Panama trying to trade thier skins. He was killed in a bar room brawl. Thier location seemed lost until a zoologist tracked down the 2nd sailor who revealed thier whereabouts in 1950 on his deathbed.
Gordon Ramsey murder no.2
Celebrity bully chef Ramsey has driven a second chef to his death. Joseph Cernigla, 39, had appeared on Ramsays Kitchen Nightmares show. His body was found floating in the Hudson river. This is the second chef to appear on one of Ramsays shows to kill himself.
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Monday, 27 September 2010
Frome Carnival 2010
Time is slipping by. The carnival came past this window I now glance out of last saturday. A year had gone and nothing has changed just a little closer to the end. No major works. No great new piece, no novel, no nothing. The steps one takes to escape ones situation are hard to make from this centre point. The explosion point of my own personal big bang, each days infinite possibilities, each moments straight line pointing in every single direction away from me. This dot, this atomic point where all direction is choice so often leads to nought through the unimaginable infinite choices. If its peas or beans I can choose but knowing I just want 'other' leves me static. The static rabbit is prone. Every predator yearns for the simplicity of the kill of the ultimate vulnerable. The none moving target. So the Fantastic sees me sat, motionless, he draws back his bow, and he has every right to shoot. When not in motion you are a legitimate target.
Terry Newton RIP orbituary
He won the challenge cup in 1999 with Leeds and three years later with Wigan. He played 15 times for Great Britain. He upset Warrington who took him on as a schoolboy by signing for Leeds. He played in 5 Grand Finals, the last for Wigan but lost in them all, the enduring image of him at the end of this game, in tears is a reflection of what the sport meant to him. He was a controversial figure who took a massive 6 month ban for foul play whilst with Wigan against Saints. When they sold him to Bradford he was heart broken. In 2008 his younger sister died from a heroin overdose. In a bid to stall his flagging career he bought a course of human growth hormone. It was believed, at the time to be undetectable. After seeing Wigan beat Leeds to make thier first grand final since the one he played in for them, it must have been too much for the deeply emotional man. He hanged himself in the garage of his house in the Wigan suburb Orrel last saturday. In Wigan, rugby league is everything. Barrie MacDermott who he had packed down with for Leeds 1999 challenge cup victory said that this should be a lesson to all young players hoping to take a quick route to physical strength, 'It is only a game.' He was 31.
Tex kept me going
Throughout my illnessI have had to take Tex out. On my worst day Claire took him for me and I am eternally grateful for her for taking him out on three other mornings when the pain was just too much. In these ways a dog forces your recovery, I imagine, if you have kids you aren't allowed to get ill at all. He has recovered now from his operation and I feel he has a lot of life left in him. We have been together through thick and thin. Friends come and go, some turn round and let you down, some steal from your pocket, some lie as if thier is nothing wrong with this. But Tex is always truthful.
Blogs and Mexico
The traditional media in Mexico are under so much pressure from drug cartels that the truth can not be found from there. The odd brave journalist writes a story based on gossip but should you want to know the truth of the hell that the Mexcan border areas have become try El Blog del Narco. Set up in march it posts information, photographs and videos it receves unedited and without comment. The result is a catalogue of horror that is not for the squeamish. Much of the material comes from the cartels themselves but a lot is also from passive observers caught up in the mess. Blogs have been criticized of late but here, again, we find an arena where no other medium could hope to cover the truth.
Lost Toilets
I just spent a week not touching the computer. Like heroin it creeps up on you. You have a go for a while, get away with it, have a break, go back and think you can just give up any time. Next thing you know you are a slave.I have more respect for smackheads than computer geeks though. If you use a computer everyday, you are an addict. And an addict that learns snippets of crap and nothing substantial aout the rest of the world. A heroin addict learns far more about thier moral fibre, thier respect for other people, thier self control or lack of it. They also usually read more. And not just wikiclips of crap. A computer head may look up Darwin on wikipaedia. A smackhead would be more inclined to have the mental space to read 'The Origin of Species'. Journalism has suffered to such a degree that untruth spreads like flu. Junkies don't give a fuck what other folk think of them whilst Computer heads spend thier time compiling facebook profiles of characters that bare little resemblance to themselves. A smackhed may steal your wallet but not your perception of them.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Skreeworld back
For a third time this year I have been struck down by a severe kidney infection. This time no one was in to keep up posting so a whole week has gone by with nothing. I am starting to feel better and all will be back to normal shortly.
