Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Sunday, 27 March 2011
Friday, 25 March 2011
Fight Club
Everyone should have seen this film. If they havn't there are huge gaps. What has started to scare me is the hunger to fight. Fools who think they can just be rude.Let your temper go, dont bottle up, that only hurts you. Steam in. It doesnt matter if you lose, just give it your all.
The Pyre Latest
The work is ready for the pyre. Skreeworld needs the right location for filming the event and a fair bit of man power to get the installation ready for burning it down. This will be a you tube classic. All flame routes are worked out and cut out. We are still unsure on what fuels and explosives to use in the pyre.
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Terribly sad news
Hearing today that a body was found can only be balanced by the arrest of a taxi driver.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Savernake Forest meet up tommorrow
Sian went missing from a Swindon nightclub three days ago. Her phone was picked up recieving from Savernake Forest . Since then nothing. Anyone in the area with spare time tommorrow meet up at Savernake for evidence search at 10.30 am. Contact police for details on assembly. Coming so close after the Bristol Joanne Yeates case the whole area has a dark feel that reminds me of my childhood during the Sutcliffe days, I feel anyone with free time should get out.There is hope and I don't wish to put wrong thoughts out but just do your duty. 
Monday, 21 March 2011
Skreeworld get out there
Waynes death last week has brought a few things home. Also the Thoresby House sale to Mike Porteskin falling through. Deeply disappointed by this mans lack of honesty. What all this has reminded us of is we aren't around too long. When Skreeworld started out our aim was to chronicle adventures, the Box tunnel quest, the Bath gas silos escallation, Moortown Watertower. Our focus will now be on the adventures. Clearly I make my living through art and furniture so this will continue but only to fund the adventures. It has been hard, Waynes death, Richards death, Solomon falling to his death on one of our treks. I had depression rom doing nowt exciting.Skreeworld will now take the game to the death. We are going to die anyway so lets die legends. Thre Church has just 4 now but if you feel up for the adventure, come along. This is an honest message. I'll go like Solomon, not Wayne.
After death I walked out, hoodied up. There is a 4 floor derelict building. I go in through a small hole in the basement. The stairs were rotten. Glass and rubble crunched underfoot. Once on top I looked out across the town, rain streaming down. Police lights raced around looking for trouble. I thought of Si, sleeping somewhere like here. I drank a can of brew for Wayne. Pissed off the balcony then descended, stumbling over demolition, tears in my eyes.
Last weeks chaos
The real point is that helping the beautiful is easy. Helping a man whos death was his own fault is different. His continued drinking with deteriorating liver was suicide. He didnt want to live. It reminded me of Richard and Chris. Seeing the liver fail is horrific. The legs swell, the stomach swells, jaundiced skin colour.10 litres of sceptic fluid were drained from Wayne. His veins were destroyed from drug abuse so the nurses couldnt find lines in to work with. So when I drove in last week I think I knew he would be dead. I did it for his friend , Wayne wasnt really a close friend. Mike had a lot of love for Wayne . He nursed him through his last year. An act like this is the action of an angel. It is wrong not to help an angel. My moral choices about others lifestyles don't come in to this.
So letting Si stay a night for which I have been criticised seems small fry. He may have commited enough crime to find no one willing to give him a bed but who am I to judge? He is a thief but something has made him this. He doesnt care. I saw him being arrested stealing food from marks and spencer. Later on that night I saw him walking in the rain and gave him a lift. A minute later blue lights slashed the night. I pulled over. My record is clear. I am no criminal. They took him away. A warm bed for the night. I have little time for the big issue buyer. If you care, give them a bed.
So letting Si stay a night for which I have been criticised seems small fry. He may have commited enough crime to find no one willing to give him a bed but who am I to judge? He is a thief but something has made him this. He doesnt care. I saw him being arrested stealing food from marks and spencer. Later on that night I saw him walking in the rain and gave him a lift. A minute later blue lights slashed the night. I pulled over. My record is clear. I am no criminal. They took him away. A warm bed for the night. I have little time for the big issue buyer. If you care, give them a bed.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Waynes Death - Wayne RIP
I got the call about 11am. I knew he was bad. We set off to Bath RUH. We were too late. His liver had failed. The strangest part was the speed of decline. It seems only a year ago we were squaring up for a figh. Only a few months ago his 'friends' failed to take him in to save his legs. As a young lad he was very anti smack. I never knew him back then but he was supposed to be a force to be reckoned with. He got two absesses on his legs. These progressed. Friday we were by his corpse. 40 yars old.
