Saturday 11 December 2010


I just read a posting of an elloquence I can but dream of regarding a previous posting I made on the FDMA.
This reminds me that, though the Skreeworld blog following is small it includes;
Artist Paulus Fryus
Other Criteria, Damien Hirst,
The Outcasts motorcycle club,
Poog, chief of Ignit Ploaeg,
the Drainspotter supreme,
Jon Jailblogger,
Ben Prison blogger,
The Skreeworld church of Water tower research,
Mark E Smith,
the family and estate of Philip K Dick,
Nik Turner Hawkspit,
Ron Tree Hawkwind,
Threadbare associatses,
Gareth Ne3al,
Rachel Hutchinson,
Magnus furniture,
the Wrong Arab,
T bone Heatherwick,
regarding TV chefs we go MPW as he not only shares my initials and early stomping grounds but was a mate of our Kid, sides which Rammo is just an imploding cunt, MPW is a vastly superior chef, a detail that has become lost in all this. Marco brought us cuisine, Rammo et al, just cashed in. There was a time when Skreeworld yearned to have it out in a street fight with Thpittle Thpraying fat twat Oliver, now it would give far more pleasure to give Gordon Rammo a good kicking.
We are LUFC fans though dislike football, in the premiership we are tangerine.
Our blood is shed in many fields.

and many, many others who I choose to preserve thier anonymity.

love to you all


1 comment:

  1. Glad you found it interesting. The full (though incomplete at the time of the author's death in 1918) text is available here
    Randolph Bourne was writing in reflection on the US participation in WW1, though his analysis goes to the heart of American society at the time and of western societies generally, including our own now, here in England and beyond.
    It is perhaps absurd to apply his insights to the petty concerns of FDMA - and yet they are disturbingly valid. DMOU is the Nation; FDMA the State; the Committee the Government. You can see all the black essences that Bourne identifies creeping out in some of the postings on the Forum about FDMA since the first 'unsuccessful' ballot.
    What is the moral for us in voting on it again? Two of the original No votes I know, the third I guess at.
