Tuesday 6 October 2009

Shivering Sands

you know that feeling when you have an idea and then find out its been done, probably better than you would have done it yourself, http://seafort.org/blog/index.htmt.
After the Moortown Water tower and Bath gas silos expeditions I asked Kipper if he fancied another adventure. I had just watched 'Slade in Flame' and thier is a scene where they go to a pirate radio station to be interviewd for 'city radio', I had imagined this was a fantasy place but reading a Rolling Stones history they occurred again.I consulted the Oracle and they still exist. My plan was to get down the Thames estuary and get on to them. However it's already been done so check out this guys blog. I'd wanted to just have a secret invasion with my fellow adventurer Kipper but Stephen Turner, artist, has already done it. Shivering Sands Army Fort, the home of Radio City still exists. It was built on land in 1942 and floated out in 1943. First 4 naval forts were completed as a naval defence to preotect shipping, later it was decided that a further 3 ports were needed closer to land to protect the city from aircraft. Essentially concrete foundations were created in dry dock. These were floated out to position and allowed to sink. These foundations supported 7 in total. There were 4 3.7inch gun towers, a single bofors tower and a searchlight tower, each tower was connected by single walkways of steel.
7th May 1964 Radio Sutch, created by the legendary Screaming Lord Sutch began, he soon tired of the idea in the war of 'pirate' radio stations, named so because they were mainly broafdcasting from ships further than 3 miles off coast. He sold the project to Reg Calvin in september 64. In 1965 the platform was boarded and they went on air for a few days during disputes over rival pirate stations. During this dispute Reg Calvin was shot dead but the station went back on air, this is what the scene in 'Slade in Flame' is based on. It went silent in 1967.
It was in 2005 that Stephen Turner made, in my view, one of the best blogs of all time.

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