Friday, 29 July 2011
Say what you want
You can say or do anything you want. There are no hierarchies of observation. The idea that the internet is some sort of old school graffiti wall where 'trolls' can attack people is true but in a good way.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
George Shaw - Turner Prize
It would be a fantastic moment for art if George Shaw were to win this years Turner Prize. For most, the event has become a joke about Londons vanity, stupidity and the triumph of poor writing over visual art.. Each year sees it become less relevent to the majority of peoples visual dissemination of their surroundings. Shaws exhibition at the Baltic took the art of the sincere and observant to Newcastle, Englands polar opposite to London. His work has taken an area he understands deeply, an area that we all know, bar, perhaps farmers and Londoners yet I feel shaw they too know, even if they have merely passed through on journeys elsewhere, forgotten grounds, and revealed a truth many art cogiscenti have sought to rise above. There is life, in abscence; as James Joyce said 'abscence is the greatest form of prescence', and thown your offcuts back with a sincerity I have struggled to see n ar for years. My only queery is why they let his work through? Its' superiority in chronicling England today makes a mockery of the era of shock and pretension it supercedes. If an artists objective is to reveal a truth others miss, or to leave a marker in time for future generations to grasp how life was in their time, Shaw easily trumps most of his contemporaries. If the judges are brave, he will win; if they wish to attach their judgement to our recent artistic past then he will be overlooked.
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
Amy Winehouse RIP 2
Though I am deeply saddened she achieved great things.Many addicts struggle, not with fame but anonymity, not with success but failure. Let this day be for the rememberance of all who suffered addiction and drink and drug problems, not for celebrity. Amy was beautiful and would have been had we never heard of her.
A Bit Rough
Feeling ill and tired all the time, now. I hate eating anything and only do it to feel ok. Also in a lot of pain.
Rarely feel motivated to write to a Newspaper
Yet today a letter from Phil Barker and Poppy Buchanan-Barker, published today really got up my nose. Their views are from the school of thought where depressed people should pull themselves together and schizophrenics should stop being weird. Whilst 'disease' is a misused term for addicts they certainly fall in to the categoty of 'mentally ill'. Amy Winehouse is dead, her fame irrelevant, countless unknown and poverty stricken individuals are suffering and dieing as we speak. The idea that any affliction that leads to death is in anyway self diminishing is the view of ignorance or idiocy. Blaming addicts for being ill is as accurate as blaming a car crash victim for driving, or even being a passenger. To send such a brutal letter at such a sensitive time is akin to blaming young Labour party members for taking a holidasy at Utoya Island. I have vast experience in this area and have lost many loved ones to self medication of mental illnesses the convential routes have no answer for.
Monday, 25 July 2011
Lucien Freud RIP
This is a detail of the previous picture, just to remind you. Freud did some shit paintings, Kate Moss, The Queen; yet he painted some of the best I've ever seen, his '85 self portrait shows a new way of looking. Even the Dole Worker that Abramovich bought wasn't great. Sad when a truly great artist just gets bought, even his duffers. Still ,a cracking painter.
You were one of us, one who found the pressures of failure and anonimoty too much to bare. You were a drug addict. Or you couldnt cope with fame and success. I get a little upset when strangers fake greif. I heard an interview witha clearly distraught Carole King, the interviewer asked her if she was famous over 'there', King just couldnt continue. She just pointed out that people of all walks of life suffer and die from addiction, her fame was such a triviial point to pick up on at a sensitive moment like that.Her music deeply affected me though I feel a far more significant connection in a shared illnes. Sleep tight, Amy.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Leeds beat Hull in quater final
After a poor start with Hull dominating the mercurial Kevin Sinfield looked to the ground and thought, this is not to be. Leeds came out in the 2nd half with the bit between their teeth and took Hull apart. We have drawn Cas. No easy shout. We will win. We will beat Wigan at Wembley.
Saturday, 23 July 2011
Tyson Fury beats Chisora
British and Commonwealth champion put his titles on the line tonight. He had had 2 fights with Klitschko junior arranged that fell through and is a proficient boxer. Tyson Fury, a much bigger man had more tonight though. In the first couple of rounds I thought he may lose but as the fight progressed Fury pulled ahead on points, only a KO would have reversed the decision. Great to see boxing on terrestrial tv. Later tonight Khan fights. I'll stay up to report.
