Tuesday 7 April 2015

Shaky - continued

a peace convoy of vehicles toured to sites and partied on LSD still floating about from before the barbaric operation julie with new chemists producing lower quality acid aligned with England and Wales natural sacrament, psylocibin. Liberty cap mushrooms then legal saw a growing rejection of the growing Grey. These brightly coloured vehicles often on sacred sites, held gatherings to mirror jesses multi coloured rock and roll underground. Stonehenge became the scene where those unsatisfied by Stevens paltry girations gathered, numbering some 40000 before it was declared their temple out of bounds. The Battle of the Beanfield saw men, women and children violently beaten, their homes destroyed. Nostal Priory another destruction of the colourful transcendent peoples.
Travellers continued but a darkness was spreading. A more aggressive type drawn from the poverty created by the smashing of industry. Making itself became frowned on. Working with ones hands became seen as the activity of rude mechanicals, creatures of lesser intelect. Followers of the new Puritanism took to paper shuffling jobs and dreams of winning a video recorder or the never achievable Ford Fiesta on bullseye. This programme, presented by northerner jim Bowen offered their sole hope of escape from drudgery. Occasionaly the speed boat was won but stood idle, far from shore and any funding to get the things to water, gathering green lichen.
Children around askern to this day, the few who don't succumb to heroin but eat of the Liberty cap sometimes go missing. Parents make no madaline McCann like hunting but bow their heads, knowing they have found openings. Abandoned mine shafts, bravely finding jesse and joining. These lost children rarely spoken of. If mentioned a bowing of the head. An embarrassed silence from parents who knew how close they had come.
. Jesse will be 85 this year. Small unconnected groups still search. The new lysergics recently emerging alongside the secret DMT networks, fuel these small bands. It is their responsibility to keep up the search. I, myself, recently abandoned my old life to fully commit to the search. Weekend ventures to labyrinths, tunnels, abandoned underground networks led me to come close. I heard the weird sounds. The booming, twisted rock and roll, unlike any music one can imagine, as far from Shakin Stevens as one can imagine. Now I search full time. Jesses not going to be around forever, 15 years tops. Albert Hoffman, the first to synthesise LSD and a lifetime user, though at micro dosage, something largely untried, lived to 102. Jesse should make this. Micro dosing may not deliver transcendence of the scale many enjoy on 450ug doses but having 'seen' perhaps Hoffman knew more. Certainly an avenue to explore. 1p-LSD is legal still as is AL-LAD throughout Europe. Through these concerted efforts, focusing exclusively on the search, I see a major break through before two decades are up.

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