Skreeworld are planning a trip to sellafield.
An amoeba is too small to grasp the dimensions of time and space that an ant operates in. An ant cant grasp our world understanding
Therefore something must be too big for me to understand. To think we are at the top rather than on a sliding scale would be arrogant.
The Earth was once flat but is now spherical, roughly.
The next thing up knows that I know it is there but won't help me find it.
Science will not get us there nor religion.
It won't be found in a book or on the internet.
There is a clear paralel between decaying industrial architecture and churches. Both punctuate our country, grey, magnificent, misguided. They are all in decay. Our two great attempts to understand,capture or produce power. Religion. Industrial science. The origin of species. The industrial revolution. There is something we are not seeing. Something blatantly obvious, sat right in our laps. Something as important as 'time', some factor that would clarify things, sort out this seeming chaos. I have always believed in my lifetime it would be discovered or noticed. The fear of the seeming chaos spawned many religions, Science came next. A theory, a series of tests to prove or disprove, scientists, chip chipping away at little corners of our world, so focused on detail, so lost of overview. Much like our ant.
If Religion will not show it to us and science plods down obscure avenues of endeavour no one is doing the job.
So it must be up to Skreeworld to sort out.
Thursday, 31 December 2009
Wednesday, 30 December 2009
A decade has passed since that sad, sad day. I hadn't seen Blue Peter for many years. Presenters had come and gone. The beautiful Karen Keating, so cruelly cut down in her prime. Richard Bacon, sold to the redtop scum by his best friend for a handfull of silver.
This episode was different, I saw it advertised. The holy trinity of Valerie Singleton, John Noakes and Peter Purves were back. Like the Pistols at Finsbury Park or Led Zeppelin at the O2 arena.
In 1972 I was 7. A common school essay was, 'What will life be like in the year 2000'. This seemed impossibly far in the future. It would be shiny silver with spaceships and robots, even a fool, even a 7 year old fool could see that.
The Blue Peter team made a time capsule. A collection of items from that time, a Blue Peter annual, various other pop trivia. The items were placed in a box, this time capsule was then buried in the Blue Peter garden to be dug up in the year 2000.
The concept fascinated me, like when they sent a Kajagoogoo record in to space so the aliens could hear how far we had come musically.. Laikas' barks of disapproval can still be heard, the sound travelling through space will be reaching them now. I digress.
The holy trinity of Singleton, a kind of spiritual mother to all 70s children. Purves, a precurser to the Top Gear generation, so popular now. And of course, the maverick, the daredevil, the hero John Noakes. He had sailed off from these shores, disgusted with the trivial direction English culture was taking. Who knows for certain why he returned to these shores but I'd place a bet it was for the disinternment of the time capsule.
It was a rainy day as the trio took spade to earth. The box was once again free of its grave. I watched in awe at the ceremonial opening. Tears filled my eyes as the contents had turned to mush. Perhaps the sticky backed plastic seals had failed and the contents were destroyed. To me, who had waited 28 years for the event it was too much. I spiralled off in to depression, alcoholism, heroin addiction.
A decade has passed since that grey day in 2000. I realise now that lessons were learned. Entropy. Time.
We may no longer have the turntables to play Slade but CD boxsets can take us back in time even if we cant yet travel forward.
This episode was different, I saw it advertised. The holy trinity of Valerie Singleton, John Noakes and Peter Purves were back. Like the Pistols at Finsbury Park or Led Zeppelin at the O2 arena.
In 1972 I was 7. A common school essay was, 'What will life be like in the year 2000'. This seemed impossibly far in the future. It would be shiny silver with spaceships and robots, even a fool, even a 7 year old fool could see that.
The Blue Peter team made a time capsule. A collection of items from that time, a Blue Peter annual, various other pop trivia. The items were placed in a box, this time capsule was then buried in the Blue Peter garden to be dug up in the year 2000.
The concept fascinated me, like when they sent a Kajagoogoo record in to space so the aliens could hear how far we had come musically.. Laikas' barks of disapproval can still be heard, the sound travelling through space will be reaching them now. I digress.
The holy trinity of Singleton, a kind of spiritual mother to all 70s children. Purves, a precurser to the Top Gear generation, so popular now. And of course, the maverick, the daredevil, the hero John Noakes. He had sailed off from these shores, disgusted with the trivial direction English culture was taking. Who knows for certain why he returned to these shores but I'd place a bet it was for the disinternment of the time capsule.
It was a rainy day as the trio took spade to earth. The box was once again free of its grave. I watched in awe at the ceremonial opening. Tears filled my eyes as the contents had turned to mush. Perhaps the sticky backed plastic seals had failed and the contents were destroyed. To me, who had waited 28 years for the event it was too much. I spiralled off in to depression, alcoholism, heroin addiction.
A decade has passed since that grey day in 2000. I realise now that lessons were learned. Entropy. Time.
We may no longer have the turntables to play Slade but CD boxsets can take us back in time even if we cant yet travel forward.
Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Local Stories
Just for local readership.
Well a few things have happened in Skreeworld. Satans Claws dug deep in to my stomach and kidneys, hospitalised me. The evil of the creature is beyond comprehension. Spent christmas pissing blood rather than drinking the blood of christ. Still not drinking. Just antibiotics and codeine that don't work bevcause of the bupronorphine. A fine old mess. Coincidentally, whilst I was in hospital a few loose ends regarding Richards death have been tied up and laid to rest up in Leeds, hoping to go pay my respects soon.
Regarding our war with the evil Satans Claws, it hasn't escaped our attention that only people of pure evil drink in La Strada and it doesnt take a genius to see that la strada is an anagram of satan, nearly. Steps will be taken by Skreeworld to curtail the Lucification of Frome, ultimately La Strada will be destroyed.
On a lighter note , everyone has their favourite crap terrorist. Yesterdays thigh strapped wierd substance on the educated guy was pretty good. He got out a blanket when no one was looking, got a syringe, injected his leg strapping and set his leg on fire.He didn't even have the bottle to do it when the plane was in the sky. Now that is one crap terrorist.
Nevertheless he comes second. Fromes very own shoe bomber tried to blow up his own shoe whilst flying over the Atlantic.Fortunately staff saw him striking the swan vestas trying to light the bangers on his Nike. No one has got it out of him what he was trying to do blowing up his own shoe.
Being from Frome his campaign of martyrdom maywell have been directed against West Country heroes and princes of ciderdelia The Wurzles. The poster for thier, much anticipated gig at the Cheese and Grain, last time they played there we got to meet the kings of scrumpy and western, has been stolen. Skreeworld knows not by who. We considered stealing it ourselves but know this would have been just plain selfish.
The hunt for the poster has born a parallel with Polands recent quest to find the thieves of the Arbiet Macht Frei sign stolen from the entrance to Auschwitz. The townsfolk are enraged and once the culprits are found there is a veritable cornucopia of farmyard impliments with which to enact vengeance.
Well a few things have happened in Skreeworld. Satans Claws dug deep in to my stomach and kidneys, hospitalised me. The evil of the creature is beyond comprehension. Spent christmas pissing blood rather than drinking the blood of christ. Still not drinking. Just antibiotics and codeine that don't work bevcause of the bupronorphine. A fine old mess. Coincidentally, whilst I was in hospital a few loose ends regarding Richards death have been tied up and laid to rest up in Leeds, hoping to go pay my respects soon.
Regarding our war with the evil Satans Claws, it hasn't escaped our attention that only people of pure evil drink in La Strada and it doesnt take a genius to see that la strada is an anagram of satan, nearly. Steps will be taken by Skreeworld to curtail the Lucification of Frome, ultimately La Strada will be destroyed.
On a lighter note , everyone has their favourite crap terrorist. Yesterdays thigh strapped wierd substance on the educated guy was pretty good. He got out a blanket when no one was looking, got a syringe, injected his leg strapping and set his leg on fire.He didn't even have the bottle to do it when the plane was in the sky. Now that is one crap terrorist.
Nevertheless he comes second. Fromes very own shoe bomber tried to blow up his own shoe whilst flying over the Atlantic.Fortunately staff saw him striking the swan vestas trying to light the bangers on his Nike. No one has got it out of him what he was trying to do blowing up his own shoe.
Being from Frome his campaign of martyrdom maywell have been directed against West Country heroes and princes of ciderdelia The Wurzles. The poster for thier, much anticipated gig at the Cheese and Grain, last time they played there we got to meet the kings of scrumpy and western, has been stolen. Skreeworld knows not by who. We considered stealing it ourselves but know this would have been just plain selfish.
The hunt for the poster has born a parallel with Polands recent quest to find the thieves of the Arbiet Macht Frei sign stolen from the entrance to Auschwitz. The townsfolk are enraged and once the culprits are found there is a veritable cornucopia of farmyard impliments with which to enact vengeance.
Sunday, 27 December 2009
Troubled Times
Skreeworld is going through some hard times of late. Trust put in the wrong people. In hospital last night too with kidney infection and a fourth day of agony. Skreeworld will continue once the malfunctions are resolved.
Wednesday, 23 December 2009
Thou shalt not steal
Father Tim Jones told his York congregation to shoplift from supermarkets if they are desperate. Last year Tim went to a shop and threw 'playboy' merchandise on the bfloor. This is the fighting Jesus who stood up against the Romans and the Jews, the one we need. the one who stood up against the money lenders and turned over their tables in the temple. This is what we need now in a country robbed by the money lenders, the banks. 'He who hath no coats. let him take from him that hath two; and him that hath not meat let him do likewise.' This is the Christ I can follow, he who stood up against the establishment, not those who would murder homosexuals, those who wouldnt ordain female priests. Jesus was a kick ass jew who said 'fuck you rich cunts' and I am with him all the way. Jesus said some fucking ace stuff yet a load of idiots followed him and bent his words. Father Tim Jones, stand tall, stand strong, all the hearts of skreeworld are with you. Hang on in there, yours is the treal Jesus, the fighting Jesus.
