Monday, 31 October 2011

Egg on Toast

Beginning to regain perspective


Sheet of Paper


Tinsley Towers

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Confidence is apparent in people who feels that they have constructed a reading of reality and a plan to tackle it. Ease of processing input is not a skill I have but constrcting a coherent story is not recognising or grasping the truth.

The importance of keeping kids in school can not be overstated. For many it is the only place they geta square meal.

Whilst instinctively I stand against cuts in Arts education and see that many artists that have put Britain at the forefront of global Arts were not from wealthy backgrounds I still have quarms. I don't think anyting so trivial as money would have steered me in my education. Money is somethin  only thought about in recent years and even then not much. I would seriously qestion a prospective students commitment if they were in it for te money or even feared debt. Also, there wasn't that much money in Art when those who have made a lot first started.

Describing an object as 'art' or 'science' is poor English. Also I find it fair for someone who produces nothing to call themselves an artist. From Duchamps day art changed from being some quality inside an object to being the reaction on seeing the object. From here also, following the ready made, being an artist became a way of negotiating the world.

None Breeders

Reading Jeanette Winterson on her upbringing in saturdays Guardian caused an aversion in me. There is something I find wholly depressing in adults moaning about their poor parental lot. Surely once you pass the ages your parents were when they made mistakes you should be able to realise that you are still making mistakes too and forgive. As a none breeder (so far) I know that I am still free to believe the story I have written about myself. Only when you have children is the narrative properly disrupted. Parents often lose their sense of  fantasy but none parents are much worse, at best we are childlike, at worst childish.

Celebs and Twitter

Frome, like Shropshire and other pleasent rural posts are popular with celebs. The quiet of the countryside provides a freedom from paps and staring eyes. Johnny Depp, Dr Who, Madonna, Paul Weller and several others have been spotted round our way. However, with the advent of Twitter and other social networking sites have but a damper on things. As soon as a celeb is spotted folk are on their i phones, telling all and sundry where they are and what they are up to. Celeb 'twitchers' are rife forcing the celebs to use increasingly more cunning disguises. Many can still be spotted by kean enthusiasts and remember, anyone could be one, even you.

Dale Farm

It saddened me to see that some of the evicted travellers were but a few yards down the road from the old scrapyard that is Dale Farm. 18m was the last figure that I heard bandied about as the cost of the councils operation. Now there are children whose educations have been disrupted messing with their chances of a conventional lifestyle. The whole story upset me. Clearly the real issue is the lack of traveller pitches. The idiocy of the journalism around the subject has baffled me. Many raised the idea that because we had no better name for them than 'travellers' they ust conform to the title we had given them and travel. By the same token Margaret Thatcher should have worked on roofs. Ironically, the day they were evicted the BBC 4 show chronicling the history of coach travel covered the Convoy and the battle of the beanfield. During an attempt to have a festival at Stonehenge the government took the opportunity to atempt to destroy the new age travellers and their way of life. Even today the footage of policemen smashing up families homes, beating men, women and children is deeply upsetting. At the time, though not a traveller myself knew many who were and was nearby when this happened. I couldn't help but wonder why 'normal' society seemed so set against these people who sought a better lifestyle to the inner city unemployment that was the only other avenue for many. There were few jobs, in many ways like now, and most sought but a little peace in the countryside. Though there was clearly a misunderstanding of how the countryside worked on the part of the ex towny travellers the opposition they met was obsessive. Like at Dale Farm the country felt justified in depriving a minority of a life. The thought goes that if I can't have it neither can they. It has roots in jealousy and misunderstanding. Life in a trailer is hard. The life expectancy of a Gypsy or traveller is amongst the shortest of any socio group in Europe. There are no floodgates to open; no one to 'send a message' to. If the noble thing had been done and the travellers appeal upheld we would not have seen an increase in travellers. Now more stray famillies will be floating about in laybys.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Skreeworld Autumn Demons

A great Autumn for fungi but sadly also Demons. Skreeworld has been battered in to the soil by evil! After demons got into the workings of our engine the viral demon plague has spread. At present our offices are under severe attack. All loose features are tied to the mast and all hatches battened down. All we can do is wait till our powers return so we can defeat the evil forces. Sadly we are unable to give details as only the chosen are party to the massive defensive exersize we have undertaken. Only to say that this is the darkest days since the blog began. Perhaps just twice in history have the dark breed been so strong. All prayers should be directed to Skreeworld.

