Saturday 14 April 2012

Return to the fray

It is 6 months since my breakdown. Well, since it began. I was completely unhinged for 2 months. No grasp of reality whatsoever. From hallucinations to voices talking to me. There are pages of notes I made at the time. I thought of describing it in this journal but it made no sense. If there is anyone I offended I apologize. 
Mental illness is no fun. Still I feel shaky at times. Still I wake in terror but only rarely now, not every night. 
As for causes? there are many. It was down to 4 or 5 things coming in to alignment. Like some rare, fantastically improbable astrological happening. 
On the good, I have learned a lot. I have also, through meeting others in treatment for other, similar conditions found new purpose. 
I had been determined to take time to recover fully so when the Cutty Sark work came up I had to say no.
Last week I got asked to do quite a lot of furniture. It isn't often opportunities like this come up. Most makers dream of such things.
No one else can do this, I can't sub it out. I need money to take my dog to the vet. I don't have much choice. But, God help me, I am scared.

1 comment:

  1. I just stumbled on this blog and have been reading it for a couple of hours now.Stay strong and respect to you.Regards,Lance.
