Sunday 25 November 2012

The Link Between Science and Art

Is it that when we see something beautiful we are seeing something that is useful to our survival? Recent postings have touched on thoughts about the relative speeds of conscious and unconscious activity. Often analysis of information takes us further away. The batsman has not the time to analyse the best approach for a shot, the art expert sees a forgery yet is unable to articulate why he knows it is a fake. Ll verification systems flounder next to human judgement. The intuitive response that kicks in and is closer to our animal nature can be seen as superior to our slow, conscious judgements. If you were attacked by a tiger your survival would depend on your animal reaction, not on your intellect. Intelect is often over rated. It was whilst watching a kestrel hover that I began this chain of thought. The kestrels brain controlled the bird with subtle, minute and perfect changes to its wings that kept its head a fixed point in space. The infinite complexity of air turbulence is way beyond our reasoning. This made me think of the countless aspects of our own movements and practices from making furniture to cycling to walking that require far more difficult neuro circuits. Consciousness, self awareness, the bit we brag about, the bit that allows us to separate ourselves from other animals is not as good as we think.

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