Thursday 2 April 2015

Thursday morning

Waking today I feel good bar an alcohol hangover. I met two of the other lads here La's night.  They seem decent folk.  One is also a long term subutex taker though less than half my time by some measure. Still enjoying his period of freedom from heroin, not yet aware of howit affects you over a longer time frame. This whole venture is to get off subutex. To find out what lays underneath. There are similarities to a long jail sentence. Of the world changing as your life stays fixed in time.
After a trip to town a wave of withdrawall symptoms put me to bed for a few hours.
On waking a heap of wood, carwheels, fridges and a moped, amassed for scrap was stacked. I had meant to help kipper in his toxic unholy fire. A fire to clear plastics and rubber from metal to be weighed in so as to buy fuel for his trip to somerset and a more anarchic site for someone's birthday party.
I joined up and chatted over the site in bath where the council have paved, Tarmaced, built turf covered buildings so travellers can be allocated a plot and charged £102 a week rent to stay. Thus shielding an eyesore from visiting tourists. The rent saved over the years by those volunteering to live outside the system now lost as some liberal politician stated, 'everyone has a right to a home'. Now all visitors must be booked in. Cameras watch their every move when surely a concrete conventional dwelling must surely be preferable. Such is the governments aims for the last dregs of the New Age traveller movement. Average life expectancy now a heady 47 to the gypsy 55.
The fire raised my spirits and warmed my recovering body. Later we retired to kippers to watch bullseye where I drank more than I ought to feeding on bacon, beans and sausages.
I slept easily and happily, waking to nothing more than sweats. Hopefully I can shift the subutex swiftly before a gradual benzo descent.

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