Thursday 6 May 2010

Jigsaw project

The jigsaw project which has changed from moving the town of Frome to Holcombe quarry as it is a hole in the Mendips bigger than Frome, 12 inch cube swaps. First fitted really well as bath stone is soft and easily sculpted. The project was dropped. However, we have decided that, taking the odd blinfold airrifle shot at the map of Frome, locating the spot, cutting out a cube and swapping it with a mapped out relative cube of ground in the quarry on occassion isnt a bad idea. Unfortunately, some arent good shots. This piece came from Bath, a really poor shot. We got the cube and swapped today. The odd switched cube of reality cant do much harm. Our Hi Viz kit is looking a bit crappy though and perhaps a limit of twelve cube shifts is advisable before they get on to us.

1 comment:

  1. I shall view all road works in a new light now in case it is you. Hooray for sanity.