Lifes a Beech

60% haircut


Skreeworld Euro Scan

As the capitalist system collapses across Europe, Skreeworld is monitoring all changes. When Britain gave sanctuary to the deposed millitary dictator Gok Wan no one could have known what was to come. White supremasist and arch right winger Monte Don warned us that if we sold off our forests to all comers we could be saved. As Gok Wans' regime grows perhaps our sole chance is to return to our woods. To feast on nut and berry. Leave Don to his veg munching.

Wierd Tom

When I was a student, my second time around, in High Wycombe, I lived for a while with Wierd Tom. He was a strange but interesting lad. One day he had a garden party and bought some Pymms, the fluid of the posh, loads of fresh fruit with it. Afterwards we ate. He cooked so I agreed to wash up which I was quite happy with. I mentioned I would rather cook than wash up, cookin can be very creative when washing up seldom is. He launched in to a speech that referenced Budhism saying that the washer up is as important as the chef. This opitomised the public school boy to me. The attitude that can see another slave for them whilst retaining a clean conscience. Britiains oversees policies are clearly he work of this class. The 'benevolence' of colonianism is still fondly remembered by the ruling class. David Cameron said something along the lines of not being ashamed of our history. There would still be slaves if he had his way.
I didn't start this to shake chips from my shoulder nor to dig up old emnities. It is purely to illustrate a point. Though I have grown to detest the indulgence in food we have. It seems that, as the moments of hunger become so tiny in modern Britain these precious moments are increasingly fought over. Seldom a day goes by without some celebrity chef appearing on the telly or jumping out of your weekend paper fighting for your attention with increasingly ridiculous concoction. Old Etonion Hugh Fearnley Wittingstall began a series last week on vegetarianism. His mindwashed slave chef was ordered to put more vege dishes on the menu 'whenever he wanted' as soon as possible. The poor man said in a beaten down manner that it was good for him as it would help him to break down his misconcepttions. He spoke as a slave might about how he valued his daily beatings as they made him a better slave.
Skreeworld hopes to launch our first celebrity washer up. He is on the cover of this weekends Observer 'Washing up' supplement. There is also a feature comparing super market brands of washing up liquid with the well known Fairy liquid. Rubber gloves are on cheep offer if you collect the free voucher on the back page. There was a day when Fanny Craddock jousted with the Gallopping Gourmet for food slots, now an army of TV cooks abound. Our celeb crock scrubber Armitage 'Vialeda' Johnson has washed up for some of the most well known chefs from Jamie Oliver to Marco Pierre White. It is only a matter of time before he will be joined by the innevitable copy cats, indeed he has an apprentice who worked under him in many Mitchelin Starred establishments. Together they are looking in to a Saturday night TV slot to find Britains newest washing up talent. The excitement is huge.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Libya Day

So much has happened this week. Gadafis' brutal regime is over. Upsetting scenes of his carcase flood the screen. Another death amongst many. On home soil the Travellers who were at Dale Farm are in neighbouring lay bys.
Tabak claims he sought but a kiss.
When all around you are following the same path it is with great difficulty that you choose another. The inividual is still to the fore as our political system collapses. Liberal capitalist democracy has clearly failed. No one in mainstream politics is ready to admit this. The money has all floated to the top and now cuts against all moneys that the governments have managed to steer away fom this elite group are starting to take hold. Finding a niche within this as a successful artist or artisan is dependent on this system and supportive of it. Whilst I have never felt wholly comfortable with this I have never found sufficient reason to change.. No longer can I sleep well knowing this. I shall now move toward work that includes all.

Modern atheists like me know all life began when they were born. Nothing existed before. I envy those of faith, particularly the jewish people, even Jews of no faith, remember they trump muslims and christians as they were not taken in by the fraudsters Christ or Mohammed, as they know life strtetches back much further. Geniology is for the rich. The poor seek merely to survive, sometimes reproduce. The rich know thier lineage.