Terry Newton RIP
Little news as yet but it seems that Terry Newon was found by police at his home after, apparently hanging himself. This follows the two year ban he recieved in february for using human growth hormone in a bid to reinvigorrate a flagging career. The Wakefield Trinity hookers career was effectively ended by the van. He was an outstanding player for Leeds, Wigan, Bradford and Wakefield.
A sad end to a weekend that saw St Helens beat Huddersfield in a thrilling game on friday night. An emotional night for Saints fans and RL fans all over as this was the last game to be played at Knowsley Road, a ground that saw 120 years of Rugby League. Keiron Cunningham in his last game there scored a late try to put him amongst Saints top ten all time try scorers. His bronze statue will stand as testament to this one team player, once referred to as the worlds greatest player. Fittingly, his final game will be the Grand Final next wekend. A legend who finishes his career before fading.
For the first time in four years Leeds wont be champions. After a season spoilt by injuy Leeds showed incredible strength of character to reach the semi against Wigan. Two weeks ago, weakened by the loss of Jamie Peacock Leeds reshuffled and came up with a game plan o beat Wigan away inthe match of the season by a single point. Danny Maguire was seriously injured and in a terrible unsporting manner both Wigan players and fans booed the seriously injured player as he was sretcheed from te field, effetively destroying Leeds chance of retainng the championship.
On saturday Leeds put up a hell of a fight with a severely weakened side and with a few dubious refereeing decisions lost to a deserving Wigan. As league champions Wigan must be favourites for the final.
Sadly this is all rather overshaowed by the loss of Terry Newton. Skreeworls thoughts are with his family.
A sad end to a weekend that saw St Helens beat Huddersfield in a thrilling game on friday night. An emotional night for Saints fans and RL fans all over as this was the last game to be played at Knowsley Road, a ground that saw 120 years of Rugby League. Keiron Cunningham in his last game there scored a late try to put him amongst Saints top ten all time try scorers. His bronze statue will stand as testament to this one team player, once referred to as the worlds greatest player. Fittingly, his final game will be the Grand Final next wekend. A legend who finishes his career before fading.
For the first time in four years Leeds wont be champions. After a season spoilt by injuy Leeds showed incredible strength of character to reach the semi against Wigan. Two weeks ago, weakened by the loss of Jamie Peacock Leeds reshuffled and came up with a game plan o beat Wigan away inthe match of the season by a single point. Danny Maguire was seriously injured and in a terrible unsporting manner both Wigan players and fans booed the seriously injured player as he was sretcheed from te field, effetively destroying Leeds chance of retainng the championship.
On saturday Leeds put up a hell of a fight with a severely weakened side and with a few dubious refereeing decisions lost to a deserving Wigan. As league champions Wigan must be favourites for the final.
Sadly this is all rather overshaowed by the loss of Terry Newton. Skreeworls thoughts are with his family.
Monday, 20 September 2010
The call of home is loud
Working on the novel now. It started with seeing a guy tear past in his car in Portsmouth, two girls tried to reach the pavement, the first did, the second was carried 20 yards on his bonnet, he hit the brakes, her body rolled down, he drove over her like a speed bump. I ran over, in shock I brushed the hair from her forehead till I got told to leave her alone. I went to throw up at the side of the road. When shock wore off I saw the driver heald by 2 bouncers. I went back to my hotel. The bar girl I had been chatting to earlier that evening said I should go give evidence. I know only 6 people, tops could have seen yet when I got to a copper he had overe 50 who had 'seen'. Why had they pretended? I went back to my hotel. I fell in to a deep sleep. At 3am a female copper came for my story. The guy got off. The dead girls parents brought a second civil case. I gave evidence.
