Sunday 12 August 2012

Ecstasy and Devastation

. I am not a good flyer. My first airplane journey happened when I was 21. I could not understand how people could find themselves flying through the air at vast speed yet find the composure, to distance themselves from reality to the extent that they could read a paper. Some could even eat. I felt close to screaming. I wanted to grab passengers and say 'can't you see we are flying across the sky!' 
I have similar feelings most days. Life is a trip of complete joy to utter horror. The composure and blindness I see in most othereople scares me. We woke up on this planet, spinning through an infinite universe, sum pious with life. Each day is wonderful and terrifying. I am tea total these days but my instinct is to turn down the volume in any way I can. Each day is a battle not to.

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