Tuesday 23 December 2014

AL-LAD illegal 07/01/2015

Without any media coverage AL-LAD becomes illegal on January 7th 2015. No public discussion in to the values of this amazing substance have taken place. No reports of any harm caused by it. No youth craze, just an interest of a tiny minority of experienced psychonauts. The synthesis of AL-LAD requires LSD and delivers only one fifth in quantity of the base ergoloids were untouched. Once it becomes as illegal as LSD I doubt anyone will bother refining the LSD to AL-LAD. It will be lost to history and the odd curious chemists private endeavour.
It is difficult to describe how it's effects differ from acid though they are similar. AL-LAD delivers a euphoria and has little of the anxiety that characterises LSD and mushrooms. This anxiety spoils most trips. Not that they are bad trips just that one is reluctant to let go and abandon oneself to the journey. For me, it is an improvement on acid.
The biggest operation in british police history was operation Julie. Staff from a dozen regional forces, 800 officers worked together to close down two LSD laboratories in 1977. The protagonists were not ordinary criminals interested in money. They were idealists who believed their product could bring about transcendent experiences in its users. Albert Hoffman synthesised LSD within months of the creation of the first atom bomb. The history of LSD is of intellectual idealists trying to spread understanding with evangelical zeal. There have been occasional cases of permanent mental breakdown. These invariably occur when fragile psyches take the drug in a bad setting. The police know of vast paedophile networks. Huge heroin supply lines. Yet they have yet to apply their full force to bare on these criminals as they did on LSD production.
One has to ask why? Is it that transcendence scares the establishment more than child suffering? More than the deaths and wrecked lives heroin delivers.
I have up tripping in my early twenties until I found AL-LAD. It cured my depression. For a brief window the Rays of the infinite shone through the clouds. 15 days remain to study this valuable commodity before the door shuts forever. Truly tragic news.

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