King of the Wolves 2
I lie on my sofa, settee, daybed listening to Richard Hawley Trueloves Gutter with Tex sharing the space, curled up by my feet. We have lived together since my wolf came to live with me from the dogs home. This is how I remember the noughties. Tex cant be left on his own. He isnt like a dog.He destroys everything until he escapes if you try. So many dog owners have told me they could train him to be alone. They have no idea. I tried everything, all advice but became resigned that we would always be together so he comes everywhere I go. He is an Angel. Not a metaphorical Angel, he is a real Angel. He saved my life just as I saved his. The love we have, the connection we have is impossible to describe. We are each other.I would push a man off a lifeboat were there no space for him. I have learned more from him than anyone, a rescue dog I dont know his true age or why he does certain things. He used to cower if I swore at certain things on the news that angered me, now he just mumbles a quiet mumbled rebuke, 'hey, no need for that kind of language.' He has never bitten anyone other than in over exhuberant play and even then shows guilt, he has never caused a fight withy another dog. Sometimes he goes over to say hello to anothere dog, if it snaps at him he will display his dominance as few are his phisycal equal.. He lets children poke him in his eyes, children I dont know say hello to him in the streets, friends I dont know. How can an animal be so good? No human is like that, all humans have selfish trates. Tex has none. Somrtimes people take him wrong. I tie him outside a shop, they go to interfere with him, he cant get away, he barks, How would you feel if everytime you went to town people tried to touch your face. He is a little too wild for society. Streets, cars, he doesnt get it, he loves to run through the fields, he loves to play,
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
Fox Cub 2
Regular readers will remember the sad story of the young fox cub killed during the torrential rain. Today, walking behind the studio on the piece of land by the river, I saw what I thought was a cat that sometimes ventures down there. Through the scope of my rifle I saw the young fox. Presumably from the same litter. He didnt notice me and I got quite close. Looking healthy. So glad that at least one survived.
Monday, 21 December 2009
Arbiet Macht Frei 2
Today 5 men were caught, 3 in Votlavek and 2 in Krakov and the icon is back though in three pieces. Apparently it has no material value so it looks like it was stolen to order for nazi historians or neo nazis, nonme of the 5 men have connectionms to political groups but all have criminal records. The sign will be restored and returned to its rightful place. I had assumed they were scrappers. The word 'junky' originates in Germany where heroin addicts stole or gathered junk meytal to sell to scrap men for drug money.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
End of chapter one
I'm nearly at the end of this book, I look up at the christmas tree I eracted today ands fiulled with white lights and it shines down on me.
I think of John Hodgson, six feet u der the earth in lawnswood cemetery, a big man in so many ways who I only got through to in his last year ovewr Richards, his sons death, my b
est friend.
I think of my new years resolution that I am only beginning to achieve.
I think of Paul who welcomed me back and in to his world, a world, I barely understood.
I think of Alan Peters who quietly changed the face of material culture,
I think of Tex, the King of the Wolves who I still learn from each day.
I think of John Holmes, the greatest rugby league player I ever saw.
Most of all I think of Claire, who I have helped and let down in equal measure. I love her.
I think of Kipper, the best friend I have had this year.
I think of John Hodgson, six feet u der the earth in lawnswood cemetery, a big man in so many ways who I only got through to in his last year ovewr Richards, his sons death, my b
est friend.
I think of my new years resolution that I am only beginning to achieve.
I think of Paul who welcomed me back and in to his world, a world, I barely understood.
I think of Alan Peters who quietly changed the face of material culture,
I think of Tex, the King of the Wolves who I still learn from each day.
I think of John Holmes, the greatest rugby league player I ever saw.
Most of all I think of Claire, who I have helped and let down in equal measure. I love her.
I think of Kipper, the best friend I have had this year.
Best TV of the year
Well they finally got 'The Wire', best programme ever made. Red Riding trilogy. The Fattest man in Britain. The Execution of Gary Glitter
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Arbeit Macht Frei
State of emergency in Poland. Some gang of idiots have stolen a globally significant artifact.. A nationwide hunt is on to find the bronze entrance to Auschwitz. Created by by Jews who even in hell maintained a sense of irony. Oswieczim. Catch these criminals and return it to its' rightful place. It must have been a professional job. No guards nor CCTV caught them. 'This is an attack on the rememberance of the holocaust' Avner Shalev. This sign said all about the cynicism of Nazi rule and paraded thier shame. I pray the plaque isnt destroyed in a scrap metal robbery. An act of vandalism that has no equal. Speculation runs to neo nazi regalia collectors. Unscrewed on one side and ripped down off the other then chucked swiftly in to a van. 1.5 million people, mostly Jews died here. The Polish say, 'finding the sign is a national priority'
The Arbeit Macht Frei sign was erected by prisoners with metal work skills on Nazi orders in june 1940 and was a cynical take on the title of an 1873 work by the lexicographer, linguist and novelist Lorenz Diefenbach in which gamblers and fraudsters discover the path to virtue through hard work.
The Arbeit Macht Frei sign was erected by prisoners with metal work skills on Nazi orders in june 1940 and was a cynical take on the title of an 1873 work by the lexicographer, linguist and novelist Lorenz Diefenbach in which gamblers and fraudsters discover the path to virtue through hard work.
Friday, 18 December 2009
Evel Knievels son Robbie is coming to London
Robbie Knievel began jumping bycicles age 4, rode motorcycles aged 7. At age 8 he performed his first ever show at Madison Square garden.
Robbie 'Kaptain' Knievel age 47
Occupation Daredevil
Robbie favours the Honda CR 500 that have been designed for jumping. Evel made most of his jumps on a Harley Davidson XR 750. The CR 500 is derided by some critics but Robbie aims to prove them wrong at Wembley he aims to use a Harley XR 750, the same bike his father did in 1975 but Robbie is going to jump 16 buses, his father jumped 13, the current record is 15 for the Harley 750 currently heald by Bubba Blackwell.
Amongst Robbies great jumps was the Grand Canyon jump inspired by Evels ill fated Snake River Canyon jump in the strange rocket car. Robbie jumped the Canyon on a bike, 228 feet with a drop of 25000 feet below. On landing he lost control of the bike and broke his leg. Robbie Knievel is coming to London and, god willing, the Knievel name will live on in the hearts of all bike lovers. To mark the 35th anniversary, Robbie will jump 16 buses to avenge the the event that virtually ended Evels career.
Robbie 'Kaptain' Knievel age 47
Occupation Daredevil
Robbie favours the Honda CR 500 that have been designed for jumping. Evel made most of his jumps on a Harley Davidson XR 750. The CR 500 is derided by some critics but Robbie aims to prove them wrong at Wembley he aims to use a Harley XR 750, the same bike his father did in 1975 but Robbie is going to jump 16 buses, his father jumped 13, the current record is 15 for the Harley 750 currently heald by Bubba Blackwell.
Amongst Robbies great jumps was the Grand Canyon jump inspired by Evels ill fated Snake River Canyon jump in the strange rocket car. Robbie jumped the Canyon on a bike, 228 feet with a drop of 25000 feet below. On landing he lost control of the bike and broke his leg. Robbie Knievel is coming to London and, god willing, the Knievel name will live on in the hearts of all bike lovers. To mark the 35th anniversary, Robbie will jump 16 buses to avenge the the event that virtually ended Evels career.
Dogs in Space 3
Nick Abadzis book Laika tells very accurately the story of the first living creature in space. A tragic tale of the cold war and the Soviet obsession with getting one over on the yanks. Who knows what truly went through the mind of Kudrayavka. The fact no one can despute is that she did what no human did. You can argue that Soviet scientists used her, they undoubtedly did, but what did she see? Dogs observe, have the whole spectrum of emotions we have. Perhaps, in the few hours she had before she burned to death she looked out and saw what no creature had seen before. Perhaps she looked back at the conspiracy that had forced her journey at our decaying, beautiful blue and green planet.
Thursday, 17 December 2009
thanks for all anonymous followers, you are amongst centurions now, it makes all the hard work worthwhile. Count yourselves proud. we will become millemial soom
There is something major going on here to do with water. Thisbwaterworks and outlying buildings bhave the beauty ofb architecture bbuilt purely for function yet as with the water towers and gas silos there are decisions in there design that are inescapably aesthetic ones. A human can not take a decision that is not in some way an aesthetic one
dont fuck about with tne castle, get straight to the heart of the matter. A 70s building up for auction had a firemans pracrice tfower behind. A swift excallation, roman tile roof encrusted with moss and an old exclamation of love scored in to steel. I knew an Alison Goodall from school but her lover Ellis must have done the piece with stone or penknife. Rust has embelished his work over time. Perhaps the lack of heart showed the raw sexual passion or the fear of police but a gordious exclamation of intense feeling is evident. This is no Banksy cartoon but a work of impassioned craftsmanship.
Did you miss me>
been on an expedition of discovery to clarify how to progress. Went up north to see an old friend for advice , conpanionship and a bit of love. Next year there are going to be big changes, the themes and approach may undergo some major changes but stick with me, the adventure is only just beginning
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Safe Drinking
The government and various scientific bodies have recently produced a lot of confusing and misleading information about the safe ammounts of alcohol to consume and drug classification systems. We at Skreeworld have carried out a thirty year study on these subjects and, as such, are the only body truly quallified to claqrify the situation.
Firstly and most importantly, know your limits, after drinking a bottle of spirits there is clear evidence that your judgement may well be impaired so here are a few guidelines.
One bottle of wine an evening is a healthy intake, sufficient to prevent heart problems in later life and should leave no hangover for anyone born north of Nottigham. Two bottles, though twice the fun, can lead to a distopia or feeling of sadness the following morning that is unlickley to pass until you drink your evening wine. The same rules apply for a 4 pack of Special Brew, a healthy midweek drink however 8 cans and you are pushing your luck and the following working day may be affected.
Should you have the misfortune to be born south of Nottingham or, indeed be a poor drinker all is not lost. There is always binge drinking. This activity is really for women but the afforementioned can benefit from this drinking systemk too. It is best carried out within the sight of CCTV cameras so that your staggering around in a state of undress, carrying your removed stilletoes can be watched on channel 5 or Panorama at a later date.
A brief aside, thier is an area of nthe west country known as the Mendip Hills where famous cider drinkers the Wurzels come from who canm give any northerner a good run for his money. For further information google Adge Cutler and the Wurzels.
Firstly and most importantly, know your limits, after drinking a bottle of spirits there is clear evidence that your judgement may well be impaired so here are a few guidelines.
