It is an easy one to pick on but the art cogisenti, the inner circle are the direct destroyers of what they claim to represent. Art, the pure desire to make art to communicate is directly oppressed and shunned in as deep a fashion as the BNP shun ethnic minorities. The sole aim is to get involved in the 'conversation', to be part of the in crowd at the expense of all else. Just as from childhood we pick up traits, how you hold your knife and fork, how you ask for sundry items tattoos you with class, and this is hard to escape, the art world, the london based embarrassenti set rules, snippets of knowledge you are assumed to know, an accent and manner you must conform to in order to be involved. Like the casual raccist they can't even see it in themselves. To show beauty, to express through other means than vebal language an understanding of the world that can change anothers perception of reality, becomes secondary to developeing your hype. Some great artists do make it in to this small group but not many. A lot of poor artists do. Once accepted it allows them to lie to themselves about what they truly are. There is a naivety that inspires a little fondness but when you go to Tracy Emins show, unless you are a desperate idiot trying to join the gang or a thinker capable of projecting your art,thought and feelings on to any visual stimuli, you are confronted with the work of a teenager, not that that is a bad thing but it is no more than any teenager She has no gifts of observation or understanding, just a bullish temperament. 
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