Quite what this is an exersize in I know not, it is only the fallen who understand. Just the few.

Turner Prize shows a flashing vision of Skreeworld. We championed George Shaw and still believe he should be crowned carnival king yet see the show as a whole. Taking place at Baltic with 3 who do not live in London but what is more important show a clearer view of Britain today. Finally a year full of work that speeks to us who hate the introspective art chatter. Us who love art from the greater outside. After Freeze that seems, along with its' satalites increasingly irrelevant, from the most unlikely place of all comes a brilliant accurate show.

Thursday, 13 October 2011


Breaking down of final remaining walls

There are so many deserving of thanks for the last ten years. Before we shed our skin, the lizard will be posting farewells and thank yous to all who have been of help with our work.

Skreeworld Changes

The changes we are undergoing should be completed by Christmas. Wish us luck. These are the biggest changes in over a decade.



Old Joiners

When I began woodworking, rather later than some as I had little desire to work until my 20s, I chose it not for any reason other than I felt that society could crumble at any time. What use would an economics degree be in the aftermath of apocalipse? At least a joiner could build a shack to live in. If times weren't so bad he could make furniture for rich people. There were flaws in the plan. Now, in my mid 40s, I realise that the choice was a poor one. Anything you do with your hands, unless it transcends commodity and becomes art, can not command more than an hourly rate. You are unable to get ahead enough to retrain. As you age your speed gets slower, you may have more tricks but the body deteriorates. The obvious route many take is to employ other, younger workers. I have never liked dealing with clients, I find it hard enough to sleep with the few responsibillities I already have. However, I have reached a place where things aren't working. This is a dialemna facing most who started when I did. Time for a change.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Frieze Art Week

Skimming the surface is about all you can do in this 'must do' onslaugt of Art. Whilst a democracy of diferent stand points and lines of enquiry is seemingly apparent, arguably far more so than in other human/world negotiation systems such  as politics, religion or science; chaos ensues in a blur of overstimulus. To take on and learn an artist requires commitent, space and time. Here, none of these luxuries are available. Each shift in attention requires a fresh pair of shoes. Only artists you are already up to speed with are coherent in the time you permit attention in this ocean of endeavour. This is why I find it a poor introduction for any new artist. Each snippet from diverging artists dialogues washes over as the previous goes un opened. The devoted may find more than me through background knowledge. The democracy is undermined by the sense of competition, the need to be shown or forgotten throws out ill considered works. Loudness becomes prime, subtelty lost. Each poorly translated chunk of European philosophy I read further ridicules works unable to stand alone, free of catalogue deconstruction. The poverty of language that is endemic must rise to the quality of serious writing as the purely visual must equal other material culture. Work that does not succeed visually is not helped by weak philosophy. Perhaps from this maelstrom of imagery and thought, only the visual can succeed; there is no space for reflection. Yet amongst this party where all must be, quiet moments happen. I can't help but feel that the sense of democracy first felt lies more in a lack of meritocracy, a lottery to be brutal.

Always crashing in the same car

I have returned to the same point through many different routes now that I have to accept that the model itself is flawed. Up to my going away recently things had felt volcanic in their pent up fury. Whilst away I found peace, I wrote, relaxed but on my return all pillars of darkness still stood. I fought hard but ultimately found myself again crippled by. emotion. The symphony of life had returned to a familiar melody. Each breakthrough was followed by a brutal blow.
For me there has to be poetic injustice followed by righteous triumph. There has to be collapse, failure, a point when you are written off. Ali had to be beaten, had to lose, be banned from boxing to return. Mandella had to be imprissoned for 25 years. World War 2 had to have the plucky British on their knees or victory would be deprived of all poetry. Perhaps this is the sole way I can live with my flaws.
This is time to make changes.

