Saturday 17 October 2015

What a Dream I had

What a Dream I had
I drove to meet the policewoman, I was a day late, in the wrong town, but she said, 'wait there.'
As she drove over I chanted Nam Myoto Renge Kyo to favor events towards me. I fixed my eyes on a tree that rippled in the evening breeze. I called upon my mystical vision under AL-LAD and sought to slip in to the communal consiousness with the earth.
She took any remaining hope of this week putting my van through MOT and I drove over and under from town to town. By nine or ten I was entering the mystical state though it took several hours to fully manifest. I was conscious this was the mystical and saw the light and saw that it is good. We are so lucky to be here for this briefest of windows. Fractal worlds of ever folding and reforming jewelled and palatial homes of the gods. Rich tapestries in silks and satin, in colours way beyond the normal human spectrum. Each undulation and unfolding of reality opened on to further and further depths. Changes in my focus, the lighting or my moving from room to room, shattered crystalline palatial temples of light and jewels as layer upon layer, dimension on dimension were unveiled to me. But I was not crippled by transcendence. Though negotiating spiral corridors of time and space as I slipped down the stairs and out doors with Dook who I took to the park through darkened pathways, steering clear of the loud drunken groups of fromes young people.
We made for the park where the skies exploded in constellations of coloured astral bodies. Planets, and stars, black holes, gas giants, imploding and exploding in fiercely sped up creation. Lights steered us and as before with AL-LAD in darkness, when I needed help, pools of light would descend all around me. It struck me how lucky we were. I thought of the very few freinds who truly wonder, who truly remain open and in awe to the utter majesty of being. So humbled I felt to be honoured with birth and my window on this earth, and so glad to have shared it with the few brothers who too are seekers for more.
Having abandoned my life to seek the mystical, tonight was my first night knowing this was my calling, my responsibility. So rewarded was I by insight and visions of other worldliness I knew I had not left it a moment too long. I will spend each hour I have left in looking, trying to see, to merge with the singular group consiousness some call Gaia, some call Earth some call God. If God is the light then the light is this. What light enables is sight. It is only through the light that we may see. Let us waste not our years in strife and struggle. Let go of the compulsion to work and worry about Money and status. This is the grey, the devil. Not in evil but in the polished shoes, the shaved chin and greased hair to please some human master. The devil is to not see. The darkness, the absence of the radiant light that I have seen. Our enemy is to be distracted from the wonder. Those atheists lost defending their hill forts from each invader, desperately scared to see what is in the sky overhead. Only focus their fear and to desperately patch up their cobbled together ship in the vast and ever turbulent oceans of being.
Never forget this wonder. Never let the mundane distract you. Your needs will be met for they are few. A roof and food. All else is trash and tinsel. Always keep your eyes on the goal. It matters not weather you are Christian Moslem scientist or shaman. It isn't what you make of the wonder, it's never forgetting the great wonder of being.
The mystical state, having seen the light, has four criteria. It defies expression. No words can summon it up or speak of it and with each attempt each seems to steer away from that which is beyond words. It can not be imparted to others. It must be experienced. Just as we can see a person dance, see that someone is in love, yet to see this from outside is to know nothing of it. In this sense they are moments or states closer to feelings or sensations than something of the intelect.
There is a noetic quality. A feeling of knowledge imparted, illuminations, revelations.
These states are transitory. To an extent, once past, they can be summoned to memory yet the vision slips away as one tries to pin it or fix it in time and space.
And that though the mystical state can be brought on or sought through rituals, meditation, once under its spell ones will is in abeyance and it will take you where it will. As though the self has dropped aside to allow the spirit to enter or follow a higher power or a power of which we are but part. A loss of the self and embrace from the communal earth, cosmic consiousness. God. We are God. As is every speck of stardust that makes up the universe. The vanity of individuation, the loss of self is beyond many, strapped in to their vehicles for negotiating the hell they have made on earth. Heaven is here just to be taken, just drop that heavy rucksack of ego, status, trivial threads of individuation from tribal loyalties through regional or national birth, religions, trades, professions, roles, daughter, sister, brother, mother, all drop away to free the seed, the spark, the point from where you look out. That centrality is finally inconsequential, irrelevant to the greater being.

So, the police snipped my MOT work in the bud with their cowardly acts and penalties set in stone I must pay or prepare for a great kicking. But I beat them by rendering what I saw as essential, to a mere hassle to be overcome at some point.

AL-LAD al Akbar

Sent from my iPad

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