What struck me was how all who saw the event saw different things. Only 6 could have seen yet 50 odd came forward with descriptions of the events. My book is about how we all saw different things. I saw the driver hit her, carry her 20 yards on his bonnet, stop, she rolled off, he then accelerated over her body, maybe she was dead already, then he pulled up 20 yards further down the road. I just ran to the victim. After professionals had got things under control I threw up at the side of the road, her young body was twisted and torn out of aesthetic proportion. When I came round I couldnt work out why or where the driver was being heald. As I walked back to the hotel I saw her trainers a good 25 yards further back than they should have been. I sat alone in the park watching foxes raiding bins.
Sunday, 19 September 2010
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Thursday, 16 September 2010
They say blogging isn't cool, so what do they offer? twitterers who struggle to construct a sentence, Facebookers who talk shite. It is easy to sit on the sidelines, offer nothing yet snipe at bloggers who put thier thoughts and art out there for free. If I had a penny for everyone who posted a nasty comment under a psuedonym I would have £12.54
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
That fucking copper
So, he drags a woman across the floor by her hair, left her bleeding and brain damaged. By some miracle he gets 6 months. We all know this will be 3 but hope he gets himself soaped up and ready. Next thing we hear, he is out after 6 days!!!!
He is local to here. We must find his address. Skreeworld will not rest till justice is served. We have his station, name but no address as yet. We will get this evil bastard. I will post his picture tommorrow. Please help us. This kind of evil must not go unpunished.
He is local to here. We must find his address. Skreeworld will not rest till justice is served. We have his station, name but no address as yet. We will get this evil bastard. I will post his picture tommorrow. Please help us. This kind of evil must not go unpunished.
Jeremy Deller - The Spoils of War
In 2008 Jeremy Deller proposed to place the wreckage of a car bomb from Iraq on the 4th plinth of Trafalger Square. It was to be called 'The Spoils of War' . In a well publicized vote, with maquettes shown at The National Gallery it was resoundingly rejected in favour of Anthony Gormleys' Living Sculptures and that ship in a bottle.
If Dellers proposal seemed redundant, the accomplished reality of it does something no other work of art has done, it tells us something we didn'tknow about Iraq.
The Imperial War Museum, supporter of war art since the early 20th century, has rightly recognsed that Dellers car is the true art of this war. Despite the public rejection, he got his hands on a vehicle destroyed by a murderous truck bomb in Bhaghdad in 2007 and toured it around America. Entitled Baghdad, 5 march 2007, it has become an installation at the Imperial War Museum, right there among the tanks and missiles in he imposing central hall where hew ast centurys lethal weapons are gathered.
What immediately strikes you is the information this car brings, the terible momen of reality. It is a piece of evidence, here is something solid, actual, to replace the strange abstraction of nightmare news stories from remote places. The object is horribly disturbing, its reddened , inside out, flattened metal corpse makes you think unavoidably of human bodies. Here is the effect of pressure and heat on metl, it communicate, with unforced truth the scale of violence unleashed by the invasion of Iraq. It is not rhetotic but reportage. Anyone is entitled to interpret what it means- the opinion of Blair would be as valid asyours or mine. It is a historical document, dragged from hell for us to contemplate i te calm of a museum.
Art does not have to be sterile protest. It cvan be a way ofshowing history, it can report on reality. The greatest war art, from Velazquez showing a burning town in the background of his painting The Surrender of Breda to Dellers raw chunk of modern art, tells it like it is. The beholder can supply the rage.
If Dellers proposal seemed redundant, the accomplished reality of it does something no other work of art has done, it tells us something we didn'tknow about Iraq.
The Imperial War Museum, supporter of war art since the early 20th century, has rightly recognsed that Dellers car is the true art of this war. Despite the public rejection, he got his hands on a vehicle destroyed by a murderous truck bomb in Bhaghdad in 2007 and toured it around America. Entitled Baghdad, 5 march 2007, it has become an installation at the Imperial War Museum, right there among the tanks and missiles in he imposing central hall where hew ast centurys lethal weapons are gathered.