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Leeds 32 St Helens 16

In what many have called the best Grand Final so far, Leeds won a hard fought contest. The opening 20 minutes were score free in an arm wrestle in adverse, wet conditions. Saints were first to score from a penalty though Leeds, through Sinfield were equal. Rob Burrow was introduced from the bench injecting pace and scoring Leeds first try, a solo effort that put Leeds ahead, Sinfield converted and Leeds went in as half time leaders.
Saints got off to a blinding start when the teams returned putting in 6 sets of 6 tackles that Leeds defended well. A try was clearly scored though the video ref did not give it but a 2nd, only picked up on a disbuted coverance from replayed footage was allowed bringing Saints level. All posetion went Saints way and another try took them in to the lead. Many pundits had Leeds dead and buried but Sinfield rallied the troops and Burrow created the next Leeds try. Ice cool Sinfield converted.
Leeds scored 2 more which flattered the scoreline, Saints were worthy runners up.
Rob Burrow took all 35 votes for man of the match.
Leeds began the season with poor form.  Most, including many of thier own fans had written them off. Some even calling for the head of Brian MacDermott. As the sole British coach amongst the top teams, some felt he had much to prove. Todays Guardian ran in intreguing collemn where he stated his theories on Northern men and thier attitudes of being 'one of the lads'. I believe he is right. The proof of the pudding lies in tonights result. No team has won the comptition from finishing 5th before nor will any soon.
Including Leeds cup run, fnishing as close losing finallists, we have played each weekend for 36 weeks against superleague opposition. More games than any other team. No one gave Leeds a chance bar stalwart followers and Saints fans.
Tonights game heald none of the needle some do. I would like to send genuine heartfelt handshakes to all Saints fans. Few thought Saints would be there either. Each week, both sets of fans have had to hear the press throwing plaudits to Warrington and Wigan but where were they tonight? watching at home I hope.
St Helens have competed in the last 5 finals as losers through many team changes and coaches. I imagine thier feelings are somewhat like ours were during the years when Wigan repeatedly won the Challene Cup, often with Leeds as opposition. In none of the four grand finals we have beaten them in have they been anything but a cigarrette papers thickness from winning. Their sportsmanship tonight, in staying to applaud Leeds as winners was something I have seldom seen. Few have given Leeds credit for their achievements through the 4 finals we have played. Often interest has drifted from mainstream view once Wigan have been knocked out. I, for one feel that, though Leeds have not been given the recognition for their dominance, St Helens have recieved even for their achievement for producing, time and time again a team worthy of respect. In no other sport would a side of their stature go unrewarded.
This is a historic night for Leeds. We may wait another 3 decades to see a team of their like. Sinfeild, Burrow and MaGuire, along with Peacock, Webb, Ablett, Delaney, young Zack Hardaker in fact the entire staff have done us proud.
I shall treasure these memories for all my life.
Tears flow.
Words fail.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

The Ship's Blog: The Ship's Blog 5th July 2011 'Our YouTube channel...

The Ship's Blog: The Ship's Blog 5th July 2011 'Our YouTube channel...: Our YouTube channel 'cuttysarkclippership' shows footage taken during the project and is updated with interesting video showing the ships on...

Archangel Intervention

Following yesterdays dispondency after Demons interfeered with my vehicle Skreeworld hurled prayer post messages to our Guardian Archangels who responded promptly. A new vehicle was provided from above as was a total upgrade on our previous model. The dark forces fled, others cowered under sheer weight of Angelic hands of intervention. Also, noting our work in Portsmouth a few years back regarding HMS Victory our services are required on the Cutty Sark. Why such swashbuckling approval has been bestowed on us we know not, only that we are called and must follow our destiny. Albion is safe in our hands

Wednesday, 5 October 2011


This week could not carry on with such wonder without the intervention of dark forces. When D came to the studio I should have known by his demeanour that all was not right. Brought to a downward spiral by the recession I was not to know that this was but the start. After waking today I walked past the satanists coffee bar in a mist of rain that progressed in to squawly showers. An odour of putrifaction emanated from a doorway where the Evil Artist stood, pontificating to a fellow demonologist on voodoo curses planned for Skreeworld. It was shortly after this that my car, freshly MOTd overheated; the head gasket gone, the top block distorted by dark forces. My spirits were absent, our archangels presumably on duty elsewhere on more important matters. Is this the work of the inbred Fromans who spend their twisted lives in pursuit of the downfall of the holy? Perhaps. Our options are tight. Actions are necessary to thwart the evil rife in this town where the conspiracy of darkness stands at each step in the path of the righteous. This is no laughing matter and no laughter shall be heard when our powers return. Yea, we shall smite thee, we shall skewer the heads of your spawn on pikes and polish the flagstone floors with thine entrails. Tommorrow shall see our response.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Final Build Up

Saints Van.

