Friday 27 November 2009

what occurs as natural

Earlier in the year i got to wondering how many people had climbed up moortown water tower. I was amazed when Fred told me, that as a boy, he had been to the top. I have been up many times as a youth. I returned this year to relive the experience, A friend pointed out that there are probably far less than I had thought because it wouldnt occor to most people to do it. I think this is where the difference between natural artists and trained artists lies. Some of us have no choice. Strange things appear to us as being normal. Others want to understand us so they go to college, read, study and try to understand why the naturals do what they do. Art should be intuitive, instinctual, I saw 'School of Saatchi' last week and bar a few comments it seemed a sad reflection on the judges as they repeatedly had to ask 'why is this art?' It was clear that Tracy Emin wasn't able to grasp what the young artists were showing her, a good example of a 'trained' artist. Art school gave her everything, intuition nothing.
Intuition is close to art, it is how many negotiate the world. Some havre no instinct left, nothing to separate them from the crowd. The purchase of product provides temporary relief. An ipod, a BMW, a rolex, i have personallity, they cry, yet it only lies in the intuitive. They are just consumers. There are also 'observers' who study people, wildlife.
We talk nas if animals have only instinct but now we are learning animals have exactly the same emotions as us. The inverse is also true. We act on instinct more than we would like to think. Science replaced God but didnt account for why we might climb water towers for the experience, make sculpture, recognise a good man from a bad man.

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