Thursday 7 August 2014


Dogs growl. Or run off and play. On leads they strain to interact. Dogs seldom hurt people. Sometimes people have a puppy as a surrogate child, it grows. Then they have a baby. Then the dog kills what has taken its love. You read these occassional stories where a child is left alone with a dog and the dog attacks the child. what fool would leave a powerful beast alone with a child used to protection and spoiling. I love to watch my dog running with other dogs. I love when they wrestle. Real dog fights, fights to hurt or kill are very rare, mostly its boisterous play. I'm going to get a warning, do not touch sign for Dook. People just come over and stick their hands in his face. They see him tied outside a shop, totally scared and vulnerable, yet some perverse drive makes them go try touch. Serves them right if they get bitten really. Chained up, totally vulnerable. Some idiot tries to touch his face. I honestly wonder if you were walking down the street with your child and strangers came up and started touching their faces, how would you feel. How would your child fell? I'll be walking down the street and there's just not enough space so you have to have them on leads. Refused the chance to say hello they growl. People see this and think its vicious. Its not. If you ever see a reall dog fight you will know the difference. Some dogs are pets. The more basic dogs, those closer to wolves are never really pets. They will always retain the capacity to do what they want. They are still wild. Clear up their shit in public places. Take them out early, before the tame folk are up.

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