What immediately strikes you is the information this car brings, the terible momen of reality. It is a piece of evidence, here is something solid, actual, to replace the strange abstraction of nightmare news stories from remote places. The object is horribly disturbing, its reddened , inside out, flattened metal corpse makes you think unavoidably of human bodies. Here is the effect of pressure and heat on metl, it communicate, with unforced truth the scale of violence unleashed by the invasion of Iraq. It is not rhetotic but reportage. Anyone is entitled to interpret what it means- the opinion of Blair would be as valid asyours or mine. It is a historical document, dragged from hell for us to contemplate i te calm of a museum.
Art does not have to be sterile protest. It cvan be a way ofshowing history, it can report on reality. The greatest war art, from Velazquez showing a burning town in the background of his painting The Surrender of Breda to Dellers raw chunk of modern art, tells it like it is. The beholder can supply the rage.
Monday, 13 September 2010
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Wigan 26 Leeds 27
One of the greatest games of all time. Wigan, league winners were 14 points to nil up after 17 minutes against Leeds who were comprehensively beaten in the challenge cup final. Leeds came back and have bought a weekend off before the play off semi in a fortnights time. Battered and bruised, against all the odds, with 2 terrible decisions against them from a weak French ref, Leeds rose, like true champions to win . With 5 seconds to go, Wigan were awarded a penalty, Richards failed to get the length on it. All pundits describe it as one of the greatest all time games.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
As if by magic...Visual artists protest with new works
Visual artists yesterday launched a campaign against draconian funding cuts with a piece of animated art featuring Tracy Emin, Wayne Rooney, pigs, cows and chickens which they hope every politician will see.
Every week for the nex six weeks up until the governments spending review announcement on 20 october a different artist will release a work as part of the campaign, which accepts that there will have to be cuts, but argues that the proposed 25% reductions would be devastating.
First up is David Shigley, who has made a 4 minute animated video called An Important Message, in which a farmer explains to his dim son why such cuts would be counterproductive: 'the arts allow us to look at ourselves, transport us, surprise us. They allow us to see something unique...something different from the latest hollywood teen vampire bollocks or reality tv'
The campaign has the backing of more than 100 leading artists from Hockney, Caro, Bridget Riley, Damien Hirst, Whiteread and the Chapman brothers.
Launching the campaign, Ralph Rugoff of the Hayward Gallery in London, said: 'We are appealing to the government not to make drastic cuts...they would sabotage what has been one of our most remarkable achievements. This country is a global leader in arts and culture and the benefits that come with that are at risk if we see those kind of cuts.'
Cutting budgets by a quarter. Rugoff said, would close many smaller organisations, force dramatic changes on others and would lessen experimentation and risk taking.
Also unveiled yesterday was a work for the campaign from the 2004 Turner prize winner, Jeremy Deller, a poser style neon quote from William Morris that reads: 'I do not want art for a few any more than I want education for a few, or freedom for a few.'
The third piece will come from Mark Wallinger, another Turner prize winner.
None of the artists are bing paid. The costs of the Shrigley animaton, which can also be seen at the Guardian website, have been covered by a grant from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
Fortunately, I also hear Tony Blair was disuaded from his book promotion event at Tatew Modern.
Every week for the nex six weeks up until the governments spending review announcement on 20 october a different artist will release a work as part of the campaign, which accepts that there will have to be cuts, but argues that the proposed 25% reductions would be devastating.
First up is David Shigley, who has made a 4 minute animated video called An Important Message, in which a farmer explains to his dim son why such cuts would be counterproductive: 'the arts allow us to look at ourselves, transport us, surprise us. They allow us to see something unique...something different from the latest hollywood teen vampire bollocks or reality tv'
The campaign has the backing of more than 100 leading artists from Hockney, Caro, Bridget Riley, Damien Hirst, Whiteread and the Chapman brothers.
Launching the campaign, Ralph Rugoff of the Hayward Gallery in London, said: 'We are appealing to the government not to make drastic cuts...they would sabotage what has been one of our most remarkable achievements. This country is a global leader in arts and culture and the benefits that come with that are at risk if we see those kind of cuts.'
Cutting budgets by a quarter. Rugoff said, would close many smaller organisations, force dramatic changes on others and would lessen experimentation and risk taking.
