Saturday 23 July 2011

Amy Winehouse RIP

Very upsetting when a young addict dies. Her history of drug use is well known and it is clear she fore saw what may happen. Clearly she was forced in to rehab when unready. Her clean system couldnt take the strain. This is a drug story, not a music story. It has implications for the new governments deterimation to stop maintenance prescriptions. Facebook is awash with false sympathy for someone they never knew. I have a good 10 close freinds died from depression or drugs who achieved many things. Sadly folk cling to people they never knew in the hope it may validate them. Amy was the Lady Di of the drug world. Tonight my thoughts are with Peter, he was their target. They would be revelling now. Whatever idiot thought that drug addiction is a cold you can kick in a few days, and I have heard some say withdrawall is five days of flu. Let me tell you, it is 6 months before your endorphins come close to normallity, so they pushed her out, on stage, soul in tatters, then are surprised she is dead now? She was murdered. I will not pretend I met her. I have my own freinds who suffered and died, Wid, Win, Richard, Martin, Bev... I could go on, I won't fake greif for strangers.

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