Thursday 19 August 2010

Skreeworld War on Guilt

Since Skreeworlds decision to wage war against an emotion, somethuing long considered impossible until the genii Bush and Blair went to war against terror or being scared, a noble just and Christian war, no one wants to be scared so , together they murdered man, woman and child in some of the worlds poorest countries. Hang on, thats' wrong somehow, sorry, they were evil tyrants who spread terror. Never mind, the point is they permitted the concept of waging war on an emotion and here at Skreeworld we often feel guilty about something. In fact just the other day I opened the door, being a gentleman to an angry seperatist feminist who lambasted me for sexism, 'I can open my own doors, thank you!' she informed me. I already knew that and wanted toexplain the cultural upbringing I had had, even indoctrination, to put women and children first, but it was too late. She was gone. Since then a sense of low level guilt has been clouding my days. I just can't shake it off. Each morning I wake feeling guilty about something. So the war on guilt goes on.

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