One bottle of wine an evening is a healthy intake, sufficient to prevent heart problems in later life and should leave no hangover for anyone born north of Nottigham. Two bottles, though twice the fun, can lead to a distopia or feeling of sadness the following morning that is unlickley to pass until you drink your evening wine. The same rules apply for a 4 pack of Special Brew, a healthy midweek drink however 8 cans and you are pushing your luck and the following working day may be affected.
Should you have the misfortune to be born south of Nottingham or, indeed be a poor drinker all is not lost. There is always binge drinking. This activity is really for women but the afforementioned can benefit from this drinking systemk too. It is best carried out within the sight of CCTV cameras so that your staggering around in a state of undress, carrying your removed stilletoes can be watched on channel 5 or Panorama at a later date.
A brief aside, thier is an area of nthe west country known as the Mendip Hills where famous cider drinkers the Wurzels come from who canm give any northerner a good run for his money. For further information google Adge Cutler and the Wurzels.
Monday, 14 December 2009
Babyshambles in Bath
So after some umming and aahing we went to see Babyshambles last night. I haven't seen them for a while, not since Peter got told to leave London and took up residence near Marlborough. mThis was a wise move regarding his librty but it has stripped him of his streongest assett, contoversy. I fondly recall those early shambles gigs ehen he was off the rails.Incredibly exciting nights where anything could happen. A fight, a no show, a riot, an overdose. Truly the most thrilling experience following a band since the Sex Pistols. The music came second. Barely a day went by without some tabloid story. None of it led to sales just great nights out.
Last night they started a little late, no major event but a good solid gig. Mainly Shotters Nation, a few new ones but tghe highpoint was the tryptic from 'I wanna be adored'through 'Killimangiro' and into 'Albion'.
It was better back in the old days for us fans but probably easier now for Peter.
Last night they started a little late, no major event but a good solid gig. Mainly Shotters Nation, a few new ones but tghe highpoint was the tryptic from 'I wanna be adored'through 'Killimangiro' and into 'Albion'.
It was better back in the old days for us fans but probably easier now for Peter.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Satans Claws
Yarls Wood immigration removal centre in Bedfordshire. Armed with £300 worth of 'presents', in this world nothing comes for free. The Anglican churches leading expert on Satans Claws dressed in his traditional red, representative of the blood of his victims and white, representative of the innocence of children he seeks to steal. Along with a distinguished cleric they approached the perimeter fence. Security staff managed to keep them at bay as Rev Canon James Rosenthall, thw world authority on St Nicholas of Myra, the inspiration for Satans Claws, violently protested but the brave security staff called in the police for assistance. The row comes amid mounting concern about the treatment of children in immigation removal centres. The security staffs valiant rejection of he who climbs down childrens chimneys ay night is to be applauded.
See clips of Satans Claws attempted attack at Yarls Wood http://tinypie.com6jj49K/3
See clips of Satans Claws attempted attack at Yarls Wood http://tinypie.com6jj49K/3
Saturday, 12 December 2009
just turned the telly on for the valium-ketamin experience that is snooker. I recall my first desigm lessons about pattern within a frame that snooker provides. I suppose it isnt a surprise to see Damien Hirst there for the finals. Much like a dot painting, the pattern, order and disorder within a frrame offers that eternity of possibility within a defined structure. There is never a thrill without a brief, a framework of rules is necessary to create infinite possibility. Hard to articulate what I'm saying here. If asked to do anything the result is generally poor yet set with a framework of boundaries you can achieve freedom.
Friday, 11 December 2009
Chain of thought
Since my computer wont let me show The King of the Wolves prowling down Cheap street, it seems I must consult the chain of command.
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Quarry Hill Flats Leeds
Yahoo Flickr has a vast stock of photos relating to Quarry Hill Flats, I was tempted to put a few up for fans of the Flats but you are better getting it from the horses mouth. I had felt that only myself and Peter Mitchell whos' tremendous photographic study on the demolition of Quarry Hill Flats published as Memento Mori were the only ones who had deep interest but there is a huge body of memory and images relating to the flats to be found on line. Arguably the most ambitious project in British housing history. Seeing the slow rejuvernation of the lesser Park Hill estate in Sheffield along with the plethora of media attention it has recieved is saddening for those of us with fond memories of Quarry Hill Flats. Sadly Sheffield has always heald a jealousy for Leeds just as Leeds has a jealousy for Manchester. The cultural trichotomy of the three cities as they all vied for Capital of the North through the noughty years of prosperity was fascinating and now the economic downturn is here it will be interesting to see who,ultimately comes out on top. I have a sneaky feeling that Leeds will win. Sheffield has topped the last 5 years musically as Manchester has topped the football but Leeds was always really a Rugby League town, football is our second sport. Three grand finals in a row, world club champions. Outsiders may see Manchester United as some sort of achievement but the real sporting legends are taking place at Headingley. We are Leeds and we're proud of it!
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Death for Claws
Since the execution of Gary Glitter I am sure I am not alone in feeling that we nust exute the arch paedophile Satan Claws. Do the fairies keep him sober for a day or does he carry out his filthy work under the influence? There is something not right about an old man who's sole interest is children
. All that bribery, 'sit on my groin young boy, have you been good this year?'
According to Albert Pierrepoints mathematical study of bbody weight and neck strength to work out the length of rope it takes to snap the human neck, the evil Claws would presumably warrant a short drop, obese, works only one day a year, perhaps 3 fot 6 inches. Should anyone see this villain climbing down chimneys looking for his prey then please report it to skreeworld blog. 'What will your daddy do when he sees your momma kissing satans claws?' Well lets hope report it to us. The gallows awaits Mr Christmas. And there is no present you can bribe us with.Your end is nigh.
. All that bribery, 'sit on my groin young boy, have you been good this year?'
According to Albert Pierrepoints mathematical study of bbody weight and neck strength to work out the length of rope it takes to snap the human neck, the evil Claws would presumably warrant a short drop, obese, works only one day a year, perhaps 3 fot 6 inches. Should anyone see this villain climbing down chimneys looking for his prey then please report it to skreeworld blog. 'What will your daddy do when he sees your momma kissing satans claws?' Well lets hope report it to us. The gallows awaits Mr Christmas. And there is no present you can bribe us with.Your end is nigh.
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
rust and gold
One night, off my head, I lay there, looked to the side. Made in england. The platform we perform our trivia upon. Hurt, failure, success, acceptance. Caught twixt rust and glory I couldnt deside which was the more beautiful pursuit. No irony, just the lack of knowledge of where I fit in to societys scheme. I have, university's asking me to lecture on my thoughts, friends dieing from thier own choices, friends living glorious dreams of material achievement. Where do I belong. I don't want to lose either.
Turner Prize
Can't really argue with nthe result, the prize is supposed to be for the best work of the nominees last years work though, due to the non art following judge panel the prize usually gets judged on the show itself. Clearly were it on the years work it should have gone to Roger Hiorns for the ongoing 'Seizure', the london bedsit encrusted in copper sulphate crystals. Even the sink is engorged with this beautiful and fantastic growth. His piece for the tate, the atomised metal dust fron a passenger jet engine formede a beautiful landscape and given this moment in history and all environmental cocerns had a voice.
However, for pure beauty I believe Richard Wright was a worthy winner. His gold leaf piece has to be seen in the flesh. Photograph renders it meer graphic design yet in reality, its' scale and the knowledge that it exists outside the art market and will be painted over and its sheer magnificence bowled me over.
Lomg live Glasgow and the thriving culture of Art.
However, for pure beauty I believe Richard Wright was a worthy winner. His gold leaf piece has to be seen in the flesh. Photograph renders it meer graphic design yet in reality, its' scale and the knowledge that it exists outside the art market and will be painted over and its sheer magnificence bowled me over.
Lomg live Glasgow and the thriving culture of Art.
Monday, 7 December 2009
Kiki tortoise sex machine RIP
Staff at theMenargerie dy jardin des Planks in Paris last week were the first to know. Harriet the turtle lived to175, Tu'i Malila, a tortoise died in the year of my birth 1965 aged 188. Kiki, a giant tortoise died last week aged 146. Famed for his voracious sexual appetite. even shagging innanimet objects, Kiki stayed 'fresh' to the end.All of France is in mourning as are many throughout the world. He arrived in Paris in 1923 when his species was on the brink of extinction, seemingly fired on by this Kikis' sexual appetite was legendary, his grunts could be heard across the other side of the zoo and the Jardin des Plantes. Weighing 250kg he had to be moved by forklift. However crushed by his weight the females suffered his assaults without complaint. Born in 1863. Just pause for a minute or two to contemplate what has taken place during his lifetime.
Kiki RIP
Kiki RIP
The climbing of large industrial buildings is big and clever but don't try it at home or if you have any concerns about getting in to trouble then dont try it at all. You may well find really nosy men knocking on your door dressed in formal black and white clothing who have no interest in creativity, they may even take you to a small room, ask you loads of questions, none of them to do with art theory or history. They will be identifiable by thier low IQs and very uncool dress sense.
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Friday, 4 December 2009
Tex King of the Wolves
I havn't posted much about my closest friend. He is getting older but still the king of dogs in our town. Never hurt a child, never started a fight but beaten every dog that has tried. I have learned more from Tex than anyone else I have ever met. Mark Rowlands 'The Philosopher and the Wolf' says it all along with Claire Bears book she is working on so i'll leve it to them to explain the comparative intelligence of the lupine and the simian.
Shooting Ice
Boring day at work so we got the ice tops off all waterbutts and buckets, this one at 300 yards made good target practice
Fred on Friday
Woke and leapt out of bed. Down the workshop to get a drawing done of the new water tower. Estimated pitch of cones. Drove through the lanes past Westbury cement proccessing factory, tempted to go try get some photos tommorrow. I used to drive this route to work and back every day when I worked making Fred Baiers furniture. I'd forgotten how beautiful a drive it is, continual stearing and gear changes punctuated by country side from Westbury white horse hill, the dege of Salisbury plain and the marlborough downs.
Freds studio is quite unlike the workshops of designer craftsmen. The vocabulary of shapes, forms and techniques he uses to project his ideas is quite unlike any other and I feel honoured to have worked there. At the time I didnt see the learning going in but returning, a decade later I see. They were working on a complex facetted cone that penetrates a facetted doughnut shape. The computer is used as a tool to work out angles through advanced maths but fine craftsmanship brings the visios to reality.
