Saturday 9 January 2010

Brick Chair - Back in the magazines

Looks like the Brick Chair number 2 is going to be back in the magazines. Hope they get at least some degree of it's meening this time. The generic chair form is used to invert or turn terraced housing of my teens inside out. A wrap around of the exterior, a house pulled through infinity. Much of historic furniture is based on architecture, David Linley uses the architecture of his youth to colour his work. I am doing the same here, the terraced housing of inner city Leeds is used to express feelings about class, housing and culture. Scale was a major influence, some people lose thier sense of perspective, I have lost my sense of scale. As many builders seal newspapers and messages inside walls I have sealed a message written on paper, sealed inside this piece. So much went in to the making that my starting point became lost at times. The outside pulled through infinity and inverted and returned to an interior setting. There was, at the start, a part of me wanting to admit my voirism. Walking home through streets of suburban stasis it is impossible not to be caught by an open lit up window. Like a television set you are drawn to watch the family doing thier normal stuff. Outside is dark, you are hidden, thier front window is like a television set. You can watch families just doing normal stuff. Only a numbskull could not be drawn in to being a peeping Tom. Outside you are safe, hidden, they are comnpletely unaware of you yet they feel a sense of security, a sheet of 6mm glass is all between you and them. You can walk right up to the window undetected and watch.

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