Wednesday 24 November 2010

All that FDMA Bollocks

For anyone still interested. The gravity must have been less or the atmosphere thinner when dinosaurs ruled the Earth to support their vast bodies. The DMOU take over or the FDMA beginnings seems to have descended in to complexities beyond my understanding. I have just wanted it all to reach some, any resolution and hopefully return to some normallity. There is one persons views I would love to hear, the listmaster for his amazing brainchild seems endangered. It would appear that most neither care nor understand anymore, or is it only me? So, as such, just vote to get past the deadlock, those who want to impose organiseation and association on others will continue to organise. Let's hope the new 'organisation' is as good as the healthy disorganisation that has served us so well. Were disenters to have a steering body I would join. Struggling to understand those who can't tolerate mess or fail to understand how an organic compost of members has made DMOU something so amazing they daren't attempt to mirror the disassociation but seek to grab the horns of the wild beast and steer it in to a way they understand yet feeling the bullying, should I fail to succumb, will leave me isolated, I felt forced to 'yes' vote. All we can do with the self appointed steering committee at the top and the sniping from the fore lock tugging aspirants from below is hope that cream will rise to the surface through the turgid bullshit. Everyone brave enough to question the coup has been attacked as if they were anarchists rather than conservatives with a small 'c'. Anyone who thought it was a load of bradd pitt was made to feel a james blunt. This is the end of a great thing, its' put me off exhibitting with designer makers again. Why didn't they set up their own site with a link? why can't they see that all this voting towards an organisation is already killing why DMOU was so good? Oh well, I hope I am wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is more obvious, however, than that every one of us comes into society as into something in whose creation we had not the slightest hand. We have not even the advantage, like those little unborn souls in The Blue Bird, of consciousness before we take up our careers on earth. By the time we find ourselves here we are caught in a network of customs and attitudes, the major directions of our desires and interests have been stamped on our minds, and by the time we have emerged from tutelage and reached the years of discretion when we might conceivably throw our influence to the reshaping of social institutions, most of us have been so molded into the society and class we live in that we are scarcely aware of any distinction between ourselves as judging, desiring individuals and our social environment. We have been kneaded so successfully that we approve of what our society approves, desire what our society desires, and add to the group our own passionate inertia against change, against the effort of reason, and the adventure of beauty.
