Saturday 27 November 2010

Steve Lazarides

The guy who got Banksy rich has been bringing to light some great work over the last decade, his gallerys' show during Freeze week was a highlight. I just have one qualm, its' the appropriation of the word 'Outsider'.
Outsider art has, was and always will be there, the term has been used for as long as I can remember usually to meen art not promoted through the established gallery network, work made by artists who don't watch the artworld. Great and noble stuff. I also like it when virtually an artist gets a break, loved seeing Banksy take off. I do find it hard to consider an outsider an outsider once they are in. Banksy is no longer a cutting edge anarcho figure but as entrenched in the buisness as Anish Kapour, this is no bad thing but you can't have it both ways. You end up sounding like Johnny Rotten still wittering on. How could he have been so eloquent when young yet so dumb in middle age? Every dog has his day, Rotten had his, some are having thiers now and others have yet to have thiers. Failure, or a constant unrecognised progress, seems a far better way to preserve artistic integrity, take The Fall, imagine Mark talking to Lydon.

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