Friday 6 April 2012

Some Thoughts

Football has shifted from glory on the day such as the FA cup victory to being about the process. So few fans of premier league teams actually go. The fanbase now has to be broad and distant and the brand of the global elite, the few teams who transcend the catchment area of the pedestrian fan to the tv driven child with no connection to the village that the club represent,

Is there such a thing as sustainable growth? Aren't the two mutually exclusive?
Like I would once, after a serious hangover or come down, not say never again but try to find a way to get off my head in a sustainable way. I wouldn't think it was the model that was wrong.
Thank god that is behind me.

Freds work is not 'about' anything, its' meaning is itself.
Mine is and as such is a slow vehicle for the ideas. I need a faster means of output.

The House of Lords still needs further reform. 92 hereditary peers! 26 bishops was terrible but we still have 12. 12 people in power advancing morality based on belief in the superstitious practices.

The subtleties of accent. It isn't merely that you feel comfortable with those that talk like you it is fine degrees of irony that are expressed through accent. Maybe this is why I find some things Damien says funny when they wind others up.

In these PC times it is worth remembering that not all fat bastards are greedy fuckers.

In Leeds fat bastard often means someone robberbly rich. The phrase has a poetic beauty with the machine gun patterof the repeated a's.

When did the search for enlightenment drift off in to bachanalian excess and when did that drift off in to self medication.

A surfeit of thrones and a pawsity of chairs

The worst thing I know is that personality goes when the brain is damaged. All this beauty, empathy and love is survival tricks. Horrible but true.

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