Monday 1 March 2010

Meat is Murder

I sympathise with vegans, vegetarians are sitting on the wall. It was when man started eating meat that all this self awareness and higher consciousness started. From now on I will not eat any meat unless I have killed it myself or seen how it was farmed. Factory farming is wrong. If you have the stealth and desire to be out in the wild and the satrength to look an animal in it's eyes then you have the right to eat meat. I will hunt with rod and real, I will hunt with air rifle. The purest meat I ate recently came from a perfect shot to the heart from my rifle in to the heart of a full grown wood pigeon. A clean painless death that few creatures, man or beast are lucky enough to recieve. The wood pigeon is over abundant as is the rabbit, not even native to these isles nor the pheasant, a product of farming, without breading they would die out in an estimated 25 years.
I have a huge respect for anglers, they study the waters, learn where fish opporate, always first to see pollution. Without them our rivers would be sewers. I'm no shotgun type, I prefer the stealth of pitting my wits against the animal. Prizes are rare and meat should be a special treat.
The veggies are right for the masses yet without anglers and air rifle hunters, who knows how bad the environment would become. I once read about an animal rights group vandalising the vehicles of those anglers, studying what and where creatures live in our waters and feel they are misguided idiots. They couldnt tell a perch from a pike and aim to stop the ongoing study anglers perform.

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