Sunday 13 January 2013

The Mind - Body Problem

The body exists in physical space and is subject to physical laws. The mind is not subject to physical laws, it can not be said to be spatially anywhere. There is no way that we know of that a physical body can be moved by something none existent in space. This is an elementary truth. It would require some supernatural force. Science skirts over this problem as if it weren't there. The science of mind is called psychiatry. It is clearly built on weak foundations. So far neurologists have struggled to find physical abnormalities in the brains of schizophrenics. There are cases of people diagnosed as schizophrenics who are then prescribed antipsychotics but are later found out to have  swelling or lesions on their brain. So which is true? Is there a supernatural force at play enabling human consciousness, the mind to move its body? This is what we assume. All our world of politics and human interactions is built on this assumption. So is psychiatry. If someone has an illness of the mind they are prescribed talking treatments as if the supernatural property of the mind were true. I put forward a radical idea. Isn't it more likely, given that we know, or most of us know, that there are no supernatural powers, that the movements of the body are the result of physical changes in the brain. Minute mechanical processes of chemical electrical neuron activity trigger movement. The mind serves to spin us a narrative we find convincing. Drug addicts know they are the slaves of their chemical dependent brains. Their logical decisions and beliefs run counter to their actions. We look at wars. Look at the Somme. How did we convince ourselves that such self destruction had reasonable purpose? Our brains through our minds spun us a narrative telling us so. Neuroscience has shown that our awareness of 'decisions' we take can occur up to 10 seconds after the machinations of the brain impulses leading to action have begun. We really are not the rider of the horse. This realisation ought to alter society. How can we attribute successes and failures and crimes to people when it is not them who are the architects of their own lives. Having a predisposition to work hard is no more a reflection on your good natured self than the predisposition to take drugs is the responsibility of the addict. And isn't it far more likely that schizophrenics have a physical brain abnormality that as yet our neuroscience is too crude to find. Doesn't all we know about the world point away from ideas of being able to help the mentally ill through talking therapies? Schizophrenia results in a short life expectancy and limited successful breeding yet despite this it has not been evolved out of. We still find it to the same percentage as we always have. So isn't it more likely to be a physical problem? We are accepting of the fact that there is no soul, that consciousness cannot outlive the brain, that mind is dependent on brain. Yet despite all this knowledge we build a science on the presumption of a supernatural power. I accept I push this point to clarify the issue but see the inevitable fall out from the materialist stance.

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