Amy Winehouse RIP
Very upsetting when a young addict dies. Her history of drug use is well known and it is clear she fore saw what may happen. Clearly she was forced in to rehab when unready. Her clean system couldnt take the strain. This is a drug story, not a music story. It has implications for the new governments deterimation to stop maintenance prescriptions. Facebook is awash with false sympathy for someone they never knew. I have a good 10 close freinds died from depression or drugs who achieved many things. Sadly folk cling to people they never knew in the hope it may validate them. Amy was the Lady Di of the drug world. Tonight my thoughts are with Peter, he was their target. They would be revelling now. Whatever idiot thought that drug addiction is a cold you can kick in a few days, and I have heard some say withdrawall is five days of flu. Let me tell you, it is 6 months before your endorphins come close to normallity, so they pushed her out, on stage, soul in tatters, then are surprised she is dead now? She was murdered. I will not pretend I met her. I have my own freinds who suffered and died, Wid, Win, Richard, Martin, Bev... I could go on, I won't fake greif for strangers.
Friday, 22 July 2011
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Monday, 18 July 2011
There are only lies. A truth is merely a moment, like an eclipse. It is only chance, not good, not honesty. A very superficial outlook, arrogant, pompous, self importance. The lie is the creative, the explorative.
Slutwalks etc.
So what do we say regarding the Slutwalk movement. For anyone living in the woods, a Canadian Sherrif suggested that women, ladies, girls wearing short skirts and sexually provocative clothing were to some degree responsible for sexual attacks that may come their way. In response the 'Slutwalk' movement arose, not unlike Gay Pride marches see girls flaunting their right to dress as they want. Obviously they are right. It's no one elses business how you choose to dress. Yet there are concerns. The 14 year old schoolgirl, unaware of her powers catches the glare of the lorry driver. Bollocks. Rape is not about provocation or even sex. War sees men raped, repeatedly in Africa. All wars have rape. Rape is nothing to do with clothes, nothing to do with sex, rape is about power and disempowerment. I saw this broken lighter that must be part of the reappropriation of the word. As Hippy was an insult, as queer is half way through the journey the word hippy has made, slut is taking its first, tentative steps to self empowerment.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
M safe
We got a message. M who suffers dementia demanded to be dropped off in Shepton, which we did. Tears streamed down Cs' face, ikt felt we were throwing her to the wind. She found her son and is now booked to fly back to Inverness tommorrow morning at 4.30. She needs her hospital, 24 hour care. Tough love but things have worked out for the best. She will be safe. She will be home tommorrow. Still feel guilt but all is for the best.
Anyone following Skreeworld blog, please check out Waywood furniture. They're work has consistently been of the best of its' era since I began exhibbitting. Barnaby Scott has, arguably been the most important figure in wood based contemporary furniture for the last decade, not purely by the great works that seem to be endless in creativity and execution but in dragging a raggle taggle bunch together. Quite why he has let me be the voice of cheek these last few years I know not, I just hope that within the trash, I drop the odd pearl.![]()
Saturday, 16 July 2011
How do you bring things to an end?
I drive our demented visitor to a town she lived in 20 years ago, no longer recognisable to the one she knew and throw her fortune to the wind. I offerred her to be put on a plane with flight paid back to her home in Inverness but NO, she intends to live here, to return to a world that no longer exists. All I can do is expose her to reality. My partner needs hospital treatment and she is my priority. I feel wracked with guilt. Short of abandoning ones life and dedicating it to anothers demise, it is all to be done.
Last night, I sat watching the chaotic stimuli of TV, countless images, stories, information with M and after a while you see her point. None of it makes sense. The natural reaction is to see pure confusion. Just pick your small band, your gang; protect and love them. Once your compassion starts to take on board all and sundry you really will have nothing left and find yourself nailed to a cross. I am loyal to those I care for to the point of fighting their battles. Last night I read some bullying text on the DMOU forum from Waters and Partner and couldn't help but step in in defence of someone. If it were in the street I would have steamed in. I hate bullies and hope to some day batter Waters and co. Violence is underrated in many ways, tapping out abuse on a key pad is easy, a square go is honest. They speak of honesty of construction, lets see honesty of your beliefs.
Last night, I sat watching the chaotic stimuli of TV, countless images, stories, information with M and after a while you see her point. None of it makes sense. The natural reaction is to see pure confusion. Just pick your small band, your gang; protect and love them. Once your compassion starts to take on board all and sundry you really will have nothing left and find yourself nailed to a cross. I am loyal to those I care for to the point of fighting their battles. Last night I read some bullying text on the DMOU forum from Waters and Partner and couldn't help but step in in defence of someone. If it were in the street I would have steamed in. I hate bullies and hope to some day batter Waters and co. Violence is underrated in many ways, tapping out abuse on a key pad is easy, a square go is honest. They speak of honesty of construction, lets see honesty of your beliefs.
