Saturday 14 November 2009

England lose again

Well first of all England competed for 2 thirds of the game, from being ahead 16 14 they went on to lose 46 16. For me the player of the series has been Thurston, closely followed by Lockyer and Ingliss. Eastmond for England was outstanding, Sinfield until tonight. England are 20 minutes off being as good as Australia and that is pretty fucking good.
The true winner tonight was Rugby League, as I listened in the texts poured in from die hard Union fans acknowledging that this was the better sport to watch. Their parrallel series has been a dour kick, chase, scrummage mess with hardly a try, no running with the ball. As a spectater sport Rugby League is now so far ahead that I think we need not even mention the crap they are watching. Rugby union is just boring shite. Rugby League is the Greatest Game of All.
The sooner we forget the truly rubbish establishment product, the better. Thier will always be the odd idiot who wants to get on Stricktly Come Dancing after his career, not have to train so hard, go in to semi retirement, union offers all this. Bath players taking cocaine, see how long you would last in league if you took coke on a weekend.
My hatred of union goes way back to the aparthied days when if a player so much as had a trial for a league team they were banned forever from the upper class, establishment game. Note that the league game was stamped out for a while in southern fance as the union players joinede the nazi party whilst the league players joined the resistance. Long live the Catalan Dragons.
Basically union is bad, boring and evil.
League is good, exciting and good.

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