Tuesday 29 May 2012


I am told that time is not as it appears to us. I believe that consciousness evolved as a fantastic survival system. If life is beautiful and precious we want to continue. Some things we are better not knowing. The fact that one day we die causes problems. We know this is true but our consciousness must be designed to not truly believe it.
Reason helps us to avoid danger. It is dependent on an understanding of cause and effect. This, in turn is dependent on linear time. Because of this I do not hold with all of Einstein as I understand his theory. To some degree our perception of time must be true. 
So I come to thick time. Around a person time becomes more viscous. As though you are in a sea that becomes treacle like around you but lossens up the further from you it gets. The recent past leaves a sort of echo; memory of the moment lingers, the recent past is still happening but a bit less than now and as it drifts further in to the past it is happening less. Through anticipation the near future is happening more than next week which is happening more than next year. Our appreciation of music is dependent on this. We hear not just the note that is now but the chain as it flows in to 'now' and out again. A single note is of little interest. Language operates in a similar way. As you read this you maybe on the current word but the foundations of understanding depend on the previous words. Another way to picture this is to imagine a stretched sheet of lycra. Now, imagine running your finger underneath it applying pressure to form a parabaloid cone that slides along. The point where your finger touches but because of the thickness of time recnt and soon to happen time is closer to now than other time.

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