All thougts on most subjects are on hold for the week as Skreeworld prepares for the journey to Old Trafford for the Rugby League Grand Final.
We saw the dour, stodgy offerings in the establishments world cup when the nigels played the mcnigels and bar thirty seconds at the end it was poor viewing. Anyone still thinking RU is anyhting other than shite should watch the RL semi hilights posted on Skreeworld. The excitement of the season peaks at6.00pm on saturday. For those unable to attend the game is on Sky and the high lights will be on Skreeworld, with match report, late saturday night or on BBC 2 on sunday afternoon. Leeds finished 5th in the table so anyone who betted with us on a Leeds victory from the start of the play offs will get a good return on their money. I honestly thought we would lose to the mighty Wire last friday but having seen the determination on Kevin Sinfields face in the post match interview I believe, the undersung hero of not only Rugby League but British sport will lead us to a truly historic victory. To all Saints fans, we send our best for thouroughly defeating the pie eaters and hope for a good fair game. May the best team win.

Council Rent Cheques

Skreeworld rarely comments on politics but this issue has come to our atention a few times now. With homeless figures spiralling out of control, we note that a law slipped in to effect shortly after the current government came in to power though it originated from a directive from Browns days. In an attempt to empower those on housing benefit, the government saw fit to change the system. Where as before, a housing benefit recipient could instruct the council to pay the money either to themselves or directly to their landlord, now it is always sent to the recipient. After years of schemes to try to enable the older jobless in to work, the older unemployed were largely on incapacity, for one reason or another they were unable to work. Some have mental health issues, some are alcoholic others may be addicted to another drug. Putting their rent, effectively what keeps them from the streets is pure idiocy. There are already victims of this that I have seen. With nothing to do and no self control, many people were protected by a system that could, in the right cases, place the responsibillity out of their hands. Effectively protecting them from themselves. The idea was to put the rent in the tennants hands in order to protect them from unscrpulous landlords so they could with hold rent if repairs etc. were not carried out, the option was already there. Forcing a cheque in to the hands of all but the most sensible junky is to make them homeless. What is legislated under the banner of empowering the poor can easly backfire. The five cases I have personally seen have resulted in three evictions. This also makes landlords less open minded to benefit dependent tennants. Where once the rent was guaranteed a landlord now sees a tennant who may, despite what they say to get the tenancy, as a potential loss of money.
As unemployment grows, as no one can deny it is, more people will be claiming housing benefit. With this law still in place homeless figures, already on the increase, look set to soar. When, only last year, half the homeless people in London were migrant workers, mostly of East European birth, now they make up just a third. More ex armed forces personel contribute highly to the figures as more disillusioned or battle scarred young men and women return from the lost wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Youth unemployment is huge. Again the Conservatives have left the crucial 16 to 20 year old bracket a vaccuum. During their last tennure in power the same occurred. Learning the important work ethic that is necessary to be forged in a person during these years un taught can leave people prone to benefit dependence for life.
The situation really hits home once the warmer months are over. This years unseasonably hot early autumn is hiding a huge problem. A society, as any man, should be judged on how it treats the weakest. This ridiculous taking away of the option to have a claimants housing benefit sent directly to the landlord will have dire consequences.

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Warrington Wolves 24 vs Leeds Rhinos 26

One of the greatest games of the greatest game of all. Leeds made history as the first team to ever make the Grand Final from 4th place. It takes tacit knowledge and skill to win this competition; the greatest competition in world sport. Kevin Sinfield leads Leeds against the odds against a mighty Warrington who all credit goes to. Next saturay, we from Skreeworld will be there. As Kev says, the job is not done yet. I had a bet that Leeds and Saints would be finalists. This will be the fourth in five, Leeds Saints final. There is no comparable feeling, no comparable sport. Tears of joy. Big respect to Warrington, respect to Wigan who beat us by a close margin in the Challenge Cup final. Bring it on. All critics wrote Leeds off. These are the moments in life that put all in perspective. Anyone new to the sport, watch this.