Saturday 5 April 2014

More Dook (dangerous dog)

There is this field knee deep in grass that stretches for half a mile and I love to take Dook up there and watch him bound the ought the grass. If you had to make a film displaying pure joy this would be it. Makes me smile, even cry just to see him so happy. He's unbelievably lithe amd athletic. He'd got in to a boggy stream to drink then wandered up in to the grass. I called him, he turned and lept this river ditch in a single bound, some 15 foot. I thought then I can't give up on him. So what? Some series of human mis treatments has made him cagey in tight corners with bigger men. The behaviourist from the bath cats and digs home was very adamant about the dichotomy she saw. Months of intense training or death. I will not succumb to her pessimism. I will put the hours of training in. Make him keep away from dick heads. Because this ought to be born in mind. Dook has nipped, bitten or snapped at some ten individuals in ten weeks, each and everyone has been a dickhead. Today a man saw him tied up outside a shop waiting for me. What drew him over god alone knows. Seeing an animal tied, defenceless, clearly feeling vulnerable. Yet something went through the idiots small brain to go approach him and do this by moving his hand swiftly towards dooks face. It is true. The only dog we can permit life in this society is one who will tolerate the utter extremities of human stupidity. The dog must be 100%. However asinine, however bereft of common sense, the human must be permitted to interfere with the dog without complaint. I often imagine what parents would feel like if their children had to be tied up outside shops. Many adults take a similar approach to children, "aren't they lovely", followed by the fingering of the hair, the touching of the skin. There is a common heald view that interfering with a strangers dog is some how acceptable. It now pretty much the consensus view that people ought not interfere with other people's children. Each of dooks misdemeanours have involved someone putting their hands in his face.
Returning to my point. I vowed to rescue Dook and this is my duty. I will make him a dog able to live within this stupid world. I accept I am taking on a major task, one that will take up much oh my time, a job that will involve a hell of a lot of learning. Though having twenty years dog ownership I know little about traing problem dogs. And the rather overexcitable behaviourist I spoke to has already said he qualifies as a dangerous dog. She struck me rather like UFO hunters who's excitement ticks the boxes for any airborne curio from mistle thrush to kite. Anyway. Here we go. Dook, you and me, bring it on. That faultless informational distributsry of great esteem Th SUn ran with the headline, "Doga ate my babies head off" a few weeks back. This is what we are up against.

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