Wednesday 27 June 2012


Don Drapers poetic presentation of his ideas for the 'wheel' for slide projectors in Madmen series 1 was beautiful and slick. Who would have thought it was him who named the product. In the same episode, the office are discussing the Nixon versus Kennedy election making it 1960. To think this product, the slide carousel was still being used when I was lecturing until the late 90s. That's 40 years until cd projectors came in to common use. In 12 years since then this has been superseded, twice at least. The speed products become obsolete is getting faster. Cameron's government are set on reducing the benefit bill. The country needs to save some money. But the future of the planet, the future for our children should come first. I am. Ot sp sure that troubles aren't nearer than we think. Resources are being used up at phenomenal speed. A child of the fifties used a fraction of the material resources during their lives than a child of just a decade later. People now are consuming in gross quantities yet blindly breeding. They are oblivious to what is happening. Culturally, and the government are key in this, make the case that it matters not how much you use so long. You pay for it. The payer of the most tax is considered most virtuous. I would like to suggest a different way of looking at things. The most socially responsible is the least selfish. The one who saves most for future generations. Those who are prepared to not work, to consume minimal resources are most noble. If anyone reading this has fallen for the propaganda vilifying the poor, think again. Look up to those who volunteer not to work. What would we have them do? There is a reason we have high unemployment. We have most of what we need. Using diminishing resources to make product no one needs is foolish. Look up too to those who choose not to breed. The single greenest, least selfish act a human can do.

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