Tuesday 13 September 2011


With a lot of my photography I try to reveal the fantastic within the mundane. From manhole covers I have progressed to pavement details. Wierd thing is, the beauty just doesn't stop, however far you go. Essentially it is about looking. A journey as far away as possible from those shouting for glory or attention like kids desperate for approval. This pavement deail is no more and no less than any art I see today. Even George Shaw, whose work I respect greatly can appear laboured. He's the closest I have seen to capturing 'now' though, and am backing him for the Turner Prize. It has taken me over 40 years to get back to where I started in a way yet , though as a child I may have been closer to the detail and equally entranced by the substance of, say, the ground, I am now more able to articulate looking at the floor.
As earlier , even recent pictures show, I spend a lot of time looking up, I seldom waste time on the tired, worn out eye level bracket that is the haunt of most artists, or, more simply, those who spend time training the eye.

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