Saturday 6 September 2014

Yeah, Superstition

I spent a lot of time a and effort posting on the dangers of superstition and for sure it is what you fill in the gaps in with. And now, not wanting to put humanity down too much, we must know very little of the whole of what there is to know. So our science, ini its entirety, must be pretty much comparable to one tear of frustration in the ocean. In fact I may be being a tad generous here. If we divide the tear of frustration, place it on a sheet of glass, now smear it until the tiniest visible piece we can detect, then go drop that in the ocean we may be closer to the truth. But we do know something. Now imagine the scale  of stuff we don't know. The stuff that isn't that smear. It makes most people not bother trying to know anything much.
There are also two kinds of knowing. Knowing how and knowing that. This micro moisture smear is what we know that. An example of knowing that is knowing that leeds is in Yorkshire. Knowing how is a never ending practice like knowing how to play the guitar. The leeds Yorkshire thing is done and you need not attend to it again unless you have to sit a geography exam or something. Guitar playing, painting, cabinet making, glass blowing are never complete. You never know it all. It can also fool the arrogant, "yeah, I can play guitar".
There are many who will argue that know how isn't real knowledge. The remnants of the class system still look down on a person who works with their hands as if they can be operated without a brain.
So if our droplet of knowledge is all we truly 'know', then everything else we fill in the gaps with (and remember there's a whole universe of them out there) is superstition, at best educated guess.
A life spent in pursuit of knowledge (know that) is interesting but I am glad that I chose a know how pursuit as my life's work. I am proud to be a maker. I spend a lot of time as a hobby reading to gain knowledge so as I can spout off on my blog but my 'knowing thats' are not in the same realm of confidence I have in my making. I also know that my learning in making can have no conclusion.
Know how is empowering too. Nothing makes me smile more than a money man with some broken utensil essential to their journey, be it a car or a door.

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