Saturday 7 August 2010

Drug policy

It is rare that skreeworld ventures in to the world of politics though after Camerons first comments as prime minister on drugs policy we feel obliged to comment. The man is clearly inexperienced and after insuling  Zadari, pakistan prime minister regarding terrorism, his wife was killed by terrorists and the slimy cunt Cameron feels equiped to comment. He is now talking out of his arse again, increasing money for residential rehabs whilst stopping maintenance prescriptions for opiate addicts. Virtually all unemployed drug addicts, certainly all who are forced in to rehab, have an expensive holiday at the tax payers expense, then return to the same environment they came from and back to drugs. There are the odd case where someone determined to escape succeeds , very few. The opiate replacement programme maintenance may not be ideal but we don't live in an ideal world. It allows opiate addicts to function and contribute to society. Hold down a job. Keep away from street drugs. Improve thier lives. And then, when they are capable, stop taking drugs. Prison places are to be cut, benefits cut, opiate replacements cut. A recipe for disasater.
The attitudes toward what a human chooses to put in to thier system, what they choose to hunt are analogous to our attitudes to sexuality in the 1950s. Whilst we make criminals of those who choose a different path we will have to pay to imprison fox hunters, heroin addicts etc. People whos only crime is engaging in activity the current politicians deem wrong. The reality of drug addiction is best understood in these terms, of the way we have come to think of sexual preference, how we think of hunting, how we think of mental health. Imposing opinions on how to 'cure' an addict is akin to trying to 'cure' a homosexual. Most are self medicating to combat poor mental health or poor living conditions, take these away and you are half way to a solution. The explosion of heroin in this country is parrallel to our invasion of Afhganistan. Heroin was rare in the 70s. It wasnt until the 1990s that the drug became an epidemic throughout britain. Unless people can return from rehab to a society without the drug abundantly available there is no point in this rehab bullshit. Finally, the prejudice view that drug addicts are bad people is like saying all black men are pimps. Raccism is no longer acceptable, sexism is no longer acceptable. I argue that drugism is no longer acceptable and equally biggotted. If a white straight man robs you it doesnt meen all white straight men are bad. I am fortunate to be white, straight, in work. Cameron has lit the fuse to a time bomb that will see riots and social disruption the like of which we have never seen. Clegg is despicable, abandoning his own morrality for power.

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