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Sunday, 13 March 2011
I will always respect the great Bath side
They played a cross code challenge against Wigan, the greatest RU team versus the greatest RL team. In the RL game Wigan won 84 6. A crushing victory. In the RU game Bath beat Wigan about 40 20. Basically Wigan didn't know the rules and got outplayed in the first half. In the second, the fittness and Wigans quick learning equaled the points scored in that half. What really was apparrent was that after a century the two games were totally different. RL is about power defence and scoring creative tries. RU is a kicking game. In RL the ball is in play for 80% of the game, in RU it is about 40%. Consequently he finess levels are beyond coare. In recent years RU players have come muc closer. What gets me most though
Rugby League - The superior code
I try, I honestly do. There really shouldnt be all that much difference. There is of course the history o biggotry that we will live with in the same way blacks know of slavery. But the game itself. I watch Harlequins versus Newcastle. All the tricks they've stolen from league, the square in the air, all the attempts to speed it up, all atempts to try make union as exciting as league but it never happens. The handling skills from league union can only dream of, the poor tackling that even lower level RL couldnt tolerate. The cast off players like Farrell. The few who brake through like Robinson and the Eastwood, who looks on the way down. The games are different. There is no dening that. Johnny Wilkinson would have been unlikely to make it in to a superleague side. I will continue to watch as RU improves. Once they get rid of 10 minutes of scrummage time, a focus on attack, scoring tries then they'll get there. I've watched internationals where the ball never got past either 22.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Thursday, 10 March 2011
The Fag Butt Doom
Well Skreeworld has found itself in a war with some evil folk. Each day finds us at loggereheads with arsepipes. We know not why. All we do is make Art yet wankboxes seem set on destroying our creativity. Many seem consumed with the pursuiut of drugs. Here at Skreeworld we are purely engaged in the pursuit of art. Why anyone would throw away a life in the hunger for sensation at the expense of expression we can only guese. Each day Skreeworld searches for beauty, each day we see the foolhardy looking for sensation. Our remit is to crunch the druggy, to make art. Skrteeworld fight in a terain of brutality, ours is no theoretical artschool guardian reader twttery, ours is a daily fight. Our battles end in fistfights. We take on the town drunks each week and come home covered
in blood at times. Join us. It is fun. There is nothing like it.
They're are after me
I'll go down fighting mind. Just watch. We got an army and we are going to take as many out as possible.
FDMA arsepipes
Since the inception of the FDMA I have lost all interest in furniture. I send postings to my brother for our entertainment at the pomposity of those involved. Well, I'm throwing in the towel. I 'v had enough. I'm winding down the workshop and moving on to new grunds. All those years ago when i embarked on thiscareer i neve thought i'd make much money but i had hoped to find a creative career. It has become a political joke.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Monday, 7 March 2011
Skreeworld Hell
Skreeworld has been going through hell lately and there seems little light the end of the tunnel. I will just post phgotos till this is over.
Wednesday, 2 March 2011
The Pyre
I'm looking at the weekend if the weather is good. Still havn;t heard from the guy who wanted to buy the piece, I now want to see the building go up in flames. Very sad that an inividual cant be bothered to take the time to reply. No I dn' want anyhing other than o se the fire. Sic wih Skreeworl blog and ou'll se something amazing.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Jim White RIP
What to say when a freind des. Jim has been dead a while now though I never knew. Perhaps this was to do with my staunch aetheism and his catholisism. I met him round the age of 14. I was discovering acid, mushrooms and cannabis. My mother had rcently died and my father was a serious alcoholic so my life was a mess. Jim had a posh house, loving parents and security. Our religious differences probably stemmed from the hand we had been dealt. He was a diabetic though and I recall that aby trip ouy
t required strict return hometimes. The one time we messed up he became like a drunk on acid though I did get him home.
His musical taste was hippy peace, mine Black Sabbath ang darkness. I recall my first mshroom tripo was at his house and I acted like a twat and he old me so, a good freind would. bI once angered him discussing religion that hr went to hit me. I provd my point. Reliion invariably leafs to violence, violence they feel justified inusing.
#Jim was a beautiful and peaceful man.
t required strict return hometimes. The one time we messed up he became like a drunk on acid though I did get him home.
His musical taste was hippy peace, mine Black Sabbath ang darkness. I recall my first mshroom tripo was at his house and I acted like a twat and he old me so, a good freind would. bI once angered him discussing religion that hr went to hit me. I provd my point. Reliion invariably leafs to violence, violence they feel justified inusing.
#Jim was a beautiful and peaceful man.
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