Tuesday 4 June 2013


Given that the world was once flat but now round it ought to be remembered that fact, truth, any suggestion delivered from the scientific method is not a solid, fixed thing. Think more of a telescope looking from one, specific point, in to the field at a bird in the wild. Focus can be brought through the lens to the eye enabling the person, at that place and time to clearly see the bird. But alter any part of the process and clarity is gone. Truths are like harmonics. Facts are balanced harmonys, fixed and tuneful for a period of time but always ultimately fading to be replaced by fresh harmonies. The most common mis conception regarding science is to see it as an extension of the Christian forward linear journey to salvation. There will be no finish. The idea of progress is doubtful. A truth may hover, enabling structure to follow but ultimately it is insecure foundation. Physics builds from facts like gravity, something we can see exists yet are no further on from Newton in understanding.

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