Friday 8 August 2014


What must it be like for paul chambers in jail for a murder he didn't committ. Charlie is a pretty girl, she had a traveller marriage to chris, half his age. They moved on to a small site with a lad called Lenny. The landowner who had tolerated his caravan couldn't handle the travellers and wanted them all off. It was the yard ao a disused pub on the edge of semmington. They were all coming off gear, drinking and doing Valium too take the edge off. Lenny lost it. He'd lost his home. He swung a machete through chambers caravan missing his head by inches. There are various stories but the most accurate saw charlie, the twenty four year old girl swing an axe at his shoulder nearly killing him. They should have took him to hospital. Chambers, in misguided loyalty helped bundle what the they thought was Lennys body in to the back od his hatchback. They drove him off with a view to bury him. A witness claims to see a bloodied figure sit up in the back of the car.
A farmer found his body in a shallow grave. A crap attempt to burn off DNA. He had been strangled. No one knows what happened bar those there. Chambers hadn't the physical strength to kill Lenny. Nor Charlie. Traveller loyalty made charlie go no comment. Chambers claimed little hoping chris told the truth. Chris said, when they were about to bury him he wandered off to get hi fags, when he got back, Lenny was dead. Basically he lied and grassed up chambers. Chambers daft loyalty has seen him with a fifteen year sentence when all he did was help hide a body. That's not a nice crime but there's thie joint enterprise law. If no one admits to being the central protagonist, the courts treat them all as though they were equally guilty. Only one person had the physical strength to kill Lenny. If he admitted the crime his wife could be free. Chambers could be free. He rings me each week and has done for three years but there is little I can do. Within the travel,Inge community there are two points of view on this murder. One, never talk to the law. And two, you are effectively grassing up in lie two relatively innocent people.

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