Also unveiled yesterday was a work for the campaign from the 2004 Turner prize winner, Jeremy Deller, a poser style neon quote from William Morris that reads: 'I do not want art for a few any more than I want education for a few, or freedom for a few.'
The third piece will come from Mark Wallinger, another Turner prize winner.
None of the artists are bing paid. The costs of the Shrigley animaton, which can also be seen at the Guardian website, have been covered by a grant from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
Fortunately, I also hear Tony Blair was disuaded from his book promotion event at Tatew Modern.
Friday, 10 September 2010
Destroy Product
Everywhere I hear 'make more stuff' is the objective, express yourself, get seen.
Skreeworld team, the church. are off to London purely to destroy product.
Art is an irattional activity that enables us to make sense of life.
Design is quite opposite, in its' purest sense. It is intent. It is the overcoming of problem through rational. The creation of matter through logic.Design Week is our chance to destroy 'product'.
We will be there
To destroy
the answer is less 'stuff', not more 'stuff'
Any helpers welcome.
Skreeworld team, the church. are off to London purely to destroy product.
Art is an irattional activity that enables us to make sense of life.
Design is quite opposite, in its' purest sense. It is intent. It is the overcoming of problem through rational. The creation of matter through logic.Design Week is our chance to destroy 'product'.
We will be there
To destroy
the answer is less 'stuff', not more 'stuff'
Any helpers welcome.
Artists letter to Guardian
A bunch of artists including Gentleman, D Fryer, Tracy Emin and Vivianne Westwood managed to get a letter together for the 8th of september to protest about Tony Blairs book promotion at Tate Modern. I agree, he is a war criminal and this should not have taken place. However, the letter was late, a display of their commitment, there was a feeling of ownership of Britains flagship of established Art. Who, seriously looks there for what is happening now? a defunct protest at a defunct collection by a defunct body of artists. Emins threat to leave the country if she got taxed too much sadly did not come to pass. A country that nurtured her, payed for her education, gave her a wonderful life. Then, once she has her money she wants to run. The issue of Iraq is a terrible blot on our history but wouldnt moral artists be better looking to the future? we can not repair the past. The current government is about to kick away the whole system that got you out of poverty and in to a position where your opinions are valued. We are about to see the biggest attack on the poor and weak ever seen. Your generation were fortunate to benefit from the Blair Brown buy now, think later concept. You are in there with Blair. If you can not see the connection you really shouldnt be mouthing off. Have you thought for one second how you appear to the provincial observers of your London game? You appear as detached as Blair did when he took our country to war. The Welfare 'reforms', prison 'reforms' and drug treatment 'reforms' will see riots. And you will be the targets. The biggest issue now in this country is the disparity of wealth left by Blair, Brown and Thatcher. Don't feel safe, England didnt have a revolution like France but in the hands of Cameron and the pathetic Clegg one is in the planning. Guillotine, designed by a man from Bradford. Heads will roll.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Leeds vs Halifax and the Collie Dog
K 9, I was at this game. Why did no one remove the colly? Eddy was by now sufering from Althsiemers
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Eddy Waring, class divide and Woodlice
Last nights Eddy Waring documentary was a beautiful and sensitive work. The Eddy Waring story is a Leed story and a Rugby League story but not 'the' Rugby League story. His passion for the game was immense and his work promoting the sport in the erl part of his life exemplary. Sadly, or many, Southerners mainly, the 2 became insepperable for a long time and his show biz efforts innevitaly reflected on the game. I believe he should have stepped back from commentary after the 1968 'watersplash final' to concentrate on his show biz. Rugby League has had to fight for every yard against terrible biggotry. For anyone who doesn't understand our deep hatred of Union, please watch the first ten minutes of the Eddy Waring story BBC documentary to get a taste of the evil history of Union. If ever there was a story to illustrate the North South class divide it is the sory of the two rugby codes. They wrote people out of history, ruined peoples lives. Still, we have he better game. As I get older and learn more it becomes clearer that money played no part in the great schism, it was pure jealousy. We beat them at thier own sacred game.