He leant me the programme to work out the angles from number of facetts, height and diameter to create the cones for my making of the water tower.
The Vand A have bought a nother piece that they missed the significance of when it was first made, it is often the case that museums fail to see the significance of works at the time of making, fortunately they have registered during Freds lifetime. The resale of his work has also picked up in the major auction houses, a significant occurance. If I were him I would buy back my majorworks wherever I could, there can be no greater investment. Damien Hirst clicked on to this as other major artists have. There is a piece of my own work that I never sold through exhibition that was way ahead of it's time. I leant it to a girl, we fell out, she sold it. Sometime later I found myself at a k dealers house and all the buisness was taking place on my table, after or two I asked where he had got the table and learned the series of events that had led to him owning it. He fell on hard times and gave it to a guy further up the ladder as a debt payment. This guy is now on the straight and narrow. I plan to buy it back, restore it, and hopefully people are ready for it now.
Heard the police are looking for me. They went round to Hawkwind frontman Ron Trees house, one of my postal addresses earlier today. Dont know what they want me for. I suspect someone is trying to set me up..
Freds studio is quite unlike the workshops of designer craftsmen. The vocabulary of shapes, forms and techniques he uses to project his ideas is quite unlike any other and I feel honoured to have worked there. At the time I didnt see the learning going in but returning, a decade later I see. They were working on a complex facetted cone that penetrates a facetted doughnut shape. The computer is used as a tool to work out angles through advanced maths but fine craftsmanship brings the visios to reality.
He leant me the programme to work out the angles from number of facetts, height and diameter to create the cones for my making of the water tower.
The Vand A have bought a nother piece that they missed the significance of when it was first made, it is often the case that museums fail to see the significance of works at the time of making, fortunately they have registered during Freds lifetime. The resale of his work has also picked up in the major auction houses, a significant occurance. If I were him I would buy back my majorworks wherever I could, there can be no greater investment. Damien Hirst clicked on to this as other major artists have. There is a piece of my own work that I never sold through exhibition that was way ahead of it's time. I leant it to a girl, we fell out, she sold it. Sometime later I found myself at a k dealers house and all the buisness was taking place on my table, after or two I asked where he had got the table and learned the series of events that had led to him owning it. He fell on hard times and gave it to a guy further up the ladder as a debt payment. This guy is now on the straight and narrow. I plan to buy it back, restore it, and hopefully people are ready for it now.
Heard the police are looking for me. They went round to Hawkwind frontman Ron Trees house, one of my postal addresses earlier today. Dont know what they want me for. I suspect someone is trying to set me up..
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Yuri Gagarin - cosmonaut
I understand that this will come as a huge disappointment to fans of Babylon Zoo but on 12th april 1961, Yuri Alekseyvich Gagarin becane the first man in space shot up in a Vostock rocket. 9th march 1934 - 27th march 1968.
'I saw for the first time how beautiful our planet is. Mankind, let us preserve and increase this beauty and not destroy it'.
Born in to poverty, Gagarin was the son of farm workers in north west russia. In 1942 the area was invaded by nazis, his sisters were taken to 'labour camps', his younger brother hanged.
'What beauty I saw clouds and thier light shadows on the distant dear earth. It is surrounded by a light blue aureole that gradually darkens becoming turquoise, dark blue and finally coal black'.
He retrained as a fighter pilot but crashed and died with his instructor. His body is buried in the walls of the Kremlin in Red Square.
'I saw for the first time how beautiful our planet is. Mankind, let us preserve and increase this beauty and not destroy it'.
Born in to poverty, Gagarin was the son of farm workers in north west russia. In 1942 the area was invaded by nazis, his sisters were taken to 'labour camps', his younger brother hanged.
'What beauty I saw clouds and thier light shadows on the distant dear earth. It is surrounded by a light blue aureole that gradually darkens becoming turquoise, dark blue and finally coal black'.
He retrained as a fighter pilot but crashed and died with his instructor. His body is buried in the walls of the Kremlin in Red Square.
Monday, 30 November 2009
Lines of Communication 5
The Lines of Communication series have roots in my childhood. I recall looking up, specifically at telegraph poles with foot pegs starting some 10 feet from the ground, I was fascinated how men would climb up there for the purpose of communication. There seemed to be this whole world, visible to me yet largely unnoticed by anyone I knew. The aerial canvass seemed divided in to, squares, oblongs, parralelograms of divided space. I have always been fascinated by the mundane urban topography. Men climbed up posts for reasons I couldnt grasp, others had tools to get themselves down manhole covers into a subteranian world I knew we were dependent on. Other men opened green boxes with impossibly complex masses of coloured wires. These worlds were where I wanted to go. Operating without question I would walk by with my mother observing this intense complexity and beauty. Now I look and see the division of space, an order as fascinating as the layout of a mid game snooker table or the organisation of rugby league teams on the green rectangle. An assumed order and set of rules is in play only understood by initiates. The sky is an impossibly unfathomable organic, ever shifting picture. Seen through these lines of communication my mind can break it down in to quantifiable sections. Not only that but the grids formed themselves have a mathmatical beauty, a sense of order for me to frame the ever shifting organic mass of sky. This largely unnoticed network feels nostalgic, like it is waiting for digitisation to reopen the unquantifiable mass of sky. 
Sunday, 29 November 2009
it would be great if anonymous followers could name themselves. There will be no advdertisments or sales attempts, it is just more work to find numbers. Skreeworld is a none commercial endeavour that gives a lot and asks for nothing. No addresses e mail or otherwise will be passed on to amyone else, you have my word.
Kieron Williamson painter
It is often said, when strangers look at contemporary art that 'a seven year old could have done that'.
Take the time to look at the work of Kieron Williamson.
It is very rare that an adult can produce works of this quality, they maybe dismissed as mere landscape water colours, which many are, but you can not deny the skill. Tracy Emin should take note. Art is changing and skill is back. I saw her on Roger Scrutons- why beauty matters being interviewed regarding her bed, David Frost asked her why her bed was art, her reply 'because I say it is', seeing her on School of Saatchi last week asking young artists the exact same question yet refusihg her own answer reveals just how weak her thinking is and being a conceptual artist, where the idea is elevated above the object, she needs to explain her ideas better. Simply the worst successful artist of her generation. I am a fan of Duchamp though presenting his idea again and again for nearly a century by Emin and others is just being stuck in a rut, her work is stuck, stuck, stuck.
Scruton argues that beauty is the central pursuit of man. Brave enough to stand up to prevailing though fading fashion, he believes beauty raises us emotionally, spiritually and morally. His passion is addictive, his ideas arent so far from where art trends are moving. Emin and her generation are increasingly looking like old, past it pretenders.
The Picturecraft gallery where Williamsons paintings fetched figures over £17000 had visitors reduced to tears, art that powerful cannot be written off,. He has been estimated by some to be the greatest child artist since Picasso and seeing his work this claim may not be overhype. The works, though traditional show a true maturity in observation of light and a real delicacy of touch.
Kieron said, 'It's absolutely excellent. I was only expecting to sell one or two. Painting is my favourite hobby but I like football too.'
Take the time to look at the work of Kieron Williamson.
It is very rare that an adult can produce works of this quality, they maybe dismissed as mere landscape water colours, which many are, but you can not deny the skill. Tracy Emin should take note. Art is changing and skill is back. I saw her on Roger Scrutons- why beauty matters being interviewed regarding her bed, David Frost asked her why her bed was art, her reply 'because I say it is', seeing her on School of Saatchi last week asking young artists the exact same question yet refusihg her own answer reveals just how weak her thinking is and being a conceptual artist, where the idea is elevated above the object, she needs to explain her ideas better. Simply the worst successful artist of her generation. I am a fan of Duchamp though presenting his idea again and again for nearly a century by Emin and others is just being stuck in a rut, her work is stuck, stuck, stuck.
Scruton argues that beauty is the central pursuit of man. Brave enough to stand up to prevailing though fading fashion, he believes beauty raises us emotionally, spiritually and morally. His passion is addictive, his ideas arent so far from where art trends are moving. Emin and her generation are increasingly looking like old, past it pretenders.
The Picturecraft gallery where Williamsons paintings fetched figures over £17000 had visitors reduced to tears, art that powerful cannot be written off,. He has been estimated by some to be the greatest child artist since Picasso and seeing his work this claim may not be overhype. The works, though traditional show a true maturity in observation of light and a real delicacy of touch.
Kieron said, 'It's absolutely excellent. I was only expecting to sell one or two. Painting is my favourite hobby but I like football too.'
Mr Benn finally honoured
At around the age of 13 or 14, having discovered psychedelic drugs, my brother and me would play truant whenever Mr Benn was on. You have a tendency to expand on your memories with a warm glow, there was only 1 series but this became cult viewing in the 70s and 80s. Not unlike the effects of LSD , Mr Benn would enter the costume shop where as if by magic the shopkeeper would appear like an avatar of some sacred god. nBenn would try on the costume of an astronaut, a cowboy or a knight and after walking through the changing room door find himself in an alternative reality.
David McKee, the creator of Mr Benn lived in Festing Road in Putney. In the series its name was changed to Festive Road. The residents of the street have laid a paving stone to commemmorate the streets most famous reident. A tea party was heald to celebrate the laying of the stone where the residents who had raised the money for this sacred act wore costumes inspired by the spiritual journeys taken by Benn.
McKee said 'I am really happy that the occupants of Festing Road are doing this, everyone used to say that Mr Benn was stoned and now he really is.'
David McKee, the creator of Mr Benn lived in Festing Road in Putney. In the series its name was changed to Festive Road. The residents of the street have laid a paving stone to commemmorate the streets most famous reident. A tea party was heald to celebrate the laying of the stone where the residents who had raised the money for this sacred act wore costumes inspired by the spiritual journeys taken by Benn.
McKee said 'I am really happy that the occupants of Festing Road are doing this, everyone used to say that Mr Benn was stoned and now he really is.'
Saturday, 28 November 2009
The Wire seminar Leeds
First session 'Omar; Ethics, power and performativity'. Opmeer is the manager for the centre for research on socio-cultural change at the university of Manchester, she sat this one out only having seen the first 3 series.
For more than 2 days over 100 sociologists, crininologists and historians from Europe gathered to discuss the jealously guarded wisdom of The Wire.
