Tuesday 20 November 2012

Lose Yourself

Why does a person end up making things all the time in relative solitude?  It really has little to do with what I make, not in my case anyway. I spent years wrestling over the nature of the objects I made when it was the state of mind I got in while making that mattered. I hated teaching. It took me away from being in the moment. It is the zen thing. The loss of conscious self. When the operation is just within the limits of ones skill so all attention is required leaving none to worry or think about yesterday or tomorrow, that is what I try to do each day. Doing it as a hobby is not enough for me. I don't like exhibiting, showing stuff, being judged. I'm not really all that interested in design, not like some are anyway. I aim to be as my dog. In the moment, not conscious of myself.

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