Tuesday 12 August 2014

New Key Worker

Perhaps robin Williams death is timely for me to talk about my treatment. I kicked off badly at the drug service s a few weeks back during my psychotic episode. Unless you have been there it is impossible to explain the frustration of knowing you are psychotic yet knowing parts of what you are trying to communicate are real sense. I scared them. I asked for a new key worker. There was no way we could work together. She had been to college. She had even experimented with ketamine and endured a brief heroin habit. I am 48. I told her it was like talking to a child. My 35 years of practical study aligned with a voracious appetite to read anything I could on the subject of drugs and addiction lefft us unable to communicate. This sounds arrogant and perhaps is a little but her knowledge is as a child compared to mine..
My new worker appears ok but it always takes a while to figure out their agenda. I have been in treatment for mental health since school, and drug addiction some 15 years. I've seen policy change over the years. New approaches, fresh outlooks. Some have been brilliant. It is, indeed brilliant the British model of treating addiction as a health issue at all, some countries are back in the dark ages of wrapping it in with crime.
Followers of skreeworld blog will know that I agree with francis cricks Astonishing Hypothesis, that all our dreams, all our loves, all our transcendent moments are material. It is time to begin to  think scientifically about consciousness (and its relationship, if any, to the hypothetical Immortal soul). It is time to grow up and accept as we did with Galileo and Darwin s ideas that we are not dealing with the supernatural. The implications of this acceptance are vast. Depressives, like diabetics, are born with erratic serotonin and other neurotransmitters. Addicts may well be born with insufficient natural endorphins. Blaming the ill can not continue. The barbarism of blaming the depressive for thier condition is as moronic as blaming those who suffer from Down's syndrome, from the countless misfortunes of birth. It is as if we still embrace the Middle Ages where the unusual were prodded and poked to freak shows if they were lucky enough not to be considered the spawn of the devil.
If this single issue is the one my writing changes a few people's thoughts on then my blog will have been worth it.
Your key worker has great power over you, even if they are not very bright. Lets give this one a chance.

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