David Simons work ran for 5 series and is, without any doubt the greatest piece of television ever made. This was no fan meeting but a seious academic meeting.
Kersten Mueller from the university of london goldsmiths, having presented her paper argueing that the streets of baltimore present the homosexual thief with a canvas on which his performance identity can be projected said season 4 broke her heart.
Works analising The Wire include;
Aman must have a code; the masculine ethic of snitching and non snitching-Thomas Ugelvik, university of oslo
The writers room as fiction making laboritory; The Wire as sociotechnical translation-John Farnsworth and Terry Austin, university of canterbury, new zealand
Non text based sociology; The Wire and its relationship to public sociology and progress- Rowland Atkinson, university of York
Ethics of nthe real; screening masculinity, violence and racial everyday in the wire- Ashwanti Sharma, university of east london
Music supervision and The Wire; ma case study in ambient naturalism-Jon Stewart, lancaster university
For more than 2 days over 100 sociologists, crininologists and historians from Europe gathered to discuss the jealously guarded wisdom of The Wire.
David Simons work ran for 5 series and is, without any doubt the greatest piece of television ever made. This was no fan meeting but a seious academic meeting.
Kersten Mueller from the university of london goldsmiths, having presented her paper argueing that the streets of baltimore present the homosexual thief with a canvas on which his performance identity can be projected said season 4 broke her heart.
Works analising The Wire include;
Aman must have a code; the masculine ethic of snitching and non snitching-Thomas Ugelvik, university of oslo
The writers room as fiction making laboritory; The Wire as sociotechnical translation-John Farnsworth and Terry Austin, university of canterbury, new zealand
Non text based sociology; The Wire and its relationship to public sociology and progress- Rowland Atkinson, university of York
Ethics of nthe real; screening masculinity, violence and racial everyday in the wire- Ashwanti Sharma, university of east london
Music supervision and The Wire; ma case study in ambient naturalism-Jon Stewart, lancaster university
defunct railway works
we took the back roads away from the water tower in case we were being followed, lanes I didnt know, some I feared the Sin Van might not nake it through. A happy accident brought us to a series of railway bridges that crossed, one under the other. The top one looked still in use, the bottom one was broken in to se3ctions but you could just about work out its path. I considered climbing up to see from above how the network would have once worked but by now the Wolf had gone for a swim in a river heavily in spate and fearing for his dsafety, getting him back on dry land was priority.
Lines of communication 2
More to come on The Lines of Communication series, the disection of sky or aerial space by the network of lines has parrallels in the Man Hole cover series. No one looks up or down yet our communication as a nation takes place all around us. This fascinating composition disects the square of space in to fascinating triangles and parrallelograms
The Real New Water Tower Day
today I woke to a hangover totally unmeritted and unfair as I hadnt drunk too much last night. The skies were grey yet the rain heald off long enough to revisit this incredible water tower. I took the detour off the main footpath, past a burial mound encrusted in coniferous trees. The entry to a mine, tatty at the entrance to a private wood looks worth going down. Have to go back with torches and Kipper sometime soon. Once out of the woods this architectural masterpiece is clearly visible from the brow of the hill. Scaling it is out of the question but I will try to get legal permission from wessex water board to go up there. The two cones have 18 facetts each.
Friday, 27 November 2009
Slade live at the bbc
jingles recorded for radio 1. The forgotten 'Move Over'. An absolute treat for Slade fans and I would like to start a campaign to get the live version single of 'Mama we're all craze now' to get to no.1, after all Slade rank along side the beatles for no.1's, though pop historians try gto write this out of history. I'm going to stop blogging and give it a blasst now
what occurs as natural
Earlier in the year i got to wondering how many people had climbed up moortown water tower. I was amazed when Fred told me, that as a boy, he had been to the top. I have been up many times as a youth. I returned this year to relive the experience, A friend pointed out that there are probably far less than I had thought because it wouldnt occor to most people to do it. I think this is where the difference between natural artists and trained artists lies. Some of us have no choice. Strange things appear to us as being normal. Others want to understand us so they go to college, read, study and try to understand why the naturals do what they do. Art should be intuitive, instinctual, I saw 'School of Saatchi' last week and bar a few comments it seemed a sad reflection on the judges as they repeatedly had to ask 'why is this art?' It was clear that Tracy Emin wasn't able to grasp what the young artists were showing her, a good example of a 'trained' artist. Art school gave her everything, intuition nothing.
Intuition is close to art, it is how many negotiate the world. Some havre no instinct left, nothing to separate them from the crowd. The purchase of product provides temporary relief. An ipod, a BMW, a rolex, i have personallity, they cry, yet it only lies in the intuitive. They are just consumers. There are also 'observers' who study people, wildlife.
We talk nas if animals have only instinct but now we are learning animals have exactly the same emotions as us. The inverse is also true. We act on instinct more than we would like to think. Science replaced God but didnt account for why we might climb water towers for the experience, make sculpture, recognise a good man from a bad man.
Intuition is close to art, it is how many negotiate the world. Some havre no instinct left, nothing to separate them from the crowd. The purchase of product provides temporary relief. An ipod, a BMW, a rolex, i have personallity, they cry, yet it only lies in the intuitive. They are just consumers. There are also 'observers' who study people, wildlife.
We talk nas if animals have only instinct but now we are learning animals have exactly the same emotions as us. The inverse is also true. We act on instinct more than we would like to think. Science replaced God but didnt account for why we might climb water towers for the experience, make sculpture, recognise a good man from a bad man.
Thursday, 26 November 2009
The Wire
The Wire series three part 11, the greatest peice of television ever made. The death of Stringer Bell.
Omar, Barrack Obamahs' favourite TV character, mine too.
Omar, Barrack Obamahs' favourite TV character, mine too.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
The Gallows Bracket
At 21, finding myself marooned from the tailend of recession where no one I knew worked. Having left home at 15 I followed a route of psychedelia that led to living in Cornwall, The Yorkshire Dales and finally in a caravan in Kent as a 'New Age Traveller', strange term, old age pensioner, new age traveller.
Moved back to Leeds my home town and teamed up with Andy to run a market stall selling tat we bought from jumble sales, a bit of pot and homebrew under the counter. Elliots Records, 2nd hand vinyl were in his infancy there too. Read 'last shop standing 'by graham jones.
In a dole figure fiddling measure, the government were running Topps courses, a six month course leading to a wholly unwarranted city and guilds, in my case carpentry and joinery.
We started at the beginning, sharpenning a blade, hand rip sawing a piece of 8 by 4 then planing our blocks true and square. I bought the bug.
For me it culminated in the Gallows bracket. A vertical member is upright, another piece perpendicular to its top, joined by dovetail, a third piece jointed in to tryangulate the frame. A simple shelf support.
The structure carpenters erected to formally execute people in Britain.
In france they worked with blacksmiths, ropemakers to create the guillotine, over in the middle east the crucifix, symbolic, in America the electric chair.
As a symbol, as a man raised in Britain I choose the Gallows bracket.
Lynching is a hideous practice but reading Albert Pierrepoints' book with his scientific rope length to body size, weight and strength ratio, it is hard to argue against his method.
After the execution of Gary Glitter, and all the issues it raised, I stick with the Gallows Bracket as my carpentry symbol. As I look at my heaving shelf of books supported by something I made more than half a lifetime ago, I stick with the Gallows Bracket as my carpentry symbol.
Moved back to Leeds my home town and teamed up with Andy to run a market stall selling tat we bought from jumble sales, a bit of pot and homebrew under the counter. Elliots Records, 2nd hand vinyl were in his infancy there too. Read 'last shop standing 'by graham jones.
In a dole figure fiddling measure, the government were running Topps courses, a six month course leading to a wholly unwarranted city and guilds, in my case carpentry and joinery.
We started at the beginning, sharpenning a blade, hand rip sawing a piece of 8 by 4 then planing our blocks true and square. I bought the bug.
For me it culminated in the Gallows bracket. A vertical member is upright, another piece perpendicular to its top, joined by dovetail, a third piece jointed in to tryangulate the frame. A simple shelf support.
The structure carpenters erected to formally execute people in Britain.
In france they worked with blacksmiths, ropemakers to create the guillotine, over in the middle east the crucifix, symbolic, in America the electric chair.
As a symbol, as a man raised in Britain I choose the Gallows bracket.
Lynching is a hideous practice but reading Albert Pierrepoints' book with his scientific rope length to body size, weight and strength ratio, it is hard to argue against his method.
After the execution of Gary Glitter, and all the issues it raised, I stick with the Gallows Bracket as my carpentry symbol. As I look at my heaving shelf of books supported by something I made more than half a lifetime ago, I stick with the Gallows Bracket as my carpentry symbol.
39 days left
39 days left to see Roger Hiorns Seizure, recreation of his bedsit copper sulphate instalation-sculpture. Very important and moving work.
Bizarre deep sea creatures revealed environment
Bizarre deep sea creatures revealed environment
Chapmanslade Water Tower
Looking forward to making a scaled down version of it in the near future. Today, however, I nipped up to Chapmanslade to get a picture of thier modest tower for all you water tower fans out there. Chapmanslade is an amazing name for a place, for me it always conjurs up images of Jake and Dinos Chapmans Chapmanworld combined with Slade, Noddy Holder with a Fuckface nose, maybe not.
Got to the site next to a layby, a large sign saying KEEP OUT, which roughly translated into Skreegalese meens get in quick before you get spotted. Cut through the hedge and got this picture before a bull appeared from behind the black wrapped silage and I hastily got out of the field. Still, not bad for a midweek water tower.
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Dogs in Space 2
Apologies to Skreeworld readers, the info on Laika was a bit wrong, new and correct version of the story of Laika;
Laika; the first living creature in orbit
Laika, a homeless three year old husky mongrel was picked off a moscow street by Soviet authorities to be trained for the ultimate suicide mission; a one way flight in to space.
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, who originally saw sputnik as a novelty project undeserving of investment or time, suddenly decided that space was where the Russians belonged after sputnik 1s success in 1957 was splashed across the pages of the worlds media. To capitalise on this propoaganda coup, he told his scientists to launch another sputnik just a month later to commemorate the Bolshevik revolution.
