Thursday 20 October 2011

Libya Day

So much has happened this week. Gadafis' brutal regime is over. Upsetting scenes of his carcase flood the screen. Another death amongst many. On home soil the Travellers who were at Dale Farm are in neighbouring lay bys.
Tabak claims he sought but a kiss.
When all around you are following the same path it is with great difficulty that you choose another. The inividual is still to the fore as our political system collapses. Liberal capitalist democracy has clearly failed. No one in mainstream politics is ready to admit this. The money has all floated to the top and now cuts against all moneys that the governments have managed to steer away fom this elite group are starting to take hold. Finding a niche within this as a successful artist or artisan is dependent on this system and supportive of it. Whilst I have never felt wholly comfortable with this I have never found sufficient reason to change.. No longer can I sleep well knowing this. I shall now move toward work that includes all.

Modern atheists like me know all life began when they were born. Nothing existed before. I envy those of faith, particularly the jewish people, even Jews of no faith, remember they trump muslims and christians as they were not taken in by the fraudsters Christ or Mohammed, as they know life strtetches back much further. Geniology is for the rich. The poor seek merely to survive, sometimes reproduce. The rich know thier lineage.

Quite what this is an exersize in I know not, it is only the fallen who understand. Just the few.

Turner Prize shows a flashing vision of Skreeworld. We championed George Shaw and still believe he should be crowned carnival king yet see the show as a whole. Taking place at Baltic with 3 who do not live in London but what is more important show a clearer view of Britain today. Finally a year full of work that speeks to us who hate the introspective art chatter. Us who love art from the greater outside. After Freeze that seems, along with its' satalites increasingly irrelevant, from the most unlikely place of all comes a brilliant accurate show.

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