Thursday 29 March 2012

Religion Receptor Sites - Crossbow Christ

Crossbow cruciform christ with a hyperdermic head shot in to your chest pumping your soul full of god!

The work of neurologist Candace Pert gave us the understanding we now have of peptides and receptor sites. She proved through looking at opioides how these and other drugs work. It was thought at first that these chemicals latched on to just receptor sites in the brain. Further research showed that there are receptor sites all over your body. So when our bodies release natural endorphins the sensation of joy is happening all over your body. Sex is probably the easiest to understand in these terms. We make love with our entire bodies. We experience all emotions all over ourselves. This neuro science ties in with yoga and also the Concept of Mind as spoken of by Gilbert Ryle. There is no mind body duality, no mind, body, soul triumvirate.
There are many different receptor sites mostly that we do not know of yet. Valium and other tranquilisers latch on to the same receptor sites as a natural chemical known as GABA does. After a hard days work, after a run when we sit down endorphins, natural pain killers are released. So too is GABA. This makes us drowsy.
As the user of artificial opiates and tranquilisers the body stops producing its' own. Finally the body stops producing any and the person becomes dependent.
Addicts who recover often find a spirituality that they didn't have before. Many recovery programmes use the twelve steps developed by Alcoholics Anonymous. This requires that the addict accept that they have no control over what they do and they must look to a higher power. It is often said that addiction is not an intelectual problem but a spiritual one. This may well be true. It would seem stupid to risk your life or damage yourself that badly if it was just for fun. It is only in cases of severe pain that society deems opiate use appropriate. It would seem that those who choose to use opiates are not enjoying life. The athlete, training each day takes a harder route to the same buzz.
We know of four different opiate receptors, and is one of these for spirituality triggered by ritual?
From the beginning of mans' history we have used religion. As a survival technique few are better. If you have no food or wealth the belief we are meant for better things, that God can help us makes go the extra mile. As a nation we have pursued our own interests safe in the knowledge that God is on our side. Even today we are still engaged in wars overseas that only our self justification with foundations in religion can support.
Given that we have practised ritualised religion down the centuries it would seem only natural to have some chemical to reward our endeavour. Just as the worker can build that stone wall knowing he will feel reward, a sense of achievment down to the release of opiates so too a spiritual 'buzz' can be found through prayer. Hallucinogens can mimic the sensation of enlightenment. All acid heads will have felt that sensation of having grasped the key to the universe, the meaning of life, god, yet may not be able to point to it. Unable to describe it. Essentially having the sensation of rewards without the source. Just as the junky has his warm rush of comfort with no 2o mile hike prior to it to trigger it.

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