Friday 17 June 2011

Skree is not burned out

Work for money has precluded work for artistic expression of late. There is a pattern forming though, an evolving journey of thought. Taking the industrial architecture of the Towers and the reassurance of The Edgelands, a whole system of observation is becoming clear. Today found me in the rain, exploring the quarrys. I recall the, lets face it, pretty poor Banksy car though the vast expanse of land has the work of many artists, from authodox grafitti to melted tar holding artifacts. The parties that have taken place there have all left marks, the industrial herritage has sculpted an immense area. If you get on google earth and check out just how much of the land has been destroyed for Yeomans, Hansons and Wainwright it disturbs. Yet this brownfield site is littered with flowers, art is everywhere, burnt out wrecks soon drift into nature and a fascinating environment is there to explore. Charred remains of outdated vehicles, detritus from traveller always becomes beautiful given a year or two.
Across the road where the lakes where the Ketamin fishing trip took place and the folly of the victorian grotto still remain offer a more traditional beauty yet the quarry remains are closer to my heart.

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