Saturday 22 September 2012

Skreeworld Photography

I hope that it doesn't go unnoticed that at Skreeworld we do not post photographs of people nor in any other way invade people's privacy. Though chunks of text are autobiographical, no characters are singled out for exposure. Likenesses to anyone are accidental. The culture of unwanted photographic exposure exemplified by the recent pictures of Kate Middleton has wounded street photographers. Cameras are now everywhere. As Mike Skinner put it 'how am I supposed to do a line in front of complete strangers when I know they all got cameras.'. Clearly situations where policing the police is beneficial to society cameras can help us all (bar corrupt police) yet this is often outweighed by the loss of privacy. Recent trends for loathsome Internet sites where photographs are posted up of girls unaware of being photographed and not compliant in sharing the images are sad indictments of where society may be heading. To be clear Skreeworld posts only pictures of consensual adults, animals, plants or objects.

1 comment:

  1. i am a lawyer for one of the trees in your photo,she said no consent given. see you in court buddy.