They began training poor Laika [whose real name,Kudrayavka, meaning little curly, was changed to Laika or Barker, as it was thought western journalists could pronounce it better] by keeping her inprogressively smaller cages. Thje spaceship was rushed and Laikas' quarters were about the size of a washing machine, with enough food and air to last just 10 days [Sputnik 2 was designed to be up there for 6 weeks]
On 3 november 1957, she was blasted in to space and within an hour became the first creature to reach Earths orbit. Not that she was enjoying it. Laikas heart rate quickly rose to 3 times her normal level, and the temperature in her cramped cabin increased to around 400c due to computer malfunctions.
Laika was dead after just 5 hours but the craft continued to orbit the Earth for 6 months before burning up on reentry. She was lauded as a hero back in Russia and her image was printed on stamps and cigarrette packets. The national Canine Defence league in Britain, however, was less pleased, keeping a minutes silence for every day she was in space. An American attempted to calm thier fears though, declaring, 'This dog is happy to be part of something important'.
It seems likely, judging from his understanding of astro physics that Tex is a descendant of Laika though modesty prevents him from admitting his ancestry.
Laika; the first living creature in orbit
Laika, a homeless three year old husky mongrel was picked off a moscow street by Soviet authorities to be trained for the ultimate suicide mission; a one way flight in to space.
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, who originally saw sputnik as a novelty project undeserving of investment or time, suddenly decided that space was where the Russians belonged after sputnik 1s success in 1957 was splashed across the pages of the worlds media. To capitalise on this propoaganda coup, he told his scientists to launch another sputnik just a month later to commemorate the Bolshevik revolution.
They began training poor Laika [whose real name,Kudrayavka, meaning little curly, was changed to Laika or Barker, as it was thought western journalists could pronounce it better] by keeping her inprogressively smaller cages. Thje spaceship was rushed and Laikas' quarters were about the size of a washing machine, with enough food and air to last just 10 days [Sputnik 2 was designed to be up there for 6 weeks]
On 3 november 1957, she was blasted in to space and within an hour became the first creature to reach Earths orbit. Not that she was enjoying it. Laikas heart rate quickly rose to 3 times her normal level, and the temperature in her cramped cabin increased to around 400c due to computer malfunctions.
Laika was dead after just 5 hours but the craft continued to orbit the Earth for 6 months before burning up on reentry. She was lauded as a hero back in Russia and her image was printed on stamps and cigarrette packets. The national Canine Defence league in Britain, however, was less pleased, keeping a minutes silence for every day she was in space. An American attempted to calm thier fears though, declaring, 'This dog is happy to be part of something important'.
It seems likely, judging from his understanding of astro physics that Tex is a descendant of Laika though modesty prevents him from admitting his ancestry.
Monday, 23 November 2009
Leeds bin strike settlement
Glad the boys got thier deal. Eh Up our cunts! see, you dont get this shit 'Down South'
Sunny weather, none of your 5 foot snow drifts!¬ people buy your work!
Yep, I'm a southern puff.
I miss Rugby League
a decent pint
Sunny weather, none of your 5 foot snow drifts!¬ people buy your work!
Yep, I'm a southern puff.
I miss Rugby League
a decent pint
Sunday, 22 November 2009
The whole Belle de Jour scandal has had an affect on all bloggers. What if it turned ou that Skree was a an aspiring trainey prostitute who was funding thier education in the oldest profession in the world by selling his soul as an artist? as soon as the doctorate is done they may blow the lid on all this art crap yet claim they were in control and never felt used or abused. Any who have guessed my identity, please keep stum until I am a fully qualified whore.
a Dog is for Life
It is this time of year we are reminded that a dog is not just for Christmas, it is for life. The same is true of Slade. Amongst all the tynsel and glitter this year, just spare a thought for the 70s when Slade and the euphoria wasnt just for christmas but for 'Everyday',
well, tere were power cuts, strikes, the Ripper, black panther, lofthouse colliery disaster
for that matter The Fall arent just for the autumn
nor Sabbath just for the sabbath
well, tere were power cuts, strikes, the Ripper, black panther, lofthouse colliery disaster
for that matter The Fall arent just for the autumn
nor Sabbath just for the sabbath
It is nearly the time of the year to remember that dogs and Slade are not just for christmas, they are for 'Everyday'
Saturday, 21 November 2009
The New Water Tower
Kipper rang reminding me we had work to do. I drove over to the site of vans,buses and caravans out west. Saw Bob, who regularl readers may remember from the swiftly deleted 'Ketamin fishing'.
Torrential rain me and Kipper made our way to the tower, These photos dont do justice to its majesty but we were in truly pouring rain as the ligt died. We parked up as near as we could. In the downpour we made our way over muddy fields, over many barbed wire fences, through some woodland, intuatively took a course off path and we could see our goal in the distance
The overhang presents a serious danger and we are working on plans to overcome this. It will not beat us.
Dropped K off at another traveller site nearer humanity. Two sets of drenched clothjes in a day, under a blanket now.
Friday, 20 November 2009
No Music Day and New Watertower day
No Music Day and New Water Tower day, as I imagine many of you know, is tommorrow. Consequently I'll have to post this quick as there is less than 2 hours to get some Slade, Sabbath or Fall in, I'm sure you all will be busy playing the same.
Saw an ace new Watertower on my journey up to Herefordshire today where I was taking the first of six 4 poster beds I'm making. It's a beauty. Concrete structure, roughly 100 feet tall, design is like a narrow pointed cone that flairs out in to an invert cone proportioned like an inverse pyramid, Saw the balcony round the top. Scaling it looks awkward but we will do our best. Tommorrow may prove to be just a rec'y for the real deal at a later date but should have some good pics for the blog tommorrow to post.
My main client is embarking on his Atlantic sailing challenge tommorrow too. Though I often sail 3 sheets to the wind I imagine he'll be going down the coast of spain, morrocco,further africa to find the trade winds that will take him across. It's ok when you can see the coast but blue water sailing must be terrifying. Wish them luck, and please come home.
Saw an ace new Watertower on my journey up to Herefordshire today where I was taking the first of six 4 poster beds I'm making. It's a beauty. Concrete structure, roughly 100 feet tall, design is like a narrow pointed cone that flairs out in to an invert cone proportioned like an inverse pyramid, Saw the balcony round the top. Scaling it looks awkward but we will do our best. Tommorrow may prove to be just a rec'y for the real deal at a later date but should have some good pics for the blog tommorrow to post.
My main client is embarking on his Atlantic sailing challenge tommorrow too. Though I often sail 3 sheets to the wind I imagine he'll be going down the coast of spain, morrocco,further africa to find the trade winds that will take him across. It's ok when you can see the coast but blue water sailing must be terrifying. Wish them luck, and please come home.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Mark Wells RIP The Importance of Manhole covers and Good Samaritans
When Mark Wells shouted 'Help me, help me, please!' in the middle of the night, neighbours were too frightened to intervene. One neighbour heard his pleading tones but his friend dismissed it as someone pissed up. In the morning, Wells was dead; he suffocated after falling headfirst in to an uncovered drain hole just metres from his home in Newport on the Isle of Wight.
The coroner did not blame the residents for ignoring the poor mans pleas for help saying it was 'a sad reflection on society that people were too scared to venture out of thier homes when they heard screams'.
The story hurt me deeply both as what we have become as a nation. Too scared to be the good samaritan, we have all turned our backs one time or another be it through loyalty valued over justice or through sheer fear at getting hurt ourselves. Also that the hole was left uncovered, literally a deathtrap.
I would like to donate the first gold leaved manhole cover to mark the place where Mark Wells died. I am sure there have already been the traditional laying of flowers round the hole but the Gold cover could be a more permanent reminder. Of course, over time, the gold leaf may wear away, all things turn to dust. Perhaps a fund could be set up in Marks' memory to have the manhole cover reguilded, annually for the anniversary of his death to remind us not just of the importance of manhole covers but to remind us to be good samaritans when we are called
The coroner did not blame the residents for ignoring the poor mans pleas for help saying it was 'a sad reflection on society that people were too scared to venture out of thier homes when they heard screams'.
The story hurt me deeply both as what we have become as a nation. Too scared to be the good samaritan, we have all turned our backs one time or another be it through loyalty valued over justice or through sheer fear at getting hurt ourselves. Also that the hole was left uncovered, literally a deathtrap.
I would like to donate the first gold leaved manhole cover to mark the place where Mark Wells died. I am sure there have already been the traditional laying of flowers round the hole but the Gold cover could be a more permanent reminder. Of course, over time, the gold leaf may wear away, all things turn to dust. Perhaps a fund could be set up in Marks' memory to have the manhole cover reguilded, annually for the anniversary of his death to remind us not just of the importance of manhole covers but to remind us to be good samaritans when we are called
Tall Industrial buildings and Holes in the Ground
Just as brave men and women need to climb large industrial buildings, sometimes to maintain communication systems, sometimes power systems, sometimes for art, sometimes to protect ourselves from ourselves. The Kingsnorth Six story is still up on the Guardian environment web page. Brave men and women need to go into holes in the ground also for purposes of communication, water, power and even art.
Thus the Golden manhole covers are the opposite inversion of the scaling of Moortown Water tower, Bath gas silos and Shivering Sands.
The surface of the earth draws a flat line between the 2 areas of endeavour.
The roots of the tree can be as great as the spread of its' branches. Miner and rigger, climber and potholer, though travelling in different directions in the phisical plane are pulling in the same direction for the purpose of understanding.
'and you climb up the mountain,
and you fall down the hole' Mott the Hoople ; All the way from Memphis
Glam Rock had the answers but was seldom understood
Thus the Golden manhole covers are the opposite inversion of the scaling of Moortown Water tower, Bath gas silos and Shivering Sands.
The surface of the earth draws a flat line between the 2 areas of endeavour.
The roots of the tree can be as great as the spread of its' branches. Miner and rigger, climber and potholer, though travelling in different directions in the phisical plane are pulling in the same direction for the purpose of understanding.
'and you climb up the mountain,
and you fall down the hole' Mott the Hoople ; All the way from Memphis
Glam Rock had the answers but was seldom understood
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Fox Cub
One of the nicest moments of this summer has been seeing a young foxcub on the land by the river behind the workshop/ Our backdoor leads straight in to wild country, river floodplain, where I walk with Tex, husky cross Alsation, rather like a wolf. I have read Mark Rowlands' book 'The Philosopher and The Wolf' and it is a mirror of my life with Tex. He is, in many important ways, the dominant in our relationship. The tragedy is that human friends age at your pace where as a dogs life is compacted in to 15 or so years. The fox cub wasnt even this fortunate. He may have left home too early, perhaps kicked out of the litter for being a runt or simply taken too long a walk too young fom his home.
