Friday 4 December 2009

Fred on Friday

Woke and leapt out of bed. Down the workshop to get a drawing done of the new water tower. Estimated pitch of cones. Drove through the lanes past Westbury cement proccessing factory, tempted to go try get some photos tommorrow. I used to drive this route to work and back every day when I worked making Fred Baiers furniture. I'd forgotten how beautiful a drive it is, continual stearing and gear changes punctuated by country side from Westbury white horse hill, the dege of Salisbury plain and the marlborough downs.
Freds studio is quite unlike the workshops of designer craftsmen. The vocabulary of shapes, forms and techniques he uses to project his ideas is quite unlike any other and I feel honoured to have worked there. At the time I didnt see the learning going in but returning, a decade later I see. They were working on a complex facetted cone that penetrates a facetted doughnut shape. The computer is used as a tool to work out angles through advanced maths but fine craftsmanship brings the visios to reality.
He leant me the programme to work out the angles from number of facetts, height and diameter to create the cones for my making of the water tower.
The Vand A have bought a nother piece that they missed the significance of when it was first made, it is often the case that museums fail to see the significance of works at the time of making, fortunately they have registered during Freds lifetime. The resale of his work has also picked up in the major auction houses, a significant occurance. If I were him I would buy back my majorworks wherever I could, there can be no greater investment. Damien Hirst clicked on to this as other major artists have. There is a piece of my own work that I never sold through exhibition that was way ahead of it's time. I leant it to a girl, we fell out, she sold it. Sometime later I found myself at a k dealers house and all the buisness was taking place on my table, after or two I asked where he had got the table and learned the series of events that had led to him owning it. He fell on hard times and gave it to a guy further up the ladder as a debt payment. This guy is now on the straight and narrow. I plan to buy it back, restore it, and hopefully people are ready for it now.

Heard the police are looking for me. They went round to Hawkwind frontman Ron Trees house, one of my postal addresses earlier today. Dont know what they want me for. I suspect someone is trying to set me up..

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