Monday, 6 September 2010
Skreeworld Art
Please note, all Skreeworld photographs, clearly only of the artists own work, ie. not snaps of other artists work, deemed worthy, are available as Cybachrome Transparency lightboxes, all of short limited edition or single edition. Most pre 2010 are sold.
Saturday, 4 September 2010
Pharmacists Canopy 2
Each day the drug addicts go to the chemist to drink thier methadone or suck thier subutex. Any junky in a strange town knows to go to the chemist and wait, they can spot each other. The new government aim to take away maintenance prescriptions. What will happen? They are about to reduce benefits in 7 weeks. There are going to be a whole lot of desperate people out there. Sit back and watch crime rates rocket. I saw the Chemists canopy vandalised today. I hope I have drawn some beauty out of this vandalism. A clear blue sky on a new morning seen through fragmented eyes of the addicts queuing up for the weekends meth.
Banksy, an artist for Sun readers
Todays Sun had a positive article on the cartoonist Banksy. Now, don't get me wrong, I love his work and he keeps coming up with new ideas, the measure of a truly creative mind.This is an Art that even Sun readers can fathom. The highbrow work of Carl Andre, damien Hirst, and Emin, well, come to think of it, they arent even particularly highbrow artists,was always ridiculed and got a slagging, lets face it, the Sun is aimed at the lowest common denominator. I'm glad, though, that Art is getting in the tabloids again. Only artists like those mentioned have broken out of the broadsheets. So, hats off to Banksy. I love your cartoons.
Tex is Good
I never believed in 'good' or 'evil' and I'm still not sure about 'evil'. Tex however, amongst many things, has taught me that 'good' exists. He may have a touch of male rivalry, I do to, bu having lived with him for a decade I have learned that 'good' exists. Tex has never intentionally hurt anyone or anything, I don't know why but he always wants to be good. Whether his discretion over what constitutes 'good' or whether he is just trying to please our model of 'good'. On the rare occassions his clumsiness has knocked anything over, the guilt he feels is distressing. He has a life mission to be good and not for reward like the Cgristian hope for selfish heaven. He could kill most humans, should he want to, maybe this security gives him the option. 
Friday, 3 September 2010
2 Best Blogs I've read of late
bens prison blog
bens prison blog
BEN'S PRISON BL0G: Blatant Plug!
BEN'S PRISON BL0G: Blatant Plug!: "Ben sometimes gets asked to review a book and was so impressed with the last one that he asked me to put it on the blog. The author is Saun..."
Since Solomon Fell
Please forgive me for the quality of Skreeworld of late. You deserve better. We are in mourning for Solomon, the Church lies fractured and disbursed. Please stick with us. We will be back, but are only human.
I can't say I like Facebook much. There are 'friends' I have never 'met'. For someone like myself who has a tenuous connection with reality at the best of times, these concepts are upsetting. People seem to know me better than I do or deny my existence. The Church are going for a holiday in Cornwall soon.
Thursday, 2 September 2010
I hope you all know to click on the pictures, I do try hard to take some good photos for y'all
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
The Temperence lobby versus the Genii
How many times must we here the ridiculous temperence lobby describe how George Best or Alex Higgins wasted his career? These are only two examples but there are countless other genii who have had a taste for intoxicants. Virtually all these temperate, righteous have achieved little in life let alone becoming snooker world champion twice and altering the nations perception of the sport or being the greatest player to walk out on to the park. Tonight BBC2 shows thier tribute to Alex Higgins which will no doubt focus on the fact that he liked a drink and, ultimately died, a trait that unites us all. What seperated him was his genius on the green baize with a load of balls and a cue. Be honest, isn't there a touch of jealousy there? Let us not forget the apocryphal tale of Best, the hotel room, the ex miss world, the champagne and cash strewn across the bed, 'Where did it all go wrong, George?'
Hedge 2
Felt too ill to go to work so stayed at home, just nodded off. Fuck! Hedge. The bastard is outside, shouting out my name, my girlfriends name, throwing stones up at our window that fall down on to neighbours car rooves. He dresses in the traveller uniform of piercings and ex army clothing. The last thing I want coppers to see is some criminal type telling everyone where I hide out. I have to see him tommorrow. He will have to understand a few things or its' clobbering time.
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