Friday, 15 July 2011
Full moon lunacy
Is it the full moon? I walked out tonight and hear that Tim, schizophrenic street beggar and general nice guy. Since being sectioned, the hospital has fed him well, already a big, powerful man, he now looks a prizefighter. He storms up the hill ranting that the devil is raping Elvis and deep satanic forces are controlling him. He was on full form Terrifying to strangers yet beneath his illness he is a gentle and kind man. He thinks me and my partner are Angels. I do give him cash when he's begging and I'm flush I will give him 5 or 10 drops. The psychiatrists, in all thier wisdom, let him out on the most powerful moon for months.
A note had been put through our door saying that a friend of my partner was in the pub. Only on 2nd look did we realise it was from the police. M lives in North Scotland and has been sectioned twice in the last 6 months trying to get here. One time she got a taxi to Aberdeen bfore the driver handed her over to the police who took her to hospital. Next time she was found on the shores of a loch, lost, looking for Somerset. Somehow she got here. I could make no sense at all as her mind drifted through time from childhood throughout her 60 odd years. Dementia is a terrible thing.
There is no place for people when they begin to fall, when thier marbles go. No one up in Scotland knew she was here. The Police step in when they tumble and blood pours down their face but as soon as they can get out, they'll leave you to mop it up. We can provide a roof, a sofa, a TV but no professional help. Where do you go to die? Nature should have provided us with an 'off' button. hope my partner can cope. I will do what I can.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Peter Dormer - Undiluted Lies
Sadly Dormer died before completing his final work though it did find posthumous completion and publication. 'The Art of the Boot Boy', 'You're gonna get your fucking heads kicked in', now discredditted by many in some quaters the work was finished by Sebastian Fellows, a boot gentleman too and accolite of Dormer. The chapter on the oxe blood polishing of the Dr Martin boot, a craft Dormer took up to gain understanding of tacit knowledge or 'know how' . Indeed it is a sad fact that the seminal writings of Richard Allen, 'Skinhead', 'Skinhead Farewell', 'Boot Boys', published by New English Library are no longer in publication though his discourse on youth culture still rings strong in days where computer games have replaced true 'agro'.
Dormer, himself was fond of a 'row' or a 'swedge' as the art is known as north of the border. Fellows, though a youth, saw Dormer lead many a taking of the oppositions end and was an honourary member of Dormers 'firm' formed by himself and other academics to carry out hands on research in to the art of the hooligan. I remember well, sat safely in the stand with my father, seeing Dormer escorted by two policeemen, a Leeds scarf tied to his left wrist, down the side of the park after a solo assault on the Stretford End, a mortar board on his head, (later to become attire of the Pringle boys and casuals who followed his teachings). The gesture from his right hand was the two fingered, not as many later writers have claimed the American single finger. Dormers gesture dates back to Agincourt where captured archers were brutally defingered, the gesture of defiance still holds sway in these isles.
Pyes' 'The Nature and Art of Agro' spawned the 'Kick football out of hooliganism' campaign. To this day many academics keep this noble charrity afloat. This grew from the fact that rival villages would Swedge over a roughly woven leather ball in a kind of all in row. Football developed to sanitise this honourable tradition. Where Dormer disagrees with Pye lies largely in Pyes seperation of 'The Row of Certainty' and 'The Row of Risk'. His resaearch involved tools, going in tooled up with the element of surprise Pye was able to take a small firm to take the ends at Chelsea, Birmingham City and even trump the Inner City Firm of West Ham, thus proving his 'Risk' and 'Certainty' theories.
No one can deny that Dormer was a hard case and important academic though David Pye, Professor of Furniture for many years at the RCA is a true terrace legend.
Dormer, himself was fond of a 'row' or a 'swedge' as the art is known as north of the border. Fellows, though a youth, saw Dormer lead many a taking of the oppositions end and was an honourary member of Dormers 'firm' formed by himself and other academics to carry out hands on research in to the art of the hooligan. I remember well, sat safely in the stand with my father, seeing Dormer escorted by two policeemen, a Leeds scarf tied to his left wrist, down the side of the park after a solo assault on the Stretford End, a mortar board on his head, (later to become attire of the Pringle boys and casuals who followed his teachings). The gesture from his right hand was the two fingered, not as many later writers have claimed the American single finger. Dormers gesture dates back to Agincourt where captured archers were brutally defingered, the gesture of defiance still holds sway in these isles.