We hadnt seen him for a week or two. Today Mag found his decomposing corpse by the river. Maybe he fell in and his last act of strength dragged him to land, maybe someones dog got him.
I thought of photographing his remains as it is some kind of amazing picture. But I suppose a little love must have slipped under my skin unnoticed and stopped me putting this part of nature to the wire. RIP our little fox cub
We hadnt seen him for a week or two. Today Mag found his decomposing corpse by the river. Maybe he fell in and his last act of strength dragged him to land, maybe someones dog got him.
I thought of photographing his remains as it is some kind of amazing picture. But I suppose a little love must have slipped under my skin unnoticed and stopped me putting this part of nature to the wire. RIP our little fox cub
it begins with the desire to make a mark, chalk on stone, stick through sand, pencil on paper.
every child wants approval. your mum strokes your head and tell's you that you are a clever boy for drawing so well, so you do some more.
after a while you find yourself in pursuit of some kind of beauty, even if you like looking in all the darkest most unlikely places to catch your elusive prey.
years may take you down language loops, trickery and attempts to describe that which you made to communicate that which words could not.
life and survival steers you down tributaries of the central river, making beauty for others in objects you find ugly.
you know when you are wrong as it becomes a fight.
you know when you are right because you feel no resistance. you dont even know you are doing it until it is done.
but I wonder, in darker moments if I have made the world a more or less beautiful place, or if I will ever know.
bar the honest fact that I know no other way I do believe in art, and still believe it is my duty to try.
every child wants approval. your mum strokes your head and tell's you that you are a clever boy for drawing so well, so you do some more.
after a while you find yourself in pursuit of some kind of beauty, even if you like looking in all the darkest most unlikely places to catch your elusive prey.
years may take you down language loops, trickery and attempts to describe that which you made to communicate that which words could not.
life and survival steers you down tributaries of the central river, making beauty for others in objects you find ugly.
you know when you are wrong as it becomes a fight.
you know when you are right because you feel no resistance. you dont even know you are doing it until it is done.
but I wonder, in darker moments if I have made the world a more or less beautiful place, or if I will ever know.
bar the honest fact that I know no other way I do believe in art, and still believe it is my duty to try.
Monday, 16 November 2009
Jesus Fucking Christ
Fotunate to live in Frome. Frome was the town that outlaws from Roman Bath were banished to. The stone masonry in Bath is well celebrated. Check out this series of the execution of Christ. A week ago it was Glitter, who would have thought the authorities would do Christ too? He didnt even do owt wrong.
Typing as I watch Bruno Tyson 1
Bruno was the first to rock Tyson. Very underated boxer.
Sunday, 15 November 2009
A strange week for Glam Rock
Monday saw channel 4 broadcast 'The Execution Of Gary Glitter'
That night I walked down to Frome Gallows tree wher many had met thier end.
I painted a ring of PVA round the lynching branch, where the rope marks can still faintly be seen and sprinkled a cicle, a perpendicular halo of glitter. Fortunately the weather heald back and the glitter hoop remains.
A strange week followed, weighing up my feelings about my childhood hero and his betrayal of others childhood and by association , in some way mine.
Friday night, the One Show on BBC1, Noddy Holder chose this outing and interview to launch his new album. As we all know 'Merry christmas evrybody' is Noddys biggest annual payday. After a drunken night in Wolverhampton Noddy went home to sleep it off at his folks house. Playing with a Jimmy Lee riff he came up with the Christmas Carol for the secular.
It is far from being the best work of the Slade.
Slade, though written out of history due to reasons of class and percieved musical artistic hierarchies, are the greatest band of the 70s, only the Pistols come close. Thier technical excellence is usually overlooked. Check out thier live performance of 'How does it feel' on the Russell Harty show. Dave Hill could play base so well though a lead guitarist as Jim Lee plays piano. This is the first song Jim ever wrote though they never used it till Flame in 1975
That night I walked down to Frome Gallows tree wher many had met thier end.
I painted a ring of PVA round the lynching branch, where the rope marks can still faintly be seen and sprinkled a cicle, a perpendicular halo of glitter. Fortunately the weather heald back and the glitter hoop remains.
A strange week followed, weighing up my feelings about my childhood hero and his betrayal of others childhood and by association , in some way mine.
Friday night, the One Show on BBC1, Noddy Holder chose this outing and interview to launch his new album. As we all know 'Merry christmas evrybody' is Noddys biggest annual payday. After a drunken night in Wolverhampton Noddy went home to sleep it off at his folks house. Playing with a Jimmy Lee riff he came up with the Christmas Carol for the secular.
It is far from being the best work of the Slade.
Slade, though written out of history due to reasons of class and percieved musical artistic hierarchies, are the greatest band of the 70s, only the Pistols come close. Thier technical excellence is usually overlooked. Check out thier live performance of 'How does it feel' on the Russell Harty show. Dave Hill could play base so well though a lead guitarist as Jim Lee plays piano. This is the first song Jim ever wrote though they never used it till Flame in 1975
Saturday, 14 November 2009
England lose again
Well first of all England competed for 2 thirds of the game, from being ahead 16 14 they went on to lose 46 16. For me the player of the series has been Thurston, closely followed by Lockyer and Ingliss. Eastmond for England was outstanding, Sinfield until tonight. England are 20 minutes off being as good as Australia and that is pretty fucking good.
The true winner tonight was Rugby League, as I listened in the texts poured in from die hard Union fans acknowledging that this was the better sport to watch. Their parrallel series has been a dour kick, chase, scrummage mess with hardly a try, no running with the ball. As a spectater sport Rugby League is now so far ahead that I think we need not even mention the crap they are watching. Rugby union is just boring shite. Rugby League is the Greatest Game of All.
The sooner we forget the truly rubbish establishment product, the better. Thier will always be the odd idiot who wants to get on Stricktly Come Dancing after his career, not have to train so hard, go in to semi retirement, union offers all this. Bath players taking cocaine, see how long you would last in league if you took coke on a weekend.
My hatred of union goes way back to the aparthied days when if a player so much as had a trial for a league team they were banned forever from the upper class, establishment game. Note that the league game was stamped out for a while in southern fance as the union players joinede the nazi party whilst the league players joined the resistance. Long live the Catalan Dragons.
Basically union is bad, boring and evil.
League is good, exciting and good.
The true winner tonight was Rugby League, as I listened in the texts poured in from die hard Union fans acknowledging that this was the better sport to watch. Their parrallel series has been a dour kick, chase, scrummage mess with hardly a try, no running with the ball. As a spectater sport Rugby League is now so far ahead that I think we need not even mention the crap they are watching. Rugby union is just boring shite. Rugby League is the Greatest Game of All.
The sooner we forget the truly rubbish establishment product, the better. Thier will always be the odd idiot who wants to get on Stricktly Come Dancing after his career, not have to train so hard, go in to semi retirement, union offers all this. Bath players taking cocaine, see how long you would last in league if you took coke on a weekend.
My hatred of union goes way back to the aparthied days when if a player so much as had a trial for a league team they were banned forever from the upper class, establishment game. Note that the league game was stamped out for a while in southern fance as the union players joinede the nazi party whilst the league players joined the resistance. Long live the Catalan Dragons.
Basically union is bad, boring and evil.
League is good, exciting and good.
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
Well Cool
hopefully i have finally managed to get the video taken today of a work in process on cooling towers, made from Valchromat CNC components, it needs painting yet but this was a first attempt to see if it will work. For all the reasons why i am interested in cooling towers, particularly Tinsley Towers, now demolishhed, please check out earlier postings
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Monday, 9 November 2009
No more Glitter
I promise that there will be no more Glitter discussion on Skreeworld blog. I hope I havent put off any readers, I just became fascinated with the Execution of Glitter. It was like something from viz comic.
WE'll be back to climbing dangerous derelict guildings before you know it.
Drain and manhole covers are back on in a big way.
Just wait for the marvelous art that is in production as we speak
Stick with us
SKREEWORLD is back on track
WE'll be back to climbing dangerous derelict guildings before you know it.
Drain and manhole covers are back on in a big way.
Just wait for the marvelous art that is in production as we speak
Stick with us
SKREEWORLD is back on track
Frome Gallows Tree
Just walked down to the Gallows Tree where in days gone by the criminals of this small town were hanged. There is a dungeon pit at the back of the graveyard, a narrow path drops down to a dungeon door. The stone construction is capped with stone slabs and a small 1 foot square grill where food or alcohol could be passed to the condemned man. Many a mother or wife must have sat up there through the night, comforting thier loved one below in the pit.
At dawn it was a short walk to the Gallows tree where the 'righteous' hung the lynching rope. When criminals were popular thier friends, relatives and loved ones were allowed to grab and pull on the hanging mans feet to bring on a mercifully quicker death.
I painted with diluted PVA a circle around the bough from where the rope was hung and sprinkled glitter to form a glitter ring of rememberance. Gadds crimes are beyond reproach yet Glitter lit up my childhood. He let me down but this is no reason for me to let him down. I am against the death penalty, how can a society expect its citizens to act any differently than how the state acts. I am no Glitter denialist, I just feel robbed of my youth. Not as much as he robbed others of thier childhood but many of my generation must feel equally let down by Gadd.
As I sprinkled the last file of glitter to complete the ring a raven flew by, giving a deep note of recognition. Paul Raven was another stage persona of Gadd.
At dawn it was a short walk to the Gallows tree where the 'righteous' hung the lynching rope. When criminals were popular thier friends, relatives and loved ones were allowed to grab and pull on the hanging mans feet to bring on a mercifully quicker death.
I painted with diluted PVA a circle around the bough from where the rope was hung and sprinkled glitter to form a glitter ring of rememberance. Gadds crimes are beyond reproach yet Glitter lit up my childhood. He let me down but this is no reason for me to let him down. I am against the death penalty, how can a society expect its citizens to act any differently than how the state acts. I am no Glitter denialist, I just feel robbed of my youth. Not as much as he robbed others of thier childhood but many of my generation must feel equally let down by Gadd.
