Monday 16 October 2023

Chapter Three: Liptons First steps after being released from the mental…

Chapter Three: Liptons First steps after being released from the mental hospital

Freedom yes. But not a coin in his pocket. Lipton wasn't even sure who survived following the team's destruction of Rupert Bunsens attempt to leave the planet with the world's elite who had wrung out Gaia's beauty for personal gain. The thought of the moment they'd cracked the packed vehicles supposedly impregnable glass sides and the oceans pressure bursting through to drown the evil fuckers gave Lipton a proud smile. The sun bathed his face and all felt well with the world. Which of his crew had made it he had no clue. Knocked unconscious till the crew of a fishing boat dragged him aboard. Consciousness had returned in a bruised, dream like series of waves. He could see wreckage and the bodies of the dead once wealthy floating here and there. Fractured components of the craft struggled in the choppy sea, odd figures. Disheveled he saw them calling out for help but he couldn't tell who they were. All aboard the vessel he'd stolen from Porlock Weir had known that some, maybe all might not return. The Druid lads from Clun, the witches, Skree or Peter? Were they among those who survived? Jesus would undoubtedly have made it but his body could easily have been smashed and the debauched son of god could be anywhere reanimating. His next mission was to find out who lived. What exactly had happened. And this required he be the shaman he and Skree had both inadvertently become through their excessive use of psychedelics during their teens and early twenties. The human brain is not fully developed until it reaches roughly 25. Skree and Lipton had augmented the physical substance of their brains through firstly their discovery of magic mushrooms. The sacrament peculiar to and abundant in the British islands. Virtually invisible to most as they choose who they deem worthy of their use. Some seasons even the two shamans had failed to find many. But in the early years, from age 13 to 14 both spent mushroom season with wet knees and exploring dimensions most common men would never encounter. For sure, there were a few who tried them out and found the experience way too much. Some were even casualties, damaged for life; periodically sectioned by mental health professionals. But Lipton and Skree would both spend the autumn in deep engagement with the earth and it's gift that through history has held a knowledge for the few that each year were prepared to face the fears, stare clear and open eyed at the mirror to their souls. Nursery rhymes and fairy tales made sense. The patterns found on rare, pre Christian stone work. The standing stones that are still around. Many in the Orkneys, many in Yorkshire, Somerset and most counties have stone circles, groundwork's or other evidence that are understood to the open of mind under the influence of psylocibin. These islands are blessed with an abundance of the liberty cap and throughout history small numbers have been called to them and this gnosis has something that can be imagined as a beanstalk that stretches back through time. This Druidic knowledge stretches back to when man first arrived. Small branches of divergence have led off in exploration as small communities took journeys through the use of the sacrament. But its central core of knowledge, understanding and power has always been there. Mushrooms grow where people go and are only abundant where we tread. The liberty cap is the true sacrament of these islands. As foods that grow locally are nutritionally accurate for human survival in that place. Global trade has seen foods from all over the world available yet the correct diet is what we evolved alongside. Indeed we are part of the same thing. And the same applies to appropriate psychedelics.
However at around 16 years of age, when Skree and Lipton began to find themselves out of the family home and consequently finding their own money they both moved on to LSD. Unlike their peers who mostly fell to the side; scared of what these powerful compounds revealed. Few of us really want to know ourselves and would rather play out the acted character we create for our interactions with others. Unlike their peers they began to spend more time on what is commonly known as 'set and setting'. Preparing their minds over a period of days, eating the right diet, exercising to get their bodily systems ready. And to find the setting. A place and time were none of the grey and dull, the black and dark could intrude on the experience. Ensuring that they were in a place where they could completely let go of the side rails. So many trips are ruined by desperately resisting. The real journeys occur only when one throws themselves in, letting go of all security ties.
Further compounds were introduced. Advances in development of Albert Hoffmans gift to the world. Al lad, eth lad, pro lad, LSZ. Not to mention DMT, 5meoDMT, Ketamine and a whole plethora of new substances that became available during the period prior to 2015s ban on what had become a Wild West. A large part of the research chemicals were just weird. But amongst the crap there were diamonds.
Ultimately after a point the pair had rendered themselves shamans. But neither was of the kind to be a village doctor. Far from it. Their duty was to try cure humanity of a growing darkness that in all likelihood will see the destruction of the species. Lipton and Skree after meeting various entities, creatures, demons, angels and other forces whilst exploring different dimensions became appointed to fight the grey wherever they found it.
For many years shouldering this responsibility was too much. The sheer evil of what they had seen seemed beyond the scope of any man, shaman or not. They found themselves subject to heavy addiction to alcohol and drugs to desperately shut off what they had seen. Homeless at times both lived dangerously, taking anything to hide from their fear. They were regularly pestered and harassed by mental health professionals who were simply unaware of what inhabited different dimensions, some just a fine membrane away from bursting through. But ultimately they stepped up and shouldered their responsibilities. After all it was themselves who had got themselves here.
Lipton knew he must now find Skree, alive or dead. And this would take sacramental use of the right psychedelic. He set off walking, not looking back at the mental hospital he had been released from. The sun felt warm on his face and smiling he walked on toward this star that gave the planet life.

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