Saturday 24 April 2010

MDMA in England and America

I was reading a passage in Ann Powers 'Weird like us' about the comparative difference of MDMA on English opposed to American culture. Only in Britain did rave culture fully evolve in to the quasi religious mass ceremonies that dominated the 1990s. America, perhaps still recovering from the acid evolutionary trigger and the subsequent dissolution and and Altamont come down from the Woodstock utopia felt too fearful or cynical to let a new mass enlightenment happen so quickly. They had a greatewr access to computers and the 2 combined to isolate, which is essemntially the downfall of the computer from the distancing of socal networking sites that are anathema to the physically and tactile beauty of MDMA . A combination of MDMA and the internet cancelled each other out for the yanks. Over here, the internet brought the tribal party to an end. Once my generations brains were fried and the serotonin loss left us two paths. Those who had partied the hardest sought solace in the sudden abundance of heroin. I put my own dalliance with heroin directly down to the shattered brain of my ecstasy years. Others found the computer then, I wish I had, it may have prevented my lost years and metabolic change that heroin ultimately and invsariably causes. I hate heroin now. I what it did to me. I hate how it cut like a scythe through my generation and all the funerals of lost friends weigh heavily on me. The combination of Ketamin and the internet, though sa minor chunk of cultural history and something I have seldom enjoyed, if enjoy is the word is like a leap in to the distant future. I am scared of Ketamin. Too powerful a drug and very dangerous. Acid gives pseudo hallucinations. You see things that arent there but on some level you know they are unreal however vivid. With Ketamin you truly are in a different world. Together with the computer it is like jumping a century in to the future. The experience is terrifying yet perhaps the furthest evolutionary state a human can find. Ketamin is a drug too powerfully hallucinogenic, too intoxicating to really play a culturally significant role in the way MDMA or acid did. There is no real communicaton possible with others while under its influence. The first time I took it I had no idea what to expect, being familiar with cocaine I thought I'd hoover up  a big line. Within a few minutes I knew not who or where I was. I was on the top floor of a vast skyscraper in a science fiction future that was vastly complex, detailed and completely real. I was sprawled on the floor. Since then I have hardly taken the drug and carefully apart from maybe on the Ketamin Fishing Expedition that ended in my friend having to be dragged back from burrowing under the cast polished aluminium of the lake and me falling through a rotten woo pier whilst trying a bit of moonligt spinning and drenching myself head to toe. With my computer and a lower dose, it is the nearest I have felt to the tip of the arrowhead of evolution. I am growing older and caution overrides my search for adventure on occassion. I still embark on madcap schemes like the escalation of industrial buildings , art projects investigating the underworld. Risking your life is one thing, risking your mind a far more terrifyimg prospect.

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