As I sprinkled the last file of glitter to complete the ring a raven flew by, giving a deep note of recognition. Paul Raven was another stage persona of Gadd.
Brick Table Michael Wainwright

Stickleback black walnut and lead crystal

Sunday, 8 November 2009
The Execution of Gary Glitter
Presumably Glitter recieved payment for the use of his name. The actuallity of this fictional story would require, not only the repeal of the death sentence but also the conviction for offences committed oversees, also the question of just how highly stacked platform soled shoes are permitted for the condemned to wear at the time of execution. Say Glitter went for a 48 inch platform sole, combined with the Leader shoulder pads he would stand a fair chance of survival. Looks like Glitter had more foresight in his fashion sense than Pete Townsend, the wrist strap would prevent any rotory arm guitar techniques Townsend developed over the years [has anyone seen a copy of the book he was doing the research for]. Personally I would have preferred to see Michael Jackson moonwalking his way to the trapdoor as Pierrepoint hooded the talentless paedo bastard. Lets face it, you just can't moonwalk in platforms. Jacksons' posters are all over London celebrating his rehearsal film as Glitter swings. It is a shame Jackson took the easy route, he truly trumped Glitter for paedo antics and it would have been a real 'Thriller' to see Jackson executed. Let us not forget this is supposed to be a 'serious' look at the statistics, 70% want hanging brought back, according to channel 4. can't wait for the internet forum afterwards. can't really believe this is happening at all.
Saturday, 7 November 2009
A Great Day for British Sport
Today will go down in history, England Rugby League team beat the world chamions to meet Australia in the final of the four nations, Leeds United beat norwich 2 nil, the Nigels lost to australia in the pompous sport of rugby union and David Haye beat Nikolia Valuev to become WBA heavyweight champion of the world. There may never be a day when everything goes so perfectly.
The Full Monty
The Full Monty features two of the skreeworld blog main subjects, Tinsley Towers and two Gary Glitter songs
Rugby League
Watched France lose 4 to 42 to Australia. The scoreline hides the fact that Australia were vulnerable and disorganised in the first half. In last weeks game against England they went in at half time 26 nil up. However in the second half England won 16 nil. Next weekends final represents the best chance we have had in years to beat the Australians. The Australian game is very much a game of percentages, though mighty it can be dull. English Rugby League is , however, the most attractive, creative and beautiful game in the world. I hope we throw the ball about, batter those ausies in to the ground.
It didnt pass my notice that the most boring sport in existence, rugby union, had another bore fgest where not a single try was scored. How anyone can watch this shite is beyond me.
It didnt pass my notice that the most boring sport in existence, rugby union, had another bore fgest where not a single try was scored. How anyone can watch this shite is beyond me.
Friday, 6 November 2009
The Execution of Gary Glitter 5
It cant be denied that there is an inverse Christ like element to all this. As Glitter rode into town strewn with glitter palm leaves, they celebrated him and now his crucifiction awaits him on monday. He will die not for our sins but for those of
pete townsend
iggy pop
elvis presley
chuck berry
jerry lee lewis
john peel
bill wyman
pete townsend
iggy pop
elvis presley
chuck berry
jerry lee lewis
john peel
bill wyman
The Execution of Gary Glitter 4
I have thought long and hard about this, as all Glitter fans know he had a new costume for the release of each single. At first I thought he should take the drop in the red sequined jacket he wore for 'Do you Wanna Touch', however, having given it further thought he may be wise to opt for the wing like silver shoulder pads he wore for 'I'm the Leader of the Gang, [I am]' which would either catch on the trapdoor hole or at least slow his desent, aligned with sufficiently high platform soled boots the rope may not even reach the end of it's tether. At one time if you survived the hanging you were free to go, hopefully this law will still be in place in the alternative reality of the programme and who knows? this jesus like miracle could prompt a comeback of vast proportions. The Glitter band join again with the Leader and storm the charts triggering a Glam Rock revival, Slade reform with Noddy, Johnson leaves AC/DC to rejoin Geordie, Chicory tip top the charts with 'Son of my great grandfather', the remains of Sweet release 'Middleage rampage'. The possibilities are endless.
The Execution of Gary Glitter
Next week is it the beheading of Roy Wood? Slade face the firing squad? The garrotting of Pete Townsend? Where is the book? I joke. Somewhere in all this mess a man will be watching a film of his own hanging on monday. David Peaces books, The Damned United brought on a court case from Johnny Giles. Peace claimed he was writing about a ficticious Leeds United, a fictitious Brian Clough, a fictitious Johnny Giles. Strange times. What did upset me was his Red Riding series using a ficticios Yorkshire Ripper. One of his victims went to my school before me. Jayne Macdonald, I can still picture her face, a very beautiful young woman. I read his books as they were set against the background of my childhood. I knew the events, the streets and ground where the bodies were found. When I am back in Leeds I still subconsciously clock Soldiers field, the Arndale centre, woodhouse moor and places in Chapeltown where bodies were found. I can only speculate as to how the families of Sutcliffes victims felt when Peaces books came out and the TV trilogy they spawned.
There is a temptation to make art about powerful events that occured during ones childhood. The Execution of Gary Glitter may well lay to rest my interest in him as an artist. At present I feel that if you have no forgiveness in yourself then you are eternally tied to terrible events . Lack of Foregiveness empowers thier actions and disallows the horror to disperse in to banality. Forgiveness disempowers the perpetrator of the crime, it doesnt let them off the hook. If I ever met Sutcliffe I would like to walk by, perhaps call him a sad twat then forget about him as he deserves to be forgotten. He is no one of importance.
Last night I spent time on the internet tracking down footage of 'the man who put the bang in gang'. In many ways it feels that my year of research in to Glam Rock, the planning of the failed Glamfest, has all led to this. Mondays hanging of Gary Glitter will bring closure. I hope he wears the red sequined jacket he wore for 'Do you Wanna Touch' when he takes the drop, the wing like collar pieces he wore for 'Leader of the Gang' didnt really work for me and the tight glittery trousers and silver platform boots worn for 'Rock and Roll part 2' looked like an experiment, his stage moves as yet un formed. His greatest moment for me was 'Hello hello, I'm back again', by this point he had perfected his stage persona.
There is a temptation to make art about powerful events that occured during ones childhood. The Execution of Gary Glitter may well lay to rest my interest in him as an artist. At present I feel that if you have no forgiveness in yourself then you are eternally tied to terrible events . Lack of Foregiveness empowers thier actions and disallows the horror to disperse in to banality. Forgiveness disempowers the perpetrator of the crime, it doesnt let them off the hook. If I ever met Sutcliffe I would like to walk by, perhaps call him a sad twat then forget about him as he deserves to be forgotten. He is no one of importance.
Last night I spent time on the internet tracking down footage of 'the man who put the bang in gang'. In many ways it feels that my year of research in to Glam Rock, the planning of the failed Glamfest, has all led to this. Mondays hanging of Gary Glitter will bring closure. I hope he wears the red sequined jacket he wore for 'Do you Wanna Touch' when he takes the drop, the wing like collar pieces he wore for 'Leader of the Gang' didnt really work for me and the tight glittery trousers and silver platform boots worn for 'Rock and Roll part 2' looked like an experiment, his stage moves as yet un formed. His greatest moment for me was 'Hello hello, I'm back again', by this point he had perfected his stage persona.
Thursday, 5 November 2009
The Execution of Gary Glitter 2
Any readers of Skreeworld will be aware of our fascination even obsession with glam rock.
I am very disturbed about monday 9th november and the virtual execution of Gary Glitter on channel 4 9pm. this docu/drama is being promoted as a critique of the fact that 70% of the populationbelieve we should reinstate the death penalty. Birmingham 6, Guildford 4, Evans, Dereck Bentley, 'let him have it'. We are not America, we are not Saudi Arabia. Yesterday at midday , a sex offender was beheaded his body crucified his head paraded on a spike. Iggy Pop had a 13 year old girlfriend back in the 70s and has recently been awarded a lifetime achievement award. Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson is being deified in the film of his practice sessions 'This is it'. There is no way that paedophilia can be justified. It is the most hienous crime. In prison culture, all conventional criminals justify thier actions by thier mutual hatred of beasts, nonces, paedos. To take a childs innocense, to use a child as a sex object is abhorrent. I in no way condone Paul Gadds actions and it is yet to be seen how they play out 'The execution of Gary Glitter'. His virtual execution is what many feel he deserves. He seems to be without remorse as was Jackson, the only separation is Lackson paid off his victims where as Gadd tried to justify himself in court. Of course they were both guilty. Personally I dislike Jacksons music but like Glitters. As a child I was a Gary Glitter fan and still feel the magic of his music. Can we separate the art from the artist? I believe we can. Gadd served his time unlike Jackson for his crimes in Vietnam, something Presley, Jackson, Lewis, Pop didnt. So I await the execution of my childhood idol.
I am very disturbed about monday 9th november and the virtual execution of Gary Glitter on channel 4 9pm. this docu/drama is being promoted as a critique of the fact that 70% of the populationbelieve we should reinstate the death penalty. Birmingham 6, Guildford 4, Evans, Dereck Bentley, 'let him have it'. We are not America, we are not Saudi Arabia. Yesterday at midday , a sex offender was beheaded his body crucified his head paraded on a spike. Iggy Pop had a 13 year old girlfriend back in the 70s and has recently been awarded a lifetime achievement award. Jerry Lee Lewis, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson is being deified in the film of his practice sessions 'This is it'. There is no way that paedophilia can be justified. It is the most hienous crime. In prison culture, all conventional criminals justify thier actions by thier mutual hatred of beasts, nonces, paedos. To take a childs innocense, to use a child as a sex object is abhorrent. I in no way condone Paul Gadds actions and it is yet to be seen how they play out 'The execution of Gary Glitter'. His virtual execution is what many feel he deserves. He seems to be without remorse as was Jackson, the only separation is Lackson paid off his victims where as Gadd tried to justify himself in court. Of course they were both guilty. Personally I dislike Jacksons music but like Glitters. As a child I was a Gary Glitter fan and still feel the magic of his music. Can we separate the art from the artist? I believe we can. Gadd served his time unlike Jackson for his crimes in Vietnam, something Presley, Jackson, Lewis, Pop didnt. So I await the execution of my childhood idol.
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