Monday 27 June 2011

Back in Somerset

After the magical night in Hebden Bridge that I have yet to describe, I drove through the night which seemed swift. I didn't feel tired and had a load of information to disassemble. First thing I did, as the day awoke to birdsong was take Tex for a walk. I love the world before 'they' are up though usually see it from the previous day, not being an early riser. I thought about dogs, something I have thought about a lot these last ten years. Dogs and owners and wha thy make them. There are the odd genetic psycho dogs but most of it is owners. For five years I walked Tex 5 miles, now he is older and only needs short walks. He has never bitten anyone. He is the best part of me.
I heard my friends had dragged the body of a Tory politician from a portaloo at Glastonbury where he had died from a cocaine induced heart attack.

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