Pyes' 'The Nature and Art of Agro' spawned the 'Kick football out of hooliganism' campaign. To this day many academics keep this noble charrity afloat. This grew from the fact that rival villages would Swedge over a roughly woven leather ball in a kind of all in row. Football developed to sanitise this honourable tradition. Where Dormer disagrees with Pye lies largely in Pyes seperation of 'The Row of Certainty' and 'The Row of Risk'. His resaearch involved tools, going in tooled up with the element of surprise Pye was able to take a small firm to take the ends at Chelsea, Birmingham City and even trump the Inner City Firm of West Ham, thus proving his 'Risk' and 'Certainty' theories.
No one can deny that Dormer was a hard case and important academic though David Pye, Professor of Furniture for many years at the RCA is a true terrace legend.
Simon King - Near miss
Talking of shooting, Simon King, BBC star of wildlife photography was in Rodden Nature Reserve, the other side of the river to Skreeworld nature reserve this week. With loaded rifles we stalked the undergrowth looking for a clear buttock shot. Sadly the media whore stood well away from our shooting point. This follows last weeks Kevin MaCloud problem. The Saxonvale site that Skreeworld believes should remain brownfield allowing nature to take its course, is the subject of Frome town Council arguments. Rook Lane Chapel, the site of the famous 'Private Parts' show curated by Michael Wainwright, close friend of Skreeworld was where the anti Tesco protest and debate took place. Kev took centre stage and little was achieved other than that we all decided we don't want Tesco moving to Frome, an independent town. Following the debate, Skree took Kev to task over the demise of den building, a boyhood craft. MaCloud clearly had missed out on this crucial part of growth and has developed an obsession with eco build. After closing time, the crowd dispersed. After 9 pints, Skree rose at 6 for a dog walk only to find puddles of vomit outside the pub where Kev was drinking. Now there is no proof yet one would surmise that any individual who hadnt built dens would, in all likelyhood, grow to be a poor drinker, ale weak so to speak. Skreeworld says, Kev, come back and clear up your mess!![]()
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
Sunday, 10 July 2011
Friday, 8 July 2011
Makers Eye
There have been several promotional vehicles launched from the DMOU. The FDMA sought to use the chaotic beauty and claim it as its' own. A poorly concieved takeover that caused righteous indignation, it wasn't anyones bar Bs' to steal. Any project of this nature requires kindling and wood for the fire. To think otherwise defies physics. Makers Eye, a subtlely launched endeavour seems likely to succeed. The fee is small to those who deserve the right to have their business included, perhaps it is even too low. The designer maker scene has lost velocity through wreckless inclusion, no one with a conscience would slander another maker yet, if progress is to be made the crap needs to be discarded. I'm sorry, but the work isn't all good. No one will take interest unless ALL pieces shown are of quallity.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
The Jam - News Of The World
I thought I would never see the day when this weekly filth came to an end even in the knowledge that something similar will fill the role. My dad won the News of the World prize rod in 1962 on his honeymoon for catching the biggest Turbot ever caught off the British coast. His record has now gone though I hope he saves the rod for family inherritance though it should rightfully go to my brother, a kean angler, not to me to whom it would be pure object. A souvenir of different times.
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Cy Twombly RIP
Sad news to hear that Twombly died yesterday, aged 83. A difficult artist to like at times with his delicate touch. More appreciated in Italy where he lived out his final days. I always saw him as thebridge between the American Abstract Expressionists and the Basquait era graftti artists that subsequently led to the current obsession with street art. His work was never easy to read but gentle on the eye, a subtlety lost to his legacy.
His time was of Jasper Johns, Robert Schauschenburg though his work has stod the test of time far betterthan hi contempraries. A sad loss.
His time was of Jasper Johns, Robert Schauschenburg though his work has stod the test of time far betterthan hi contempraries. A sad loss.
David Mach
Saw Davids latest today. Another of his coathanger works, a triple Christ, falling. He's ace
Everyone enjoys a good pipe
A pure clear pipe, non your ice cut bollocks. My laptop is on its last legs so Skreeworld may retreat for a while. I read a blog by a well known furnitue maker earlier. It gave me a deeper insight into the deatly mndainity of the makers world view. A harowing experience,a dour trawl through